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Any natural remedies for insomnia when you are pregnant?

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I am 14 weeks and only averaging about 5 hours a sleep a night. Last night I went to bed after an exhausting day at 8:00 pm to be certain I would get enough sleep. I couldn't fall asleep until 10:00 and only slept until midnight. I laid there until 2:00am and then only slept until 5:00. (Insert very loud and frustrated scream here!).


Is this common? I had mild insomnia in my previous 3 pregnancies but nothing at all like what I am experiencing now. It is happening every.single.night. What can I do in the natural realm that might help? Heck I'll take non-natural as long as it's safe and will allow me to sleep. Currently I am taking benadryl every few nights but I don't want to do that too much as it's effectiveness will wear off. Hopefully the Hive can help!

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It happens, I just usually try to make myself as comfortable as possible-- extra pillows, as many as I need.


Also a shower at the end of the day might help or a head massage from your hubby. I believe that head massages produce whatever that chemical is (is it seratonin?) that helps you sleep.


I kind of try to wear myself out during the day so I can get to sleep as well. But it will wear off, don't worry!

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This is not natural but...


Unisom is safe to take when pregnant and is not habit forming. I take it, together with B-6, every night of every pregnancy from about 7 weeks on to stop my constant vomiting. It helps me sleep too...which makes sense with it being a sleeping aid and all.

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A drop of majorum essential oil on each side of your pillow (in case you turn over) should help. Unless you hate the smell, that is! It wears off after a few hours, so you might have to reapply if you wake up in the night. I know majorum is to be avoided during pregnancy, but that's topical application. It's perfectly ok to sniff it.

Good luck,



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Thanks everyone. I am so thankful I have some new things to try tonight. Last night I used Benadryl b/c dh is out of town and I *had* to get enough sleep so I could be a good and patient mommy to my boys. I am going to try some of these other remedies tonight.


Wish dh were here for the head and/or foot massage! :)

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