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s/o of s/o of Fridge/Weird guests...Stories about Weird/Annoying/Shocking Hosts


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I had a great aunt once that blew her noae on a tea towel then went right on drying dishes with it. This was followed by letting a dog lick a plate and then putting it into the cupboard unwashed.


We suddenly decided that we really needed to be elsewhere and did not eat at her house ever again.


She was a retired nurse!! I guess she didn't believ too much in germ theory.

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My FIL plans "male" activities (hiking, canoeing, stuff like that) and "female" activities (shopping, manicures, lunches) and gets very offended when I would rather join in the "male" activities (which ultimately I do not as it is clear that I am not welcome).  I do my best to avoid visiting his house.

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My kids and I were staying at a very old family friend's house years ago.  She had not yet really moved in.  She was in the process of moving from another house.  She offered her newly purchased house for us to stay in for a few weeks (we were in this state to get some specialized help for my kids but did not normally live there).  Her older daughter (close childhood friend) came to stay with us, too, because she had badly injured herself (crushed bones) at work and needed a place to recover where people could help her.  The offer was so generous.  I promised we would keep the house clean and I would take care of her daughter and pay for utility use while we were there.


Childhood friend liked the thermostat cold at night so she could sleep.  She was in a lot of pain and the cold helped reduce her pain and discomfort.  She couldn't walk so she would have me adjust the thermostat for her. Her mom would come by the house the next morning and immediately raise the thermostat then get upset that it had been changed.  I explained it was her invalid daughter that had asked me to and I would happily pay any additional cost since I wanted my friend to be as comfortable as possible under the circumstances.  She was still very unhappy.  I asked my friend to discuss this with her mother so I wouldn't be the middle man.  She said she would.  The mom still got mad at me.  I tried readjusting the temp before she would walk in but it was obvious the temperature was cooler than it would have been if the thermostat was still at 80.  I really felt torn.  Friend was in so much pain but it was her mother's house, not hers.  


I then got reamed for allowing her adult daughter to eat Pop Chips.  And was told I was a bad influence for buying them for her when I went to the grocery store (friend had put them on the list - I had no idea her mother didn't want her eating them and honestly she was an adult).  Then I got chewed out for reading to my kids before putting them to bed (lower and upper elementary) because they were being babied.  I also got chewed out for being too cuddly with my kids because that would make them too dependent.  And for the food choices we were making.  And for putting my kids in a program to help them with their learning/academic struggles (they should just accept their lot in life).  And for not making my childhood friend (her daughter) suck up her discomforts and deal with everything without "pampering".  It was a very long stay.


We haven't stayed with them since.

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I have a bunch of these too, if I can remember ....


One of my friends from grad school invited me and several others to his home for a weekend.  He asked me if I'd like anything to eat or drink.  I said a glass of water would be fine.  All of his glasses were soaking in filthy, greasy sink water since who knows when.  He pulled a glass out of the water, rinsed it with cold water, and filled it up for me to drink.  He truly did not understand what was wrong with that.  He did ask me to teach him a few things about cleaning, which I gladly did.  :P  He argued with me about the use of hot water for dish washing.  "Won't you burn your hand?"


I visited a lady who has a sign in her bathroom ordering males to sit down to pee.


My friend and I visited an old friend of hers who was a science professor.  Somehow the topic of social sciences came up and he was outraged that anyone could use the word "science" in connection with that.  I mildly responded that they do studies theoretically using the scientific method etc.  (I mean, I don't care that much, it was just a conversation.)  He had a massive fit and we left as soon as possible the next morning (we didn't have any other place to stay overnight).


I can't think of too much else off hand.  I have had many wonderful hosts and hostesses.

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My step FIL was waaaaay too interested in the fact that I made my husband coffee and, because I was getting up, refilled it for him. He went on about it at length. It was like I was doing "what I should" and he was surprised because he has a rather messed up impression of our marriage dynamic. And of marriage dynamics in general. He went on and on about how his son never does anything in the kitchen or to help with the kids. My husband, bless him, was like "really? Never? That's so sad for him and his family." This left my step FIL briefly speechless. 😂

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I had to stay with the kids (they were 9 mo and 2 years old) at Dh's grandparents house when he was laid off.  Dh stayed in the town with a friend looking for a job.  While we had the upstairs bedrooms and bath, downstairs we were relegated to an empty dining room.  My baby is crawling only...  My 2 year old touches everything and sucks his thumb.  I paid for dial up internet(this is long ago lol) and while sitting there chatting with Dh at night I heard noises in front of me.  I look up to see rats in the chip bowl.  Not a covered chip bag, no, a bowl of chips that just sits out all the time to snack from...  rats, not mice, pop up and run off down the counter.  It wasn't a day later my baby crawls to a dead mouse and tries to touch it.  She had HORRIBLE diarrhea in this place...when we moved out it stopped.  It was the worst 30 days of my life.    

We went back to visit years later but got a hotel.  Damned if they didn't get a snow storm and we were stuck in that house for the night with none of our bags(at the hotel).  Ugh.  I wanted to start walking away....


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My step FIL was waaaaay too interested in the fact that I made my husband coffee and, because I was getting up, refilled it for him. He went on about it at length. It was like I was doing "what I should" and he was surprised because he has a rather messed up impression of our marriage dynamic. And of marriage dynamics in general. He went on and on about how his son never does anything in the kitchen or to help with the kids. My husband, bless him, was like "really? Never? That's so sad for him and his family." This left my step FIL briefly speechless. 😂

I was staying with my grandparents for the summer and Grandpa was going to take my little brother around their ranch.  I wanted to go, too, but Grandpa said I had to stay and help Grandma clean the kitchen.  Grandma got ticked and told me if I wanted to go see the ranch then I had every right to do so.  She was small but tough.  Grandpa got the message.  He shut up and let me get in the truck.   :lol:

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I went to a Mommy and Me type pool party.

I sat down on a chair outside, while holding my toddler daughter in my arms.  The chair bottom broke and I fell heavily into it, all the way down to the concrete.  Luckily my daughter was not hurt.  I went to mention it to the hostess so she could take that chair out of circulation, and rather than apologizing and/or expressing concern about us, she urged me not to worry about breaking the chair.  



Edited by Carol in Cal.
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We were in the home of an 86 year old lady who had just returned from visiting her daughter for several days. Before we left, she insisted that we take along some bread pudding that she had stored in her oven while she was out of town. We promptly threw it out when we got home and then worried for weeks that she would ask us how we liked it.

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I went to stay with in-laws who are close to the same age as me, it was for an event in their town, across the country.  I had a 12 month old baby, the in-laws also had a 12 month old baby.  The sis-in-law, I'll call her Sally, insisted that her baby have absolute silence while sleeping and had black-out curtains in the baby's room.  I was told that during naps and all night, I could not flush the one toilet in their apartment because it might wake the baby.  I really tried, but the first night, went to the bathroom, and I was pregnant, so I had to go often, and I just could not do my thing in a bowl that was already yellow with other people's ....stuff, you know, splash-back is real.  :ack2:


I had to flush, in the middle of the night.  The next day, I was ushered across the hall to the apartment of her close friend, who was married without kids.  I was probably talked about badly, but the friends worked all day and I had the apartment to myself and was away from crazy Sally, so...winning!  :laugh:


I called my dh though and asked him to change my flight home 2 days earlier, I couldn't handle being there anymore, Sally was driving me crazy. 



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