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This is really the stupidest problem in the history of stupid problems


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Gasp! But isn't that a burning question to which we all want the answer? You look at the box and think, five flavours, really? My DS likes to give the dog a bacon sandwich, so two regular ones with a bacon one in the middle. You'd be amazed how often we discuss whether there's any difference.

:) I emailed him, with "Super Important Question" as the title. He's halfway around the world though, so I might not get an answer until tonight.

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I don't like making dinner. It starts with figuring out what to cook. Then remembering to get the meat out of the freezer. The microwave is my defrosting friend now. Then cooking it takes about 1-1.5 hours, depending. During this time, I daydream about buying processed foods, instant this and that, frozen pre-made things. Then I swing over to at least I don't have to raise and kill my own animals to get meat. At least we have snow (also something I hate), so there is no gardening in the winter. Then I switch to thinking about all the people who are hungry and can't get enough food, and how grateful I am.


Since killing animals and hungry people and snow are depressing thoughts, I switch to what I will do with my lottery winnings. I'm not altruistic ... first order of business is to hire a chef. It has to be one who will clean up the kitchen, plan meals, shop, do everything even remotely associated with food. I mull over whether a maid will be necessary to assist the chef. Pretty soon I have a whole staff in my imagination. They will all have good health insurance ... yes, I even  know the benefits they will receive. My imaginary servants will be very happy. They will not live in, though.


The other day, DS1 suggested he pick up dinner from Wendy's. I agreed. I was flabbergasted that I had so easily gone over to the dark side. It was so nice. Everything went in the trash afterward, no dishes to clean up. Then DH bought home bagged salad made with iceberg lettuce. I was so grateful not to have to put together a salad that I actually did not give my usual speech about the horrors of iceberg lettuce (usually I include white rice in this lecture, too) versus every other kind of lettuce (and brown rice).


I have a menu plan of 30 meals. Just pick one, I say to myself. But they are all so boring and take so much work, even though they are nutritionally balanced. To keep them that way, I have to take into consideration everyone's dislikes. If the carb is mashed potatoes, what will the carb be for the guy who won't eat them? What about gravy on everything guy vs. no gravy guy ... especially if there is is no gravy. Only one guy can be pleased at a time. What about no canned vegetables girl? Why does she care? It's not the 60s, canned veg are rarely used. What about no onions ... that's 2 guys.


The problem is the guys. They have got to go. Sadly, they would all be happy eating Stouffer's frozen meals or going to fast food restaurants. When I die, because face it, that's the only way out ... they will celebrate by eating at Burger King. They will eat dessert three times a day. They will gorge on the unhealthiest of foods -- Pizza Hut fat-filled pizzas. The fact that they are alive and relatively healthy because of all those nutritious meals will not cross their minds. They will be joining me on the other side within a few years, mark my words.


Meanwhile, I slog on. Refilling the fat-full jars and bottles with fat-free, so no one will notice. Putting the sugar-free NesQuik in the sugar-full containers. Refusing to buy soda, chips, and candy. Reading labels to make sure horrible ingredients aren't in the foods. Keeping stocked up on catsup for those gravy-free meatfull meals. Buying eggs that don't have salmonella in them (maybe I should rethink this, my dark side says). Keeping the kitchen so clean that no one gets sick eating my food.


Then I think, what if I did have a chef and maids? What would I do with all that free time? My whole identity is tied up in keeping one cutting board for meats and another for veg and fruits.





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It's like you totally get me...





I don't like making dinner. It starts with figuring out what to cook. Then remembering to get the meat out of the freezer. The microwave is my defrosting friend now. Then cooking it takes about 1-1.5 hours, depending. During this time, I daydream about buying processed foods, instant this and that, frozen pre-made things. Then I swing over to at least I don't have to raise and kill my own animals to get meat. At least we have snow (also something I hate), so there is no gardening in the winter. Then I switch to thinking about all the people who are hungry and can't get enough food, and how grateful I am.


Since killing animals and hungry people and snow are depressing thoughts, I switch to what I will do with my lottery winnings. I'm not altruistic ... first order of business is to hire a chef. It has to be one who will clean up the kitchen, plan meals, shop, do everything even remotely associated with food. I mull over whether a maid will be necessary to assist the chef. Pretty soon I have a whole staff in my imagination. They will all have good health insurance ... yes, I even  know the benefits they will receive. My imaginary servants will be very happy. They will not live in, though.


The other day, DS1 suggested he pick up dinner from Wendy's. I agreed. I was flabbergasted that I had so easily gone over to the dark side. It was so nice. Everything went in the trash afterward, no dishes to clean up. Then DH bought home bagged salad made with iceberg lettuce. I was so grateful not to have to put together a salad that I actually did not give my usual speech about the horrors of iceberg lettuce (usually I include white rice in this lecture, too) versus every other kind of lettuce (and brown rice).


I have a menu plan of 30 meals. Just pick one, I say to myself. But they are all so boring and take so much work, even though they are nutritionally balanced. To keep them that way, I have to take into consideration everyone's dislikes. If the carb is mashed potatoes, what will the carb be for the guy who won't eat them? What about gravy on everything guy vs. no gravy guy ... especially if there is is no gravy. Only one guy can be pleased at a time. What about no canned vegetables girl? Why does she care? It's not the 60s, canned veg are rarely used. What about no onions ... that's 2 guys.


The problem is the guys. They have got to go. Sadly, they would all be happy eating Stouffer's frozen meals or going to fast food restaurants. When I die, because face it, that's the only way out ... they will celebrate by eating at Burger King. They will eat dessert three times a day. They will gorge on the unhealthiest of foods -- Pizza Hut fat-filled pizzas. The fact that they are alive and relatively healthy because of all those nutritious meals will not cross their minds. They will be joining me on the other side within a few years, mark my words.


Meanwhile, I slog on. Refilling the fat-full jars and bottles with fat-free, so no one will notice. Putting the sugar-free NesQuik in the sugar-full containers. Refusing to buy soda, chips, and candy. Reading labels to make sure horrible ingredients aren't in the foods. Keeping stocked up on catsup for those gravy-free meatfull meals. Buying eggs that don't have salmonella in them (maybe I should rethink this, my dark side says). Keeping the kitchen so clean that no one gets sick eating my food.


Then I think, what if I did have a chef and maids? What would I do with all that free time? My whole identity is tied up in keeping one cutting board for meats and another for veg and fruits.


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I don't like making dinner. It starts with figuring out what to cook. Then remembering to get the meat out of the freezer. The microwave is my defrosting friend now. Then cooking it takes about 1-1.5 hours, depending. During this time, I daydream about buying processed foods, instant this and that, frozen pre-made things. Then I swing over to at least I don't have to raise and kill my own animals to get meat. At least we have snow (also something I hate), so there is no gardening in the winter. Then I switch to thinking about all the people who are hungry and can't get enough food, and how grateful I am.


Since killing animals and hungry people and snow are depressing thoughts, I switch to what I will do with my lottery winnings. I'm not altruistic ... first order of business is to hire a chef. It has to be one who will clean up the kitchen, plan meals, shop, do everything even remotely associated with food. I mull over whether a maid will be necessary to assist the chef. Pretty soon I have a whole staff in my imagination. They will all have good health insurance ... yes, I even know the benefits they will receive. My imaginary servants will be very happy. They will not live in, though.


The other day, DS1 suggested he pick up dinner from Wendy's. I agreed. I was flabbergasted that I had so easily gone over to the dark side. It was so nice. Everything went in the trash afterward, no dishes to clean up. Then DH bought home bagged salad made with iceberg lettuce. I was so grateful not to have to put together a salad that I actually did not give my usual speech about the horrors of iceberg lettuce (usually I include white rice in this lecture, too) versus every other kind of lettuce (and brown rice).


I have a menu plan of 30 meals. Just pick one, I say to myself. But they are all so boring and take so much work, even though they are nutritionally balanced. To keep them that way, I have to take into consideration everyone's dislikes. If the carb is mashed potatoes, what will the carb be for the guy who won't eat them? What about gravy on everything guy vs. no gravy guy ... especially if there is is no gravy. Only one guy can be pleased at a time. What about no canned vegetables girl? Why does she care? It's not the 60s, canned veg are rarely used. What about no onions ... that's 2 guys.


The problem is the guys. They have got to go. Sadly, they would all be happy eating Stouffer's frozen meals or going to fast food restaurants. When I die, because face it, that's the only way out ... they will celebrate by eating at Burger King. They will eat dessert three times a day. They will gorge on the unhealthiest of foods -- Pizza Hut fat-filled pizzas. The fact that they are alive and relatively healthy because of all those nutritious meals will not cross their minds. They will be joining me on the other side within a few years, mark my words.


Meanwhile, I slog on. Refilling the fat-full jars and bottles with fat-free, so no one will notice. Putting the sugar-free NesQuik in the sugar-full containers. Refusing to buy soda, chips, and candy. Reading labels to make sure horrible ingredients aren't in the foods. Keeping stocked up on catsup for those gravy-free meatfull meals. Buying eggs that don't have salmonella in them (maybe I should rethink this, my dark side says). Keeping the kitchen so clean that no one gets sick eating my food.


Then I think, what if I did have a chef and maids? What would I do with all that free time? My whole identity is tied up in keeping one cutting board for meats and another for veg and fruits.

Yuck! I would notice.

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Meanwhile, I slog on. Refilling the fat-full jars and bottles with fat-free, so no one will notice. Putting the sugar-free NesQuik in the sugar-full containers. Refusing to buy soda, chips, and candy. Reading labels to make sure horrible ingredients aren't in the foods. Keeping stocked up on catsup for those gravy-free meatfull meals. Buying eggs that don't have salmonella in them (maybe I should rethink this, my dark side says). Keeping the kitchen so clean that no one gets sick eating my food.


Soooooo devious...*maniacal laughter*.

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And if you are replacing full fat with fat free, but then at the same time cutting down on sugar, wouldn't that be the opposite of what you would want to be doing?


Yeah, but I don't like feeling guilty, so I try to avoid it.


Replacing junk for healthier junk doesn't bother me because it is advantageous to the guys. Plus, it's undeniable that if someone can't tell the difference, they deserve what happens to them (even if it's good).

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Soooooo devious...*maniacal laughter*.


I've always thought I would make a great criminal, if it weren't for the guilt and the possibility of ending up in jail.  I guess you can say I've been scared straight! :laugh:


Of course, I'm always thinking I would be great at lots of things. But the fact is, being a lobster fisherman (cold, wet, hard work despite all the "free" lobster) or a farmer with lots of animals (the dirty animals don't get baths every day and there are flies and all that excrement to clean up) or a famous chef (varicose veins must be rampant among them) or a trapeze artist (deadly falls) just isn't in the cards for me.


I might rethink the criminal mastermind thing if prisoners were still fed lobster because they were too gross for law-abiding people to eat. Maybe I should put a bumper sticker on my car:  Will Work for LOBSTER!

Edited by RoughCollie
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I generally just have to say, "My creativity is shot.  Tell me what you'd like to eat, and I'll cook it."  I only say this to dh, usually.  Sometimes I'll take a poll.  The other night, my dh wanted something with tuna, so I looked up some recipes for tuna casserole, threw in some french fried onions I had left over from the holidays, and it was delicious!  I never would have thought of doing that if he hadn't mentioned it.  



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I generally just have to say, "My creativity is shot.  Tell me what you'd like to eat, and I'll cook it."  I only say this to dh, usually.  Sometimes I'll take a poll.  The other night, my dh wanted something with tuna, so I looked up some recipes for tuna casserole, threw in some french fried onions I had left over from the holidays, and it was delicious!  I never would have thought of doing that if he hadn't mentioned it.  


It's like mini-chopped!


Sometimes when I'm completely stumped, I write down a few 'proteins' and a few 'veg' based on what's in the freezer/fridge. Then I roll a die and have to make the pair that comes up work together. I've come up with some unusual stuff but never anything truly terrible. 

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I generally just have to say, "My creativity is shot.  Tell me what you'd like to eat, and I'll cook it."  I only say this to dh, usually.  Sometimes I'll take a poll.  The other night, my dh wanted something with tuna, so I looked up some recipes for tuna casserole, threw in some french fried onions I had left over from the holidays, and it was delicious!  I never would have thought of doing that if he hadn't mentioned it.  


When I do this, my husband says pancakes.  Every...single...time.  I don't eat pancakes, but even if I did, how many days in a row does a person want to eat pancakes?  He is no help.


His indecision is even worse than mine!

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I don't like making dinner. It starts with figuring out what to cook. Then remembering to get the meat out of the freezer. The microwave is my defrosting friend now. Then cooking it takes about 1-1.5 hours, depending. During this time, I daydream about buying processed foods, instant this and that, frozen pre-made things. Then I swing over to at least I don't have to raise and kill my own animals to get meat. At least we have snow (also something I hate), so there is no gardening in the winter. Then I switch to thinking about all the people who are hungry and can't get enough food, and how grateful I am.


Since killing animals and hungry people and snow are depressing thoughts, I switch to what I will do with my lottery winnings. I'm not altruistic ... first order of business is to hire a chef. It has to be one who will clean up the kitchen, plan meals, shop, do everything even remotely associated with food. I mull over whether a maid will be necessary to assist the chef. Pretty soon I have a whole staff in my imagination. They will all have good health insurance ... yes, I even know the benefits they will receive. My imaginary servants will be very happy. They will not live in, though.


The other day, DS1 suggested he pick up dinner from Wendy's. I agreed. I was flabbergasted that I had so easily gone over to the dark side. It was so nice. Everything went in the trash afterward, no dishes to clean up. Then DH bought home bagged salad made with iceberg lettuce. I was so grateful not to have to put together a salad that I actually did not give my usual speech about the horrors of iceberg lettuce (usually I include white rice in this lecture, too) versus every other kind of lettuce (and brown rice).


I have a menu plan of 30 meals. Just pick one, I say to myself. But they are all so boring and take so much work, even though they are nutritionally balanced. To keep them that way, I have to take into consideration everyone's dislikes. If the carb is mashed potatoes, what will the carb be for the guy who won't eat them? What about gravy on everything guy vs. no gravy guy ... especially if there is is no gravy. Only one guy can be pleased at a time. What about no canned vegetables girl? Why does she care? It's not the 60s, canned veg are rarely used. What about no onions ... that's 2 guys.


The problem is the guys. They have got to go. Sadly, they would all be happy eating Stouffer's frozen meals or going to fast food restaurants. When I die, because face it, that's the only way out ... they will celebrate by eating at Burger King. They will eat dessert three times a day. They will gorge on the unhealthiest of foods -- Pizza Hut fat-filled pizzas. The fact that they are alive and relatively healthy because of all those nutritious meals will not cross their minds. They will be joining me on the other side within a few years, mark my words.


Meanwhile, I slog on. Refilling the fat-full jars and bottles with fat-free, so no one will notice. Putting the sugar-free NesQuik in the sugar-full containers. Refusing to buy soda, chips, and candy. Reading labels to make sure horrible ingredients aren't in the foods. Keeping stocked up on catsup for those gravy-free meatfull meals. Buying eggs that don't have salmonella in them (maybe I should rethink this, my dark side says). Keeping the kitchen so clean that no one gets sick eating my food.


Then I think, what if I did have a chef and maids? What would I do with all that free time? My whole identity is tied up in keeping one cutting board for meats and another for veg and fruits.


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It's like mini-chopped!


Sometimes when I'm completely stumped, I write down a few 'proteins' and a few 'veg' based on what's in the freezer/fridge. Then I roll a die and have to make the pair that comes up work together. I've come up with some unusual stuff but never anything truly terrible.

Dinner roulette! I love it...."Ham and Cucumbers? Mushrooms with Tofu? Or Chicken with Turnips?" :D

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Dinner roulette! I love it...."Ham and Cucumbers? Mushrooms with Tofu? Or Chicken with Turnips?" :D


Ham sandwiches and quick pickles would work.


Mushrooms and tofu would be a totally okay stirfry.


And chicken with turnips, well, chicken and mashed potatoes is a classic so mashed turnips should be workable as well. :D

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Ham sandwiches and quick pickles would work.


Mushrooms and tofu would be a totally okay stirfry.


And chicken with turnips, well, chicken and mashed potatoes is a classic so mashed turnips should be workable as well. :D

I like your style!

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When I do this, my husband says pancakes.  Every...single...time.  I don't eat pancakes, but even if I did, how many days in a row does a person want to eat pancakes?  He is no help.


His indecision is even worse than mine!


There is a bright side to this. You can buy frozen pancakes and microwave 3 of them at a time 1 minute. I think that is a brilliant solution. Pancakes or starve!

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It's a bit soon for me to say for sure, but I think I'll be the opposite. I'm so tired of the boring stuff my kid tolerates. Once she's out of the house, I can see DH and I taking it in turns to make some of the yummy looking stuff we've been eyeing but dismiss because there's no way DD will touch it. I hate going to all the trouble of a nice meal just to get "ick" "ew" "don't make me eat that" and having to make something else on the side.


I'm looking forward to the day I can eat adult food.

My college girl goes back to school this week. This means cooking will be easier again. DH and DS will eat a LOT more things. Dd is a very healthy eater, so I feel compelled to defer to her tastes, but we're tired of grilled chicken and fruit. The minute she leaves we're having beef stroganoff!


I seriously think I need to make an EASY 30-day menu for each season and just rotate every 3 months. I've wasted so much of my life reinventing the wheel. I just can't seem to control when inspiration strikes :-) I did find a super easy 30 min tenderloin recipe. We had it this weekend with a mustard-cream-wine sauce and it's a keeper. I'll find the recipe and share so I'm not a tease.



Edited by KungFuPanda
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There is a bright side to this. You can buy frozen pancakes and microwave 3 of them at a time 1 minute. I think that is a brilliant solution. Pancakes or starve!


too carby


He'd eat them though....

My husband bought Vans 8 Whole Grains pancake because they were on sale at Grocery Outlet. No one wants to eat those after trying a piece.

My kids ate for dinner the packet of Safeway Select Portobello Mushroom Ravioli that I bought today while they were at the library. We are a short walking distance away from the library and Safeway.

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