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How wrong would it be if I just went to bed right now?


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It's almost 6:30 here, but I've been awake since 3:30 because I startled awake out of a dream and then couldn't get back to sleep. I started cleaning stuff and the day just moved on from there. 


Now I feel awful--flu-ish and hot and cotton-headed and achy. I don't think I'm sick; I think it's just the results of not getting nearly enough sleep. I Still have my paid work to start, a house to straighten up, dinner to make, etc. I hate hate hate going to bed with all that stuff undone, but wow, do I feel like garbage.


Would it be terrible to leave DH and the kids to fend for themselves and just go to bed and get a ton of sleep and start over tomorrow? Or should I suck it up and deal? 


I sooo want to go bury my face in my nice, cool pillow right now.

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Argh! I just realized that I have yogurt incubating that needs to come out in an hour, and DD14 just came out of the bathroom weepy over stomach pains. DH is still at work. No sleep for me! Not yet, at least. I'm going to bed right after we eat dinner. It's probably better that way anyway--with my luck I'd have woken up again at 3 a.m.!


Thanks everyone. I promise I'll go to sleep early tonight.

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