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Traditions end of curric?

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It's my first year homeschooling and I'm about to finish two subject books (half semester of SM done and full level 1 of AAS done yay!!!!!!!!!). I am so so excited and proud of my DD.


I loved our start of year new tradition with a "walk to school" around the neighborhood and photos, probably ideas I got here!


Does anyone have any fun (& simple) end of book traditions?




Edit: spelling

Edited by Shred Betty
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We let the child pick a song and stop whatever school we are doing to have a mandatory dance party (everyone at home must participate). This has gone over well and requires very little prep from me. And only lasts 4 minutes, so it isn't too disruptive when you have various kids finishing books from different subjects every few weeks.

Edited by Meagan S
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We don't do a ton of workbooks, but when we do finish one we have a "book party" ice cream party with dance party in the living room. I think I'd rethink that if there were a bunch going on every year. My 8 year old pretty much only has singapore IP books as workbooks. 6 year old does more because she loves them and everyone is happy she is such a hard little worker and earns them ice cream ;)

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Well...one of mine asked if he could burn the book in a bonfire...

ohmygoodness! I have a wood stove and badly need some fire starting paper! Lmao that is not what I would have thought of but quite a practical solution haha thanks! Cute :)


I'm definitely doing the dance party! Tomorrow is also my birthday. Maybe I can dance on the table? Lol...

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When one of our kids finishes a math book (half a year's worth of lessons), dh and I take that kid out to a local cafe for lunch. I didn't think it happened very often until last time we walked in and the business owner commented on how well dd must be doing with her school work! Then we let the kid have a couple of math free days before starting the next book (they think this is a treat, but in the girls' case it's really just to give me time to get the next MM book printed out ;) )

Edited by IsabelC
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We also give the rest of the week off when a book/course is finished before moving on to the next level.  For AAR/AAS, I sign out the certificate and we all gather together and I present it, shake their hand and congratulate the kiddo and then we all clap.  We like to be a little silly around here.  :)  In the past I've also had a prize box that the kids could pick from.

Edited by Jess4879
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We also give the rest of the week off when a book/course is finished before moving on to the next level. For AAR/AAS, I sign out the certificate and we all gather together and I present it, shake their hand and congratulate the kiddo and then we all clap. We like to be a little silly around here. :) In the past I've also had a prize box that the kids could pick from.

Oooh, adorable. :) prize box!! Awesome idea!! Thanks

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Well...one of mine asked if he could burn the book in a bonfire...


I believe this was the tradition of the late and deeply beloved Moira (nmoira).


I remember mentioning it once years back to my boy, and he always asks if the completed book will go on the bonfire?


Can't do it myself.



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I have to confess that although book burning is anathema to me as a general rule, I actually allowed the kids to burn OPGTR once they were all done with it. In my defence, it was in such a poor state that it honestly wasn't good enough to give away for anybody else to use, so there wasn't really anything else we could do with it. And we do actually need paper to start our wood heater. And I am truly remorseful and will reciting 10 Hail Susans help? ;)

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