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Anyone familiar with Provera


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I have been on my period for 3 weeks now. It was extremely heavy. One day I used 4 of the 10 hour pads in a little over an hour. This was the worst but usually it was only 1-2 pads every hour. TMI...it wasn't that it was so much blood but that I was having extreme clotting and when one would break lose it would fill the pad too quickly. Anyway. I am finally having lighter days. Yesterday I considered it pretty non existent using only 3 pads during the day and one tiny clot about the size of a dime. When I went to see the doctor for my biopsy, I told him today was a light day and he said he was amazed if this was a light day. He said for most women it was considered heavy. I have had heavy periods for years now so I have grown accustomed to staying at home on my heaviest 2-3 days. Anyway, I am ahead of myself. I went for my visit last week due to the period problems. They did a pap smear , bloodwork, and ultrasound. I have an enlarged ovary, a cyst on ovary, one fibroid, thickened uterus wall lining, and abnormal cells. Thyroid is fine. They wanted to do a biopsy to rule out cancer which is why I was there yesterday. The doctor said he wants me to take iron pills for anemia. He said due to my being on blood pressure medicine, birth control pills isn't the best choice for me regulating my period. It can make blood pressure higher. He stated he wants to stop my period  for now and prescribed Provera 10 mg per pill. Dosage is 4 daily for 4 days, 3 daily for 3 days, 2 daily for 20 days. He didn't give me any side effects or things to be concerned about. Just verified that my pregnancy test was negative. I received the pamphlet with meds and am concerned about all the side effects. In one portion it does state to have your blood pressure checked regularly. Also, I have never been diagnosed as a diabetic but mine does run high. This morning I tested at 135 when I awoke. The pamphlet states "If you have high blood sugar you need to watch it closely." It also states that you need to tell doctor of cancer of uterus or ovary or vaginal bleeding where cause isn't known before taking this drug. Of course he knows but I haven't gotten the biopsy back yet. Then I went online and saw all the reviews of the drug. Many stated horrible mood swings anger being most drastic and I struggle with that already. Facial hair, yuck! Heavy painful bleeding...already have that. Most of these were from women taking just 10 mg not 40 for 4 days decreasing over the month. Most didn't even take it for longer than 2 weeks. Now I don't know what to do. I can handle my periods now as they are like my normal light days. Of course I will have a random heavy day/time but as long as it isn't steady like before, I am not overly concerned. I don't like it but don't want to remedy the period problems by adding new problems. Has anyone here used Provera and know if the side effects are pretty spot on especially if this high a dose. Or is this dose not really that high? I would love  your advice.

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Can you get an endometrial ablation instead?  That doesn't affect blood pressure or diabetes.  Also, has anyone in your family had a blood clot or pulmonary embolism?  Because with you getting clots with your period, you may very well have a clotting disorder. The one I have is found in about 8% of Europeans or Americans of European descent (Factor V Leiden)   I also had clots with my periods and didn't realize that I had the disorder.  Ended up with a gigantic blood clot that was at least the entire length of my leg (and who knows how far into my torso because they didn't ultrasound anymore, just put me on treatment) If you do have a clotting disorder, going on hormones is a giant no-no since they cause clots.

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I had endometrial hyperplasia (the simple kind with no atypical cells) and took the 10mg dose for the first 10 days of each month for 3 months, so a total of 30 pills over the course of 3 months.


I was afraid to take it for the same reasons you mentioned -- we must have visited the same websites -- but my doctor told me I would be fine and said to call him if I had any concerns, so I followed his instructions. I was fine. It worked, and I had none of the scary side effects whatsoever. I never even got any heavy bleeding when the uterine lining was thinning. I was picturing being stuck at home, changing gigantic pads ten times a day based on some of the reading I'd done, and nothing like that happened.


If you're feeling okay right now, though, I don't see any reason why you couldn't wait for your biopsy results to come in before you start taking the Provera, unless the doctor has a reason for wanting the bleeding to stop quickly. My biopsy results were back in two days.


Good luck and :grouphug:. It's always scary to start taking a new medication and you're already under stress from worrying about your test results.


I know different people have different results and I'm 53, so that may make a difference as well, but I wanted to let you know the Provera was no problem for me -- and I'd been very worried about it, too.

Edited by Catwoman
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I have taken provera for years, but never at that high a dosage. I feel great taking it, and I tend to lose a few pounds while on it. I applaud your doc for prescribing it instead of just putting you on bcp, which has progestins but also more estradiol, which you probably do not need.


That said, I think it's highly individual regarding the endocrine system and how each person feels while taking provera.


I do think it may help your periods considerably if estrogen dominance is causing the heavy bleeding.


I also think that you need to have that enlarged ovary with a cyst either ultrasounded or CT'd. CT would be better, but doc would likely order ultrasound first.

Edited by trulycrabby
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IIRC fibroid may mean you're not a candidate for an ablation? It's been years since mine, but I remember that my doc would not have recommended the Novasure procedure if there were over a certain amount/certain size of fibroids present.


FWIW, what you describe as your regular monthly in your first few sentences would have had me in the ER based on the instructions my doc gave me regarding what was normal heavy versus abnormal bleeding. I feel for you! And hope you arrive soon at a reasonable solution. Once you stop losing blood at that rate, you will start feeling much better. I didn't realize how bad I felt until I experienced the difference after treatment. I'd been like a boiling frog, losing energy and stamina slowly over several years, I didn't realize how greatly my heavy cycles affected my life until it reached a tipping point.

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I don't remember the dosage I was on when I took it, but my mood swings were horrible.  My irritability turned to rage.   I managed apartments at the time and it was so bad that my leasing consultant had it marked on her calendar when I would be taking it.  My husband was a saint to live with me at that time.  I would never take it again.

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I have always had heavy bleeding as well. I had no idea. I thought every woman had periods like mine. About two years ago I started bleeding and after 30 days I went to my GYN. She prescribed Provera. I took it and it literally did nothing. She then increased the dosage and it did absolutely nothing again. I had an ultrasound and blood work. The ultrasound was normal and my blood work showed early perimenopause. Finally after 60 days of bleeding non-stop she prescribed the BCP. It worked and I stopped bleeding. I had terrible mood swings though and only took it for two months. I had absolutely no side effects on the Provera though but it didn't work at all for me.


I hope your biopsy comes back normal and they are able to get your bleeding under control!


Good luck!

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Thank you so much for the information. The doctor wants to rule out cancer before discussing the fibroid and cyst. He said they are a secondary concern. The fibroid could be causing the heavy bleeding but we are unsure.

I hope you get the results soon and that it's nothing serious! :grouphug:

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