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I tried searching the forum but didn't find what I needed.


I have trichotillomania. I have a daughter who struggles with trich and one with dermatillomania. You guys clued me in to this NAC supplement, so I ordered some. It's in a powder form. I started taking it yesterday.


I can't find good information on dosing. Curious what dose others are using for adults and children. I'm taking 1800mg a day.


How long before I can expect to see some results?


What is the best way to take this nasty stuff? I tried grape juice--no good. Decided to work with the sourness and mixed it in homemade lemonade today and that was tolerable but still a little hard to drink. Not sure I can convince either of my daughters to try it unless I can make it more palatable. My 19 yr old--I especially want her to try it, but she doesn't swallow pills--of any kind--no matter how small. (I could start another thread on that alone.) My 11 year old can swallow an ibuprofen size pill, but I don't think she could swallow a big capsule of this stuff. 



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We're using it for OCD. (I know there is even more research out there for trichotillomania). 


We purchase it in capsules. I think that's preferred--both for taste (it's so bitter) and because it degrades with exposure. But if they can't swallow pills you don't have a choice. I remember I bought several things to try to teach pill swallowing back when my son was younger--a cup, some goopy glide stuff, probably more. I don't remember any of them being terribly successful. He just ended up learning with apple sauce or something I think. I know it can be a phobia almost. 


My son has been taking 2400 in twice a day doses, (two 600 mg capsules morning and two night) since he was, I think, 10. That's also the dose used in this pediatric clinical trial trichotillomania study with kids 8-17. https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT00993265 


It takes a while to kick in and help once you get to the full dose. In some adult trials I saw wording such as "response was noted at 12 weeks," and the trial I linked was 12 weeks. A friend noticed her son took 12 weeks total and 9 weeks on full dose before she began seeing improvement. So I'm going to say give it 12 weeks before you decide whether it helps. I hope it does. 

Edited by sbgrace
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How my kiddo finally learned to swallow pills:  http://research4kids.ucalgary.ca/pill-study especially video #2, the duck shake


If you need to do liquid, I'd definitely use PharmaNac, though it is expensive (we prefer pomegranate flavor; we thought apple did not taste as good), sometimes with a splash of juice.  https://www.amazon.com/PharmaNAC-effervescent-tablets-BioAdvantex-N-acetylcysteine/dp/B01LQNN0XI/ref=sr_1_1_a_it?ie=UTF8&qid=1490967818&sr=8-1&keywords=pharmanac (huh, this looks like a new flavor!)

Edited by wapiti
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A friend of mine taught her teens to swallow pills with drinking through a straw rather than taking a drink normally--you might see if that helps them learn. She was surprised how quickly they learned that way.



How my kiddo finally learned to swallow pills:  http://research4kids.ucalgary.ca/pill-study especially video #2, the duck shake



Ok, these are really interesting ideas! We've started with using Nerds. They're teeny tiny. We found that even just the act of swallowing the water in a gulp (minus the small thing) was challenging. So that's where we had to start. We got it to work with some Nerds, then we got busy. 

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we take NOW NAC 600mg capsules, guided by a ND. 


dudeling takes 1 am/pm - so 1200mg per day,  and has since he was seven.  he could take a higher dose - but he starts to react.  I take 2 am/pm.


eta: I've had times when I've seen the supplements benefit in the absence as opposed to the use.  and NAC was one of those - especially for dudeling.  I'd run out, and didn't rush out to replace it right away.  he was off of it for nearly a month - it took a week to get him back where he was benefiting.

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