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Once a month cooking....

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I have done it in the past, but am out of the habit. I want to get back to it soon. Here's a website with a lot of recipes.




Seeing this post on here has me thinking about seriously starting again. I have a freezer space issue. We only have the top of our refrigerator. Right now I have corn from my Dad and blueberries we picked this summer that are taking up quite a bit of room.


Good luck!

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I've actually been trying to find the motivation to do it, at least on a bi-weekly basis. Like I just mentioned, I hate cooking. HATE it.


Lately, I have been doubling a few meals to freeze for another time. This hasn't been working out as intended, since I'm more than happy to serve the double within days, if not the next night!

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I have done it in the past, but am out of the habit. I want to get back to it soon. Here's a website with a lot of recipes.




Seeing this post on here has me thinking about seriously starting again. I have a freezer space issue. We only have the top of our refrigerator. Right now I have corn from my Dad and blueberries we picked this summer that are taking up quite a bit of room.


Good luck!


The 30 Day Gourmet book is excellent and well worth the money. It is well-organized, has lots of great recipes that can easily be adapted by size or ingredients, and a great planning section. I've checked out a lot of OAMC books/methods, and imo, 30 Day Gourmet is the best one.

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I don't do a thirty day, but from fall to spring I cook in big batches. I make at least two of everything and freeze one. There must be some reason I love cooking when it's cold or at least coldish outside.


I checked out lots of books from the library for tips and info.

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I highly recommend the 30 Day Gourmet cookbook. If you go to their website, you will be able to download plenty of free recipes to see if this system would work out for you.


I own the Once a Month cookbook, but only use two recipes from it. Your money will be well spent if you buy the 30 day Gourmet.


I do not prepare 30 different dishes for a month. Instead, I prepare 3 or 4 times one recipe. I use one of them for dinner that night and freeze the others. A couple of evenings later, I prepare 3 or 4 times one other recipe, serve one for dinner that night and freeze the others.


By doing this, I am slowly accumulating the food by concentrating my efforts on just one recipe at a time. This system works best for me and my family.

After I have 7-10 different recipes in the freezer (3 or 4 of each), my concentration turns to baking. I will defrost one of my "dinners" and then bake a triple batch of crescent rolls. Serve some with dinner and freeze the rest. The next night, I may make cheesy biscuits. Serve some with dinner that night (another frozen delight!) and freeze the remaining. I continue this method until I have a good supply of rolls, biscuits, scones, muffins and cookies in the freezer. Then I turn my attention to side dishes. I repeat the same order as mentioned above.


I have a friend who uses two days to fully prepare 30 different recipes of 1 dinner each. That process works best for her.


I encourage you to give it a try. Start out with one recipe and double it. Serve one, and freeze the other. I have been doing this since 1996, so I have the system down. But, I remember being overwhelmed, thinking that I needed a freezer FULL of food. It will happen, but give yourself plenty of time!:)


You will be surprised at how often you will be eating at home!


Best of luck!




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Freezer Assets (or may be called Frozen Assets)


Once A Month Cooking


I will wait and when chicken goes on sale. Buy a lot and cook all day. I end up with about 12 - 16 dishes which I use over a 2 month period.


I do the same with gr. beef, etc.


My goal is to have about 3 meals a week for 2 possibly 3 months.


Save them for busy nights, AWANA night, small group and after church!

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I did this with some friends last year--5 of us. We made 10 batches of 4 things, 2 of them side dishes and 2 main dishes. Several of us said we'd skip the side dishes next time, and we wouldn't have 5 people again. Making 8 batches was okay, but 10 was pushing it!


Each person brought 4 main dish recipes to the meeting table, so if several didn't like some of them, they wouldn't get made. Otherwise, we made things we'd made before and frozen. Some good ones were stuffed shells, manicotti, several soups, and some casseroles.

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