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The Slacker Teachers Lounge 3-27-2017


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Slacker, you say? Come right in!


Calling myself a slacker today because I've been up since about 7:15 and got a few things done

but COMPLETELY SPACED on opening the lounge. Oi! Anyway, here we are! Welcome!


What have you been up to today? Here: played a game of Scrabble online, some personal Bible study, a business call, a chiro appt, got some groceries, now eating lunch and playing another Scrabble game online. B-)


How was your weekend? Here: decent. Hubby was paid (miserly, but paid) on Friday so did some thrift store shopping this weekend. Plus church. Did space a concert I wanted to go to. Maybe today's Lounge should be called the "spacey teachers lounge." B-)


What's your favorite movie? Here: mine is Labyrinth. The one made in 1986 with David Bowie and the Jim Henson Creations. It's entertaining and there are SO many good lessons in that storyline. I learn something new each time I watch it!


Talk to me! :bigear:

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Hi Scrap! I actually looked for today's lounge about an hour ago and didn't see it. 


We watched half of the first episode of American Genius (that one's about Jobs vs Gates). Celery had an hour of speech, during which I got a haircut (last one was late Oct or early Nov). Broccoli did some Mathseeds during that time, since they extended his trial by 2 weeks (the 4 week trial had ended a few weeks ago, and I didn't buy it, so I think they were hoping that by giving *one* of my kids a 2 week extension, the other might nag me into buying it or something - but Celery doesn't have much interest in Reading Eggspress anymore and is too old for Mathseeds, which only goes up to the beginning of 3rd grade or so at the moment). Oh, and we had matzos with butter and sugar, with the butter being lamb-shaped (because Broccoli was insisting last week that you cannot mold butter). When I was a kid we had matzos on Easter, but I can't be bothered to wait that long, lol. The kids played outside with a new Pokeball (an actual foam ball the size and shape of the balls used in the Pokemon TV series). We listened to some music, and the kids drew Piplup using the instructions from Art for Kids Hub, and then both of them managed to color it wrong, so it looked like it had an egg shell on its head, so then we watched an episode of Calimero in Dutch.


So, yeah, definitely slackers today. Though while they were outside I a) put a bunch of laundry away, and b) selected parts of a book (CAT test prep for 2nd/5th grade) for them to work on (I'd told them we'd do some school after they came in, which, I think, on the bright side encouraged them to play outside longer), so they'll be doing that in a minute. Oh, and Celery asked for Mystery Science just now, so we may get around to that later. 


Need to go now.

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Today: We did school.  I went to the dentist (no cavities).


Weekend: It was good.  The little guys, Jamie, and I went to an advance screening of The Boss Baby.  It was so good.  Very cute.  Pollen is kicking our butts, though.  We desperately need rain so it can get washed away.


Favorite Movie: Miracle on 34th Street.  The original.

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I'm a slacker in the exercise dept today. I'll just call it a rest day, though, and be fine. ;)


There has been freezing rain coming down all day, so I stayed indoors and did some much needed teaching and admin tasks. 


My weekend was really nice. I went skiing with a tennis friend, and played tennis with that same friend. I also watched my two classical guitar boys perform with their group. I love the sound of classical guitar music, but my favourite song they play is the jazz song Take Five. They have a great arrangement.


ETA: My favourite movie: I'm not sure. There are so many good ones to choose from. I like Dead Poet Society, The Princess Bride, off the top of my head. 

Edited by wintermom
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A bit of a slacker here today for sure.


Worked this morning on the stuff I get paid for. Chauffeured DS21 and DD15 to class (we are one car low this week). Dealt with 15YO drama (sigh one of her friends was sad this morning so apparently they all had to be sad). Am taking the 15YO drama out for lunch including an Italian soda. I am predicting less sad after that.


This weekend we watched the new Beauty and the Beast. Enjoyed it but not thrilled with the singing, so we came home and r watched the animated movie. Saw the previews for Wonder Woman - I think I want to see that.


Favorite movie- Probably the old animated Heavy Metal movie. I probably need to drag that out again and torture the kids with it.

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Glad I'm not the only slacker today! Although, I have to say, I think I might have my butt in actual gear now.

DS12 just finished history for today and I told him he could have a break before English/composition. The English

curriculum is such that it can be used with both my kids at the same time, despite the age difference. I'm thankful for that!

After we're done with that, we'll tackle some household chores and hopefully find my DD18s math book!

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Regular school day here.


Weekend - ordinary, nice unrushed ordinary. Got groceries, cleaned, drove Dd to something. Guest preacher on Sunday is a friend and was excellent! Nap on Sunday too. We had lots of crazy busy weekend in Feb and April will be busy too, so we are enjoying the lull!


Favorite movie -The Sound of Music

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Kids decided they had to eat a snack after playing outside, during which time I remembered I'd planned to finish the introduction of Lively Latin today, so we did that. So, *now* they're doing their test prep books. 


Weekend was okay. The kids went to a Parents Night Out at the Y on Saturday, while we went to a Mexican restaurant, and then after the kids were in bed we watched a movie (The Road with Viggo Mortenson or something). But then I got a headache with nausea, but luckily that went away with sleep. I don't think I really have a favorite movie, tbh. 

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Good afternoon! Glad you were just slacking and not something wrong, Scrap! We all need a slack day now and then. 


Today, I worked on keeping the 13 year old, pubescent teen boy on task, a job not for the faint at heart. Along with that I was rethinking book club activities for tomorrow. We are reviewing literary elements, and I had stations planned. I decided to switch to whole group activities. There's only 10 kids total, so I don't want them to stay with the same person or two the whole time. I did laundry and cooked meals, too. 


The weekend was very good. Dd got her official letter of acceptance to her school's nursing program! I met my sisters in downtown Atlanta to go eat lunch and see Beauty and the Beast. We had church Sunday morning, and my younger sister (my nephew's mother) came to stay at our house for a couple of nights. She's having good moments but tough ones, too. 


My favorite movies are The Lord of the Rings movies, so not just one.  Margaret in CO, glad to see another fan on here! 





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