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Apologia Human Anatomy vs college human anatomy course

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My son(junior) is considering a career in health care.  This year I am considering Apologia's Human Anatomy course for him. I would like to have a course that will prepare him for when he has to take his human anatomy course as a freshman in college.  Any experience with this?  

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My dd did Apologia Anatomy last year and will be taking Anatomy (as a nursing major) in the fall. I can't say yet how well it prepared her, but I do think it was a good introduction. Although I had A&P in college, I couldn't teach it today. I needed a self-teaching course (we did go through it together with lots of discussion). Apologia is a gentle course. It doesn't cover in a year what a college course will cover in a semester, but I did think it helped build her foundation.

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Honestly, Apologia and college anatomy are two completely different beasts in my mind and experience. I am afraid I really can't explain it well. I will admit that I am not a huge fan of Apologia classes overall. I like my science classes to be more...open and shut? Apologia is....wordy and convoluted? Just a personal opinion there. College anatomy is very straight forward (from personal experience and two kids who just finished it at different schools). I did have one dc who used Apologia anatomy in high school. I think the human systems coverage in the latter part of BJU's biology was a better preparation for the college class. If I had to do it over again, I would have taken those last chapters of BJU's biology and created my own Human Anatomy class from them instead of using Apologia.

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I would do it at home first. I did this class in college and it was hard!!! I wish I had had it before I took it in college. It would save money and grief to do at home first, and then at college.


This was my experience too. A&P was one of the toughest classes I took in college. I wanted to make sure dd didn't share that experience! 


Whether a college text or Apologia is the best answer depends entirely on the student. Dd doesn't learn well by just reading a textbook. Actually, she learns nothing that way. It just isn't a good fit. She needed Apologia that speaks in a teacher's voice and walks them through the material. It was easier to understand and digest. She learned all that was taught, memorizing for tests, etc. For her learning style this was really a good fit.


Based on advice on these boards, I tried using college texts in high school with my kids. I regret having done it. They always learned more from high school level books. I know some kids are ready for college texts in high school, but mine always learned much more from books geared toward homeschoolers. I wish I'd been a bit quicker to figure that out.

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