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Crazy political rant experience

Night Elf

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I get the sentiment but rants are always uncomfortable. I just make non-commital noises or change the subject, unless they seem rational, and then I'll say 'hey, do you mind if we talk about something else?' or even 'sorry, I have some work to do on my phone right now and can't chat'.

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We use public buses and trains and hear rants often.


Ouch. I do not know why people think that controversial topics are okay to bring up to strangers in a business environment. There is just no sense of propriety out there.

Some people in the same office building as my husband are ranters. Luckily none so far in his department as they work seasonal overtime until Black Friday. Now the California secession rants are starting again.

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We use public buses and trains and hear rants often.


From the driver!? I've only heard a few broadly directed personal statements from bus drivers (as compared to conversations between them and whoever had decided to chat with them, which is different), and only one was political.


(The others were an announcement that the Mets had won a game, and an admonishment after a building exploded to be very careful if you smelled gas. That's twice in literally 23 years of solo bus riding.)

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From the driver!? I've only heard a few broadly directed personal statements from bus drivers (as compared to conversations between them and whoever had decided to chat with them, which is different), and only one was political.

No, from passengers on Caltrain, BART and VTA. On SF MUNI we hear all kinds of rants, mostly non-political.

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