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Baby fever - what age child gives you the bf bug?

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Today at the park I watched the most darling little red-headed 10 month old boy. I swear that age just gets to me. I adore the pulling up until Kindergarten aged kiddo. I like the later ages a lot too but ....with the little ones, I get baby fever big time. New-borns...no thanks. I'll take a little toddler (or therabouts) anytime!

Sigh...I can't discuss this with dh because he gets bf worse than I do. He would like more and we are in our early 40's!

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True Confession:


I never had baby fever. Not once. Never. Dd was perfectly planned--- born in June so I could have the summer off with her (I was a ps. teacher) and from her birth on, I never, ever longed for another. In fact, the thought of being pregnant again filled me with a cold dread.


Dd was a PERFECT baby--- and is a sweet, wonderfully-natured girl. I never had any post-partum depression, or even a particularly bad pregnancy. I just didn't want to do it again. I could always hold other people's babies and never get that twinge. Dh is fine with one; he felt the same way.


Truth be told, I've always thought there was something wrong with me. :confused:




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After also never having baby fever, it hit me hard all of a sudden when I was 26. I remember the day, the setting, the baby, lol.


We planned it all out, got lucky the first time, and bingo-bango, baby boy #1.


Then, I was fine for five years.


Until it hit me again. Suddenly. Same scenario, I remember it like the first time, it knocked me on my feet.


Now, I have had twinges of it now and then (baby boy #2 is 14 months old) - but nothing like the full-force of the first two. Yet. :)


It's always the newborns, though. Always, always, always. I just want to eat them up!

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Newborns and tiny infants. I just love the smell of their little heads and having them snug in my sling. I admit I've never been one to desire holding other babies though. When I see a mom with a little one what I get is a bit jealous for another of my own and sad that we likely won't be heading that way anymore. I can look forward to grandbabies but you don't get to nurse them in a sling.


I have loved my toddlers but I admit when I see a toddler I feel stress, not baby fever. That usually cures me in a hurry. I have a darling and amazingly cute 3 year old right about now who has also probably doubled the gray hair I'm always trying to hide. She's wonderful and worth every gray hair but the idea of starting over yet again does make me pause pretty quickly when I see a darling little one with big, bright eyes and a fuzzy little head.

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From the time they start acting less like babies and more like toddlers. Like right now with my almost 13 month old. I will not be giving in to that feeling, but it's there, so far I do well holding off for 4 years in between kids but the entire time I have major baby fever.

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I am always a sucker for babies between 5 and 10 months. I usually think about losing sleep with younger infants and childproofing with older babies, and the idea just doesn't seem as fun.


Since ds was born, stages haven't seemed to matter. I'm in a permanent state of baby lust, and fighting it hard!

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True Confession:


I never had baby fever. Not once. Never. Dd was perfectly planned--- born in June so I could have the summer off with her (I was a ps. teacher) and from her birth on, I never, ever longed for another. In fact, the thought of being pregnant again filled me with a cold dread.


Dd was a PERFECT baby--- and is a sweet, wonderfully-natured girl. I never had any post-partum depression, or even a particularly bad pregnancy. I just didn't want to do it again. I could always hold other people's babies and never get that twinge. Dh is fine with one; he felt the same way.


Truth be told, I've always thought there was something wrong with me. :confused:





You are not alone, astrid. I love my ds, he is the light of my life, but I never had baby fever.


When I worked before ds was born people would show pictures of their children, I would show off our dogs photo. :D


I had an awful pregnancy and even the drs agreed I should not put my body through that again.


I have found children under two adorable and I'll probably be the grandma who calls and begs to babysit. :lol:

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