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Remote control cars recommendations?


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Ds might want one for Christmas. We have bought a couple in the past, but they just don't last (and he is very careful with his stuff).


Any favorites/affordable recs? Hopefully under $40?? This is not his main present, he also likes legos 😛



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I don't know if these are made any more, but Radio Shack used to sell these tiny little remote control cars that the kids loved, called Zip Zaps. They were fun because they could be driven all around the house easily, not like larger RC cars that were slow or large or made for the outdoors. I don't know where you'd find them nowadays but my guys had a number of RC toys over the years and these were by far the favorites.

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Anything at that price point is not made to last, sadly. My son has a couple RC cars (a truck - can go through puddles or snow, and a drift car) that are quite a bit above that price point that his grandparents got him. They got it for him so he can learn about the mechanics of cars. So it is quite educational. He loves them. You can buy different parts for them should they break. So that is also nice. If you are thinking your child might want to learn about engineering, this may be an opting worthing looking at later on. I can give you the name of the ones we have if you like. 

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Anything at that price point is not made to last, sadly. My son has a couple RC cars (a truck - can go through puddles or snow, and a drift car) that are quite a bit above that price point that his grandparents got him. They got it for him so he can learn about the mechanics of cars. So it is quite educational. He loves them. You can buy different parts for them should they break. So that is also nice. If you are thinking your child might want to learn about engineering, this may be an opting worthing looking at later on. I can give you the name of the ones we have if you like.

Yes please! Interested in checking different options. I don want something that will break in a month or two
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My son has this truck: https://www.amazon.com/Traxxas-36054-1-Stampede-Ready---Race/dp/B00OK3AJWW/ref=sr_1_7?s=toys-and-games&ie=UTF8&qid=1476108494&sr=1-7&keywords=traxxas+rc+cars You can get parts for them fairly easily on both Amazon and at a local hobby shop. You can also get different outer shells so it looks can be completely different. We have 3 for my son's drift car for instance. Oh and if you were to get this truck, the tires look under inflated. They are like that so it has better grip to climb things. It seems odd but I have seen that actual drivers lower the pressure in their tires when they go into a desert for instance. So it must be true. :)

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Is the one my dd has.  It has mixed reviews on Amazon, but we haven't had any problems with it.  Like I said we have used it only inside but dd was probably about 4 when she got it and has played with it a fair amount.  My dh, brother and I have all played with it some too and enjoyed it.

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I recommend that you not get a r/c car. Rc cars are so played out that you can get unopened packs in every thrift store. Get a drone.   started last year with the now 11 y.o.  get a basic drone. Something around $50. Don't get any of those palm sized ones.   Get the largest you can find with go reviews. A syma x5c-1 for $65 comes to mind. It will last about a year, then upgrade to a $100 model.  It will take at least 2 drones before your child is ready for the real drones at minimum of $400.

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I recommend that you not get a r/c car. Rc cars are so played out that you can get unopened packs in every thrift store. Get a drone. started last year with the now 11 y.o. get a basic drone. Something around $50. Don't get any of those palm sized ones. Get the largest you can find with go reviews. A syma x5c-1 for $65 comes to mind. It will last about a year, then upgrade to a $100 model. It will take at least 2 drones before your child is ready for the real drones at minimum of $400.

What's a drone? How is it different from an RC car? I think I actually googled drones the other day because he mentioned the name (I'm not sure he knows what it is though, he said it was starwars related?). No idea. Any help is appreciated!!
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What's a drone? How is it different from an RC car? I think I actually googled drones the other day because he mentioned the name (I'm not sure he knows what it is though, he said it was starwars related?). No idea. Any help is appreciated!!


Drones also go by the name quadcopter. Basically, a flying disk propelled by 4 rotors.  Takes some practice, but way easier to fly than a rc copter or plane. search. search "best drones under $100", "Best cheap drone", "large cheap drones", you will find many For a child get one at least 12''diameter, built for outdoor flying. Get one around $60, with good reviews.  Work your way up to bigger and more expensive.  My son loves flying his. . Has been the favorite gift the last two x-mass.   Again, stay away from those small palm sized ones--too delicate, and cannot really learn to fly indoors.

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Found the model we started with-- HAK907, on amazon for $45. Highly recommended. Fair amount of speed for a complete beginner.  Took a beating and still flies.  Forgot to add, make sure you get one that comes with its own controller, not a cell phone operated one.  Also, stay away from the camera for your first drone. cameras at the bottom price range don't work well, 

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