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Who's going to tackle Monday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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How is everybody?


Oh my goodness!  I keep losing my groove!  I don't even know what happened last week!  Anyway, trying to turn over a new leaf and be more organized and intentional this week.


Already drew up agenda for a meeting on Friday


Got 17 yo up



Get 15 yo up - she's super tired because of musical she was in this weekend

17 yo to class

floor guys are supposed to come today to do wood on stairs and upstairs hallway - that will be disruptive

work on my own school work - terribly behind!

make apt w. dr.

p/u 17 yo

AHG meeting today - fieldtrip to bakery!

17 yo has Phys. Trnr.

home again - leftovers for dinner

Make sure 15 yo is on top of her homework -both she and 17 yo have a ton to do for Tuesday classes

Bed early - didn't sleep well last night!

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Good morning! Back from am practice. Long meet weekend, punctuated by tennis and a guitar recital. Dd2 missed her jr national cut by 0.4 seconds in the 400 im, disappointing for sure. She is a super resilient kid, but sometimes I wish she didn't always have to be. Regular busy day- hs swimming starts this week and adding that in will be a challenge.


To do:

get boys up and going

clean kitchen and inventory refrigerator for meals this week

school for boys

guitar lesson for ds3

general chores

update calendar (adding in required events for hs swimming)

PM practice swim/aikido/swim

dh has late aikido pickup


Have a great day!


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Good morning!


We had a breakfast meeting/party this morning and are just now getting home and into the day's routine. 




start chx stock in the crock pot

take meat out of the freezer

walk - too nice today to spend the afternoon inside!

take Ds to Cub Scouts

listen to a webinar?



dinner - leftovers

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Human care done

pet care done - though remind me to put Rocky's ear medicine in when he doesn't expect it and runs away

called re bills - it was their mistake both times.  Grrr.  But at least it's fixed and everyone is happy.

skipped egg delivery this week since we are swimming in eggs

emptied dishwasher and put away dishes etc.

disinfected the CPap

filled dishwasher and it is running

helped dd with algebra

brought in garbage bins


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Ds' school done. Gone outside to play. :)

Laundry done, not folded.

Chx stock simmering. I do love my crock pot!

Dd is working on school stuff.


Next up:


fold MY laundry

make kids fold their laundry. :)

food prep


Jean, I laughed about Rocky's ear med! We do the same thing. Cooper hates ear drops!

Edited by ScoutTN
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Work.  :)  Sent out a report that was hanging over my head forever; now working on Nov. 15 deadlines.


Kids have gymnastics tonight.


I need to buy something for them to eat at aftercare tomorrow as they'll be at school until 7pm.  Will probably do this while they are at gymnastics.

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We got a good report today. He does have pectus carinatum, but it's mild. He said we don't even have to come back. Most likely, it will continue to grow some over the next year. When he's old enough to start developing pecs, those will help diminish it's appearance. He said it actually gives him a larger rib cage, and that means he can develop a larger lung capacity. Great for swimming!


Tonight I have to finalize book club plans and discussion. I've also got IEW writing class papers to grade. 


My dad might be coming down for a visit. He lives in east TN. They've got so much smoke from the fires that he is starting to wheeze. We've had some smoke all the way in middle GA, but it's not that bad. 



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