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If you live in Florida or have been to Disney World many times..

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Oh my gosh don't do it. We are from there.


It will be 93 high every day, with 70% humidity and with scattered thunderstorms most afternoons. The thunderstorms usually pass very quickly so you don't stay inside all afternoon you just run inside till it passes.


Honestly it's like hell during June July and August. Do NOT do it. Wait until you can use your money and vacation time better!


Now all that said Disney does have A/C blowing out into the lines and shaded line areas as well as a lot of little

Shows you can go to, to get out of the heat.


But seriously I lived there for 16 years. I would never ever encourage someone to spend all that hotel and vacation money from June-the end of September.

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Hot, hot, hot. 


Highs will get into the low 90s most of the time. 


Not as hot as July and August, but still quite hot. Not quite as many rain showers, but you will definitely want to bring ponchos and not buy Mickey's expensive ones. 


We have been in the super hot months, and it's still super fun. Just hydrate and take breaks.

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When is a good time to go that would fit in a college schedule?


Oh, we went in early August as a final trip prior to dropping youngest off at his college... You won't die if you go in June - and the plus side of having it hot is the water rides are much more fun!


We all had a blast.  We just dressed for the heat and kept up the water intake.  Sunscreen is also a good idea.  As a PP mentioned, Disney is pretty darn good with fans and AC, so it's not the end of the world if that's the time that works best for you to go.


Go and enjoy if that's the trip y'all want!  


(Don't go dreading it or you're setting yourself up for failure.  Any trip can be a good trip with the right mindset.  Motels have showers - and many say that sweating is good for the body.  ;)  If it's the trip y'all want to take, not taking it will leave you with regrets of what could have been...  We have happy memories of our August trip. )

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Hot (90s), humid, reasonably high chance of thunderstorms.


If the college has a longer break between semesters, January after public schools are back in session is nice. If spring break is not the week before or after Easter, the weather is not as hot yet. Look at the blockout dates for Florida resident tickets, those are the worst times crowd wise.

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We just went in January, and the weather was PERFECT. I can't even imagine going in the summer like that. It would be awful, oh my. Like you realize you're walking 10-15 MILES A DAY in that weather, right? Misery, oh my. 


My kids are 10 years apart like yours, and we didn't take our dd. They might like very different things. It would be easy to pick a weekend and just take your college student and get stuff done. He might totally want to do different things. Because I only had my younger, I could really cater to him. We did the pirate makeover, which took extra time because he has autism. We did ALL the pirate adventure map challenges in Magic Kingdom. We did ALL the Agent P detective games in Epcot. LOVED, LOVED, LOVED them!  And the age of your younger is PERFECT for them! Maybe skip the pirate ones, but the Epcot ones definitely do with a 10 yo, wow. They were stellar, with amazing magical surprises you really can't believe. 


If you must go together, look at the crowd calendars at TouringPlans.com and see what they have been historically and what they are predicting. I'm looking at them, and beginning of June you're looking at 5-7's in the parks. When we were there in January it was 3-5s, and that was really all I would want. Like for me, 5 was like take a deep breath, deal with it. 


Disney World Crowd Calendar  I guess those numbers aren't TERRIBLE. Just plenty. Like if you can go at a lower crowd time, I would, just me. As far as the weather, just go to a weather site and see what it has been historically. You can google and find it. I can tell you the shops whip out $10 rain ponchos when you ask, so the rain is a real gig. It rained one morning while we were there, and things just went on. I had read to buy ponchos ahead, but the WDW ponchos were really nice. :D


Have you looked at Universal? With those ages, many people would take a day for Universal as well.


You didn't ask, but I will tell you what I found with the Fast Passes. There were a *few* FP that utterly were gone or were gone till like late in the day if you didn't stay at a Disney resort. 7DMT (seven dwarves mine train), Frozen Ever After. Those were the worst. And really, if you got there early you could stand in line and have it be like 35-45 minutes. I thought the Pop Century we stayed at was horrible. It was clean, but the beds were ABOMINABLE. So me, with those ages, I would stay off property at a condo or rented house, drive in, and use that extra $$ to have days at Universal, Sea World, do the Cirque, etc. That's unless you can stay deluxe or something. We stayed at Shades (military resort) the other days, and it was lovely. It's really nice being close to the monorail. I had initially looked at Saratoga Springs, and that would have required a car. We really liked being so close to the monorail. Port Orleans was another on our list. Fine, whatever. There are some charts in the big thick book for Disney that show which FPs are gone soonest. If those don't matter to you, it won't matter where you stay. That's what I'm saying.

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We have been to Disney with family in June for three or four summers. We always go in June because some of my family are teachers and that is when they can go. Anyways, yes it is hot but we have always had a lot of fun! We just make sure the kids and ourselves are drinking plenty of water and take a small cooler with frozen washcloths and frozen bottled waters. We break up the heat by doing the shows or indoor rides to cool off. We get a break from the heat at lunch, in the Crystal Palace. Then we spend the next day lounging by the pool at the resort. :)


I agree with Creekland, "Don't go dreading it or you're setting yourself up for failure. Any trip can be a good trip with the right mindset."

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Honestly it's like hell during June July and August. Do NOT do it. Wait until you can use your money and vacation time better!


Agree with this EXCEPT I have a way to beat the heat and the lines at DW in summer.


Spend the day somewhere else.  The Kennedy Space Center, the pool, Starbucks, wherever.  Have dinner.  At 8 or 9 PM, head over to Magic Kingdom.  Not only will the weather be bearable, but there are NO LINES!!  I'm not even kidding.  We literally WALKED ON to Small World, Pirates of the Caribbean, all the big ones.  During the high season on summer break.  There will still be a fair amount of crowds, but everyone else is waiting for the parade and the fireworks.  Or they are heading to the exits.  


The caveat is that it will be dark, so study your map before you arrive, maybe bring a small flash light, or you'll be searching for a light source to read it.  Also, they won't let you cross the parade route, so that may restrict your movement.  It seems like you won't have much time to ride all the rides before it closes, but without the lines, you'll be able to hit all the big ones in no time at all.

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Here's the deal with going in June--you KNOW it will be hot, humid, and probably pretty crowded. For me "crowded" would be more of an issue than hot and humid, but there are definitely ways of making the best of it. So you come prepared, deal with it, and you have a great time.


As to January--winter in Florida is wildly unpredictable. This year we've had a very mild winter and, with the exception of a cold snap that lasted a few days, it was in the 70s and even 80s for many January days. During a week-long trip you could have both cold days and warm days--you just never know what you're going to get and you have to come prepared for anything. And while 50 degree weather may seem like no big deal if you are coming from a place that gets real winter temps, it is cold to walk around in all day, especially when it gets to the 40s and sometimes 30s overnight.


I think the very best time to go is between Thanksgiving and Christmas. Disney is at its finest at Christmas. December temps are milder than Jan and Feb., with typical daytime temps in the 70s (though you can still get cold snaps like January--the trick is to pack warm stuff and wear layers!). Crowd-wise, the closer you get to Christmas the busier it will be, but IME college semesters end before K12 schools, so it may be that if you go as soon as your oldest finishes the fall semester it might not be too busy yet.


Hot or cold, rain or shine, Disney is fun whenever you go.


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I go every year...usually end of Aug to early Sept.  It is hot, but it's fine.  The worst part is really the crowd, not the temps.


I have been in May and Dec and Feb, too.  When I went in Dec, the temps were in the 80s and it was fabulous, but the next year, my brother went the exact same week that I had, and it was in the 30s the whole week!  His family was wearing winter coats, gloves, etc. to the parks.  I'd rather be hot!! :)


In the summer, it rains daily, but it usually passes quickly. 


I would plan to get up early and hit the parks when they open (especially during extra magic hours if you're staying on property).  Get done what you want, and then go back to your hotel and hit the pool...or other hotel entertainment. 


Enjoy!! We're DVC members and LOVE Disney. 

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I concur with the it's hot, humid, likely will rain and be crowded opinion. We buy an annual pass and spend at least 30 days a year in Disney but I look at black out dates on my pass as saving me from myself...look at the silver annual pass and expect that if there is a blackout it will be hideously crowded. This might be tolerable if you don't have small children - I do right now and I wouldn't consider going during blackout dates.


However, if you can go in January or early december I'd highly recommend that over June. Also, even spring break is better because it's crowded but not as hot.


Still, early June isn't as bad as late June or July. With planning and midday breaks you can make it work. Bring sunscreen.

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I live about 10 miles from WDW, and dh works for Disney. I will be the dissenter here and say that early June is often not bad. It will be hot, but the humidity is not as high in early June as it is in later June. Also, the afternoon thunderstorms are usually not daily in early June. My birthday is in early June, and I will be at WDW a lot in the first week. Crowds are generally good because not all schools are out for summer break.


Go and have a great time🙂

Edited by leeannpal
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We moved from PA to FL in 2008, and the heat bothers us.  We hardly do any parks or outside activities from May to September; it's all museums and indoor fun for us.  You'll see us emerge from the ac in October and then we hibernate again in May.  We're definitely not the norm, but the heat and sun aren't family friends...even though my husband owns a solar business!  When we step outside we're covered from head to toe; skin cancer isn't fun. 

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Thanks for all the information. 😪

I was looking for reassurance that it won't be as bad as I've heard, but now I see I'm wrong.


When is a good time to go that would fit in a college schedule?


We have gone right before Christmas - I think last year our final day was December 20. We even got a great package deal with free quick service dining! We will probably do the same this year. 


We've also gone in January, but the Brazilian tour groups really annoy us and we much prefer December. They're perfectly nice people, I'm sure, but they try to stay together in these huge groups, which blocks other people. The leaders have these big signs that they wave around, and they are forever yelling and blowing whistles. And they like to sing and chant as a group, which is kind of cute the first time, but pretty annoying the 87th time. 


January is also tougher to fit into a college schedule unless they go back pretty late, because the holiday crowds go strong through the first few days of the month. The weather is usually not as nice as December. 


Let me say again that we have gone in hotter months than June and had a great time! If you absolutely can't tolerate any heat, then no, but it can be done. Go early, take a mid-day break, go back. Drink lots of water. Know which attractions are long and air conditioned, lol. 


I know that Extra Magic Hours (for on-site guests only) sometimes get a bad rap because that park winds up more crowded for the day, but we have always found them to be well worth it. Early Magic Hours in particular - it seems like a big crowd at rope drop, but then everyone disperses and you could shoot a cannon through some areas and not hit anyone. If you posses the magical power of being able to get up early, you can get tons of things done before the worst of the heat and crowds. Then you shop, maybe eat an early lunch, and take your mid-day break. 

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This year, the local public schools started earlier than usual, so the typical crowd calendars might not be as reliable as in years past.   Schools here used to be in session through the first week or two in June, but now many school districts will finish by the end of May.  (It was a state legislature rule that got changed, allowing an earlier start date, which results in an earlier end date.)


The best times of the year to be at Disney are in January after public schools start again, or early December before public schools start their Christmas/winter breaks.   I would try to avoid June through August because of the crowds, but July through September/October will be the hottest.   Early June will be hot, but not as bad as July.   I would look at the crowd calendars online and figure that this year, crowds in early June will be 1-3 numbers higher than what's listed there because of the change in school schedule.


If you are open to other ideas, June would be a perfect time to spend time at the beach in Florida (actually, anytime from March/April through November).   The weather is much more pleasant at the beach because of the sea breeze.   Whatever you do, Disney or otherwise, don't forget sunscreen in June.   The worst thing you could do is to get badly sunburned on the first day of your vacation, then be forced to walk around outdoors sunburned, in the heat, for the rest of your trip.

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Fwiw, I think the heat thing might be relative. I'm from up north, so in January in Florida with mid-70s and high humidity I was DRENCHED in sweat. To me that summer weather would be sweltering. But, you know, I suppose if you're from there or sorta used to it, it's tolerable. But I'm saying, for me, 80-85 would be about my max. Then I'd be wondering why I was there and not at the BEACH.


On the plus side, you'd have lots of excuse to eat Mickey bars and pineapple dole whips! :D

Edited by OhElizabeth
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