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30 Day Challenges vs Resolutions


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So this year I'm going to try something different. I've never been one for resolutions but I do want to make some changes. I'm going to try a series of twelve thirty day challenges. I even found a helpful list  http://thoughtbrick.com/lifestyle/hundred-30-day-challenge-ideas/.


I started the day after Christmas with 30 min of activity every day for 30 days. My rules so anything from a walk to dancing to yoga...whatever counts. I can also do two 15 min or 3 10 min just so I get a total of 30 minutes. I'm going to try to alternate physical non-physical things. Any one else want to play? 

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My proposed list (subject to change without notice) :laugh:

Jan-30 min of physical activity/day

Feb-a compliment a day

March-8 glasses of water/day

April-1 journal sentence/day

May-focus on breathing for 5 min/day

June-a fruit and veg with every meal

July-read 15 min/day out of a "real" book

Aug-be vegetarian before dinner

Sep-text/call/write someone I care about each day

Oct-play the piano 10 min/day

Nov-keep a gratitude journal

Dec-avoid sweets except on the weekend

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Her book about goal setting, Better than Before, is great, too. Just something motivating to read while you are making changes! I love your list!!


I liked Better than Before better than The Happiness Project.  (ha! - that was a fun sentence to write) To my surprise, it helped to me realize that I'm a 'Moderator'. I do much better with "On most days I'll exercise" as opposed to "I must exercise every day for 30 days". Since I've read that book, I've made some positive changes in my thinking, and it has improved areas of my life. My DH, on the other hand, is an 'Abstainer', and he excels at 30 day challenges.

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I'll play! I normally roll my eyes (oh- wait change that to look pensive after the other thread :) ) about resolutions but this sounds really interesting.


Jan- getting out of bed, and not just waking up, by 6:45 am every day. (The problems of a homeschool mom, right?) ; Not buying anything on Amazon


Feb- 30 minutes of physical activity daily. I'm putting that one in Feb because I will have finished PT and need to continue it on my own.


I will play the rest by ear. Thanks for the suggestion! This is good motivation.

Edited by texasmom33
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I forgot to mention I am also going on an Amazon diet for January so I should add that to my list. Zero Amazon purchases. I want to cry just thinking about it. My husband is super excited however. :)

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I was thinking you were just going to eat piranhas or something.


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That would probably be easier and less emotionally fraught.  :blushing:

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This is embarrassing, but I'm going to try to get dh to join me in a 30 Days of NO Swearing.   :001_rolleyes:  Every time we mess up, we have to add a day to the challenge.  OK, that might be REALLY tough, but the ol' dollar in a jar is too difficult because we probably don't have enough cash.  LOL


I'm doing some Bible reading AND I'm going to try this beginner's challenge from Blogilates:  http://www.blogilates.com/blog/2014/12/30/new-beginners-calendar-2-0-for-2015/

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This is embarrassing, but I'm going to try to get dh to join me in a 30 Days of NO Swearing.   :001_rolleyes:  Every time we mess up, we have to add a day to the challenge.  OK, that might be REALLY tough, but the ol' dollar in a jar is too difficult because we probably don't have enough cash.  LOL


I'm doing some Bible reading AND I'm going to try this beginner's challenge from Blogilates:  http://www.blogilates.com/blog/2014/12/30/new-beginners-calendar-2-0-for-2015/



That is a little funny. One of my resolutions last year was to START swearing. At least a little tiny bit. After so many years of nursery rhymes, I wanted to feel like a grown up again :)

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I like this idea!  I've been thinking about the things I want to improve/change for next year.  The book is only $2.99 in Kindle BTW.


Some things I plan to continue after the 30 days are up, some I might not.


My first draft ideas:


Jan - get out of bed at 8am and do 30 minutes of yoga or tai chi every day

Feb - Track my food and activity every day (I'm doing Weight Watchers)

Mar - Eat 5 Fruits or Vegetables every day

Apr - go outside for at least 30 minutes every day

May - Add something to a gratitude list every day

June - Do a "learn your camera" challenge every day

July - Dance to fun music for 15 minutes every day

August - Work on a free online course/learning something new every day

September - Give everyone in my family a hug every day

October - Do my household chores every day

November - Spend 15 minutes coloring each day

December - Stay off the computer from 9am to 6pm every day (I have to check email first thing for work - this will depend on if I have an assignment).

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That is a little funny. One of my resolutions last year was to START swearing. At least a little tiny bit. After so many years of nursery rhymes, I wanted to feel like a grown up again :)


LOL  When I want to feel like a grown-up I eat dessert for dinner just because I can.  But that's still more like a child playing at adulthood rather than real adulthood.  hehe :p

Edited by 6packofun
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I do Barre3 and they are starting the year with a challenge for 30 days, so I'm doing that.


And I like the idea of 30 days of reading aloud to my kids - we've gotten out of the habit with so many ages, but even if I read to the 5-year-old earlier and the older group later in the day, I'd count that as a success!

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