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The Ski Lodge (aka Teachers Lounge) 1-16-2017


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Happy Martin Luther King, Jr. day!


For snacks in the Lodge today, we have two types of gluten-free bread (white and cinnamon raisin),

regular bread, some Mt. Dew Throwback, chuck roast stew (chuck roast rubbed with Italian seasoning,

accompanied by potatoes and onions), and few other goodies. Help yourself!


Who's doing school today? Here: thought about it but nope. Well, maybe. We'll see how today goes.

I use Monday mornings as my admin days, anyway, so no school usually gets done then. It might happen this afternoon

but most likely not as the kids will be with friends while I conduct some business around noon. And my husband is home for most of the day. Yeah, who am I kidding? Schooling's not going to happen. Not formally anyway.


Who still needs to figure out menus for the week? Here: ME!


Anyone doing anything special today? Here: I scheduled my business appointments before I realized

it was MLKJr Day. If I'd thought it through more, I wouldn't have scheduled anything except a day trip with the family!

Ah, well .. . 


Talk to me! :bigear:

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Morning all! 



School today: Yup. DD is still working on last week's work, so today we'll do regular work plus catch-up. I am proud of her though - she has been working all weekend on and off to catch up, WITHOUT being pushed to do so. She is also learning that she CAN do it on her own, which is an even more valuable skill. I need to pull her math notebook and check it today, and I think she's also due for a math test or two this week as well. 


Menus: I don't really do menus lol. But today I'll be getting out a 5lb thing of hamburger, so I'll need to figure out two / three ideas to use it. I'm thinking burgers with tots for half of it {leftovers for next day meals} and the rest into a big batch of pre-cooked ground beef to turn into paleo sloppy joes once I can find dates again. Seems like all our local grocery stores had them for the holidays and then discontinued them. Going to try elsewhere tomorrow. 


Nothing special today. I think dd will watch the American Girl Melody Movie and we'll call it a history lesson :)

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Good Morning, Scrap!


I have browned butter and sea salt choc chip cookies for those who are not gluten-free. And Tazo Zen hot tea.


School: Yes, half a day. Math, Latin, writing and reading. We need to keep at it. Missed some days last week taking care of my mom and the week before because Dh and Ds were sick, plus it snowed (always an Event in middle TN!). 


Menus: meatloaf, salmon cakes, pot roast (at church), chx enchiladas, leftovers (Monday - Friday)


Fun stuff: Dd is going to a friend's this afternoon. Ds has indoor climbing with Cub Scouts tonight, a new adventure for him! 

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Good morning! 


School was not on the calendar, but the 6yo complained he wanted to.  Which really means he didn't want to pick up his legos, but as it is a quiet day in the house it will allow us to get some of the longer projects from the week done.


Menu....I'm not sure.  I made the mistake of not going grocery shopping yesterday and our main store is closed today and tomorrow.  Oh, well.  I'm thinking it'll be a freezer week: I have ragu sauce made, chicken that is begging to be used in a paillard recipe, hamburger for chili, and a couple of nights of leftovers thrown in will do us all good. :)


I may be going to see a movie today.  It will depend on friends, though.

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We'll be doing school.


Our dinner plan is the same each week, except Saturdays. It's kind of boring, and at some point I'm thinking we should move to a 2-week rotation, but we were just so done not knowing what to make. We do sometimes do something that's not scheduled. I actually checked out a book with vegetarian kids recipes, so we'll need to look through that to see if I'm going to make one with one of the kids.


We went to the Botanical Gardens yesterday, which had dollar days yesterday and today (and a free day on Saturday, but I found out about all that on Saturday evening). It was pretty crowded, so we did half the gardens yesterday, and then I let the kids play with blocks in the kids' garden, at the end of which I was like "do y'all want to go home and do the rest tomorrow?" (yes). But, the neighbor still hasn't moved his car out of the driveway*, and when we left yesterday the line to get in was about the length of half the walkway, even though it was freezing outside, so I'm not sure I want to go... I was thinking if we could be there when they opened, it might not be too crazy busy, but that's obviously not happening (they opened half an hour ago). So, I asked the kids if they really wanted to go today, and they didn't really mind going some other day. So, we'll go some other day... maybe we'll wait until they've got flowers in their outside gardens again. I did discover that it's a nice place to go in winter though - when you're standing amid tropical plants, you kind of forget it's winter. :)


*I could ask him to move the car if we really had to go somewhere, but I have a policy of letting sleeping CPS agents lie if it's not too inconvenient.

Edited by luuknam
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Oooh, I want the paleo sloppy joes recipe, please!!! Yumm!


You could also make meatballs, hamburgers, chili, to name a few.


Speaking of getting work done, I need to get some done now. I'll pop back by

in a couple of hours.



Here ya go :) http://physicalkitchness.com/whole30-sloppy-joe-bowls/ . I used regular mustard instead of dijon, and I think I upped the garlic a bit too since I use the pre-done frozen garlic cubes. DD had hers on rolls and I eat mine on a baked potato or mashed potatoes. 

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School: Nope.  We're off when my husband is off so that means all federal holidays.  Even the place where we take taekwondo closes for MLK Day so it's a real day off for us all.


Menus: I do my menus on Thursday and grocery shop on Friday so I'm good.  I have an app on my iPhone that I love that makes menu planning so quick and easy.


Anything Special: Not really.  My little guys are getting ready to paint their pinewood derby cars.  My oldest is at the MLK walk downtown.  My husband shorted something out in our upstairs a/c when he installed an ecobee (smart thermostat) so the HVAC people are coming to see what happened this afternoon (thank goodness we have two a/c units for our house AND the weather has been mild so we haven't need a/c or heat the last few days).

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Who's doing school today? The older boys promised to go out and get some significant "phys ed" in exchange for taking the day off.  Of course that meant they putzed around in pajamas all morning until noon, when I basically forced them to eat something and head out the door (with much rolling of the eyes and gnashing of the teeth).  All of a sudden I find myself strongly craving the company of adults :seeya:

It's ok, though, because Packers. And Steelers. :thumbup:


Who still needs to figure out menus for the week?  I'm good for this week.  Lots of leftovers in the fridge from cooking over the weekend and a huge turkey is thawing for Thursday.


Anyone doing anything special today?  Dh is working, so it's not a family day.  Ds12 doesn't have scouts tonight (no school, no scouts).  I suppose the kids and I could fit in a board game if we are still getting along by then...

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Hello, everyone! I'm back, although briefly. As we (the kids and I) pulled into driveway from our various outings,

dh texted he was 10 minutes from home (he went out shooting with some friends). That was over 10 minutes ago, approx,

so I'm sure he'll be walking in the door soon.  He's planning on making burgers on the grill tonight but Monday's is when one of my favorite pizza places has 25% off all pizza, including gluten free (which here also happens to be corn free  :hurray: ) so I may get that for me!  :p  


I'm also contemplating going shoe shopping tonight as I really need new tennis shoes. Wish they weren't so ridiculously expensive BUT I know it's worth it because they do more than just support your feet!


We'll see what happens. Glad I didn't plan on school today because it most definitely isn't going to happen.

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So dh walked in the door shortly after my last post and we wound up going to a nearby shopping center for appetizers

and some shopping. Relatively successful in that. Now, two hours later, dh is teaching kids how to use the grill and I sat down 

to breathe before figuring out what else needs to be done tonight and this week. Whew!


Going to close the Lounge now so I'm not tempted to keep coming back to see who was here!


The Lounge is now CLOSED. See you all TOMORROW.

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