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My son's shoes need to come with a warning label


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(No, not because of the smell, but that's a close second, lol.)


My 17 year old has always had a habit of leaving his shoes around the house. The only problem is that he wears a size 15 now and those shoes are a serious hazard if you're not looking where you're going. Seriously, these things aren't shoes - they're boats. I must trip over them once a week in our mud room.


I miss a couple of years ago when I only had to dodge his size 9s. I've posted about it before, but this kid has had a massive growth spurt. Used to be small for his age and has inched all the way up to 6'4". (And no one else in our family is that tall!) I look at him and can't believe he's such a big guy now.

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What amazes me more is to look at little guys like my youngest and realize all that genetic data is already coded in there even when he's a shrimpy little baby. It's mind boggling to see the seed next to the tree, so to speak.


I'm sorry for your boat related injuries :lol: Those shoes start getting ridiculously long!

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I feel your pain, my husband wears a 15. If he forgets to put them away and I trip on them, it may as well have been a giant rock he left in the middle of the living room.


Lol, I know exactly what you mean! Out of curiosity, where does he buy his shoes usually?

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What amazes me more is to look at little guys like my youngest and realize all that genetic data is already coded in there even when he's a shrimpy little baby. It's mind boggling to see the seed next to the tree, so to speak.


I'm sorry for your boat related injuries :lol: Those shoes start getting ridiculously long!


Almost 13 inches from heel to toe. I know because I just had to measure!

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My poor dh has carried guilt for the last 12 yrs over the time I tripped over his shoes. When I tripped, I put my hands out to catch myself (don't make my mistake!). After several injections and then 2 surgeries, my wrist still isn't right. It's better to just take the fall! 


I don't blame him, I was rushing. Accidents happen, but dh bought a shoe rack and uses it quite faithfully now.



ETA: Tell your ds about your boardie friend's wrist and her dh's guilt. Then get him a shoe rack!  :lol:

Edited by jewellsmommy
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Lol, I know exactly what you mean! Out of curiosity, where does he buy his shoes usually?

Online and size 15 is never, ever on sale.


In the early days of our marriage we would walk into a store and he would just ask what they had in a 15. They would bring out a dusty pair of old man walking shoes they had accidentally ordered years ago and maybe a boot. They could usually special order basketball shoes and work boots but there still wasn't a lot of choice. It was kind of demoralizing for a young 20 something.


When we first heard about Shoebuy and Zappos shoe shopping finally was a good experience for him. I would bookmark every pair of size 15s I thought he might like then he would narrow it down to 4-5 pairs. I would order them, he'd try them on at home, and then send back everything he didn't like. Now he has a couple brands he likes so it's simpler but if they discontinue a style it's back to ordering several pairs.


For running shoes we use Roadrunner Sports.

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My poor dh has carried guilt for the last 12 yrs over the time I tripped over his shoes. When I tripped, I put my hands out to catch myself (don't make my mistake!). After several injections and then 2 surgeries, my wrist still isn't right. It's better to just take the fall! 


I don't blame him, I was rushing. Accidents happen, but dh bought a shoe rack and uses it quite faithfully now.



ETA: Tell your ds about your boardie friend's wrist and her dh's guilt. Then get him a shoe rack!  :lol:

YES! So sorry for your injury, hope it keeps healing over time...


My fiend tripped over a shoe, fell into her coffee table, broke five ribs and punctured a lung.


If a shoe rack won't get used (ask me how I know this :( ) get a small laundry basket or pretty bin/basket so shoes have a landing spot where they will be contained. I have one by my front door. I hate it, but if people won't put their dang shoes away at least I won't be tripping over them.

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