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Math in Focus


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Can someone please tell me about Math in Focus? I was planning on using Singapore Standards 1a/1b for my younger two this year, but now I am considering Math in Focus. How do these two programs compare? Is Math in Focus easier to teach? Are the lessons taught from the teachers manual similarly to Singapore's Home Instructor Guide? Or, are most of the instructions on the worksheets themselves? What do I need to purchase for Math in Focus to successfully teach the lessons?

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I know there are some prior threads on this, which I will attempt to find in a minute.


In basics, in my opinion, MIF is more colorful. It has more group activities. It has games you can play.


My understanding (not based on any real study, just what I  have read here) is that the scope is about the same but the sequence might be slightly different.


MIF used to be overall more expensive, but now you can get them used, so I will have the hive comment on price differences. I don't think they are quite what they were before. When I started with 1A five years ago I bought it new for maybe $90 a semester set and that was a steal at the time. I believe you can do much better now.


The question about the teacher's guides--I have not looked at Singapore's.  MIF's teacher's guide is designed in part for use by a regular school teacher. It is quite robust.  Everything is there. The question is--do you need it?? Well, I found myself very rarely needing it in the past four years. Usually when I have it was because I couldn't quite place what method they wanted us to use or because there was a typo in the workbook.  We are currently using 5A and 4A here, so we have stuck with it for five years now.


There are no "worksheets" with MIF. There is a hard bound textbook which you will have to copy problems out of (or do them on scratch paper as we do), and a separate student workbook.  There is also an assessment book but we have never used it. There are built in reviews for each chapter and section so I have not felt it necessary yet to do assessments.


So, your essentials:  textbook, workbook, and maybe the teacher's book. It all depends on how comfortable you feel with the math. I am a mathy person so I found it easy to follow what they were presenting in the text book. 


Off to find the threads . . .



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I used Math in Focus for 1st and 2nd grade. I was able to teach it using mostly the textbook, not the teacher manual. It was a good program, but kind of expensive, so I decided to look elsewhere. (I'm not a very good bargain hunter when it comes to used curriculum.)


One of the programs I looked at was Primary Mathematics. It was similar to MIF, and less expensive. I found this article and it was really helpful in comparing PM to MIF...




I ended up not choosing either one and went with Math Mammoth. I liked that I didn't have to keep track of a teacher manual, 2 textbooks, and 2 workbooks...everything is included in the student worktexts. 

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Because of the HIG, I'm sure Singapore is easier to teach for homeschoolers. Singapore is also more customizable, IMO - the Extra Practice, Intensive Practice, and Challenging Word Problems makes it a little more flexible in terms of tailoring for a kid who needs more help or more challenge.


I have mixed feelings about MiF. The textbook and workbook don't fully connect, IMO. The text is overly easy, the workbook throws in stuff that's much, much more challenging. There's not enough in between. But, in a way, I feel like that's my complaint about Singapore as well, though we never fully used Singapore.

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FWIW I am very math phobic and the idea of teaching Asian math terrified me! So I went with MIF since after a lot of research it is supposed to be easier to teach and it is supposed to have less of the gaps in teaching that Singapore may have. It is super easy to teach. Very colorful and easy to figure out. It has some fun logic type exercises that DS liked which impressed me because it really required him to think it through. I can't compare it to Singapore since I only looked at the online samples but I'm happy with MIF and now not stressed about teaching a math so different from what I had been taught.


Forgot to add as far as books I teach from the teacher's guide and DS follows along in his textbook which usually has some exercises for him and then separate work done in a workbook. For 1A there were a lot of exercises that used the connecting blocks as far as manipulatives go.

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I forgot to mention that we did the Extra Practice workbooks as a sort of summer bridge for math.  Now we do the one semester (e.g. 4A), then the extra practice, then another semester (4B), then extra practice (4B).


The extra practice workbooks are pricey but I felt like we needed more practice on some concepts so it was the easiest way to get it.  Now that we use Prodigy math also, I am not sure it is as necessary. 

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MIF is more Americanized (Singapore's words not mine) and is very good for the struggling math student to do higher math.


The standards and primary are about the same.

Both are ahead of grade level (not MIF) . one is almost a full year ahead...one is a little over a half a grade ahead.


The primary and standards...

Primary has more review. ( I could be mixing thst uo. But the one of primary and standards ...the in thst costs more of the 2 has more review.)


MIF is a great program for a student who needs more help, and allows them a way to be able to learn the Singapore way.

I have totally changed my opinion of MIF.

MIF is double the cost. There's a reason for thst. The research and development thst had to go into MIF is amazing and no cheap.

I'm using both . my younger DC struggles more with math. So this is a great option for him and he can still learn math frontward backwards laterally and every which way lol.

I'm using both MIF and primary with him.


My older one I just use primary the one that is a little but more cost than standards.




Standards....of those 2 one costs just a little bit more BC there's more review . these 2 are pretty close. The sequences was changed a lil bit...and added more review to one and that's why it costs tad but more. I use the one with more review.


MIF if way more hands in, across curriculum helps Nd is double the cost.

Again it's double BC sobmuch more goes into it.

It would be for the struggling or the LC child.

I use MIF and...primary I think it is. The one thst has more review.


So when you see it in the catalogue. Of standards and primary ..one is just slightly more..like 5 ish ir so dollars more. Thst one has more review.


MIF. Is also good for an introduction to the Singapore way of teaching.

The accross curriculum helps are awesome . there's a good reason MIF is double. There are more hands on activities and the creative way they take it across curriculum . love it.

It also teaches you how to do a math journal. Like as in writing . which is really unique and cool.


I've been doing a mth journal with the boys since I bought MIF. It really helps and helps to really cement thst concept .

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My youngest has used MIF from 1A-4B. I have never felt there is a disconnect between the text and workbook - the workbook problems align well with the practice problems in the textbook, but there are some additional challenging pages in each chapter titled "Put On Your Thinking Cap."


I also think that it is MUCH easier to teach from than the Singapore HIGs. The MIF textbooks are written to the student, have photographs of manipulatives illustrating the concepts, have scaffolded instruction (often have the problems set up with blank spaces to fill in the missing pieces), and have games right there in the textbook. You literally just need the textbook for the instruction part, and the workbook for independent practice. No need to juggle multiple books or read ahead and prepare.


The S&S is nearly the same as the old Singapore programs. MIF is based on an updated syllabus from Singapore, but they didn't change much. The programs are not fundamentally different in their concepts, only in their presentation. And I think the presentation of MIF is far superior.


I supplement with mixed review (Math Minutes) and word problems (70 Must-Know Word Problems, soon will be using SM Challenging Word Problems) because I worry about moving too fast and not giving time for stuff to sink in. My son completed 4A and 4B in 3 months .... I am thinking about running through another program for 4th grade just to ensure that he's solid. 5th grade MIF is heavy on multi-step word problems and I'm a little nervous about that. It ends up being a very strong, rigorous math program.

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Oh....if you don't get the MIF hig...you miss Sooo much. That's where all the good stuff is.


Activities..across curriculum ideas.

That hig is packed full of meat. Esp in the MIF.


Sure, you could *teach* math...but you'd be missing SO much thsts in thst big ole hug :)

I mean. It's a treasure chest of ideas....the MIF hig is the reason it costs so much more...because of all the research gone into it and the meat in there.


Shows you closing origami ideas to teach frations.

Has you pull up foreign flags online to show fractions thst way, and see the foreign flags...Sooo much meat.

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Thank you all!  I have Singapore Standards 1A here, but we haven't started it yet.  I think I am going to order MIF 1A to have a look at it.    I have never taught an asian style of math, so MIF sounds a little less intimidating to me.

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Oh....if you don't get the MIF hig...you miss Sooo much. That's where all the good stuff is.


Activities..across curriculum ideas.

That hig is packed full of meat. Esp in the MIF.


Sure, you could *teach* math...but you'd be missing SO much thsts in thst big ole hug :)

I mean. It's a treasure chest of ideas....the MIF hig is the reason it costs so much more...because of all the research gone into it and the meat in there.


Shows you closing origami ideas to teach frations.

Has you pull up foreign flags online to show fractions thst way, and see the foreign flags...Sooo much meat.


There is a Math in Focus Home instructor's guide?


I have the Singapore Math Home Instructor's guides...but I didn't know MIF did one as well. That would be very interesting to me.


Can you,Kat W, or someone else link me to one?  I did google it but got no hits.  I googles Math in focus and Home instructor's guide, and all I got were hits for SM HIG

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There is a Math in Focus Home instructor's guide?


I have the Singapore Math Home Instructor's guides...but I didn't know MIF did one as well. That would be very interesting to me.


Can you,Kat W, or someone else link me to one? I did google it but got no hits. I googles Math in focus and Home instructor's guide, and all I got were hits for SM HIG

Red squirrel , I'll have to look at it when my boys get uo....it could very well be the instr. Guide and kids text included in same book.

It's the big huge book...has all the tabs with teacher notes, plans, helps...then before each chapter it has all the enrichment , cross curriculum , and anything else they add.


I tried to find a used one and couldn't. I bought mine new.


When the kids wake up I'll go get it.

Like I said, it could have the kid examples and TM all included. Seems like my TM has the answers to the text included tho.

I'll come bck after they wake up and I pull it out.


Does the one your talking about have the enrichment and cross curriculum stuff in it?

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I went in and got it anyway :)


It's the teachers manual.

They didn't make a MIF to use in schools.

Singapore is pretty picky hoe they developed and their curriculum is used.

MIF was written to the other than PS. Only ps that was written is what they worked out with California.


So, mifs guide is just labeled teachers manual. It's not written to be used in schools.

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It's an insanely huge book lol.

It's packed with helps.


I didn't used to be a fan of it, until I saw the benefit of it.

It was written for the alt. Fir kids who struggled to use the Singapore methods.

But parents still wanting them to have the advantage of Singapore .


It's different. Still good and has its place for sure.

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After hittin a huge brick wall with regular SM with my lil LC guy...i turned to that section of the MIF manual. Wow. Full of good stuff mama can do and pull in to help them get the concept . all the chapters have that in it.


Mom teaching origami type foldin to illustrate fractions.

I'm not a paper folder user (lol) normally . but with my SN kids...it helps. Even with reading and writing.

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I just saw up thread someone saying MIF used in a group. I havent seen group except for what would/could be used with your own kids.


It may be used in some private schools, but MIF wasn't marketed to the public schools in the beggining . it could be now. But I haven't seen it marketed thst way.

Only home and private school use.


I have a friend real life thst is principal of one of the private schools here...and she hadn't heard of MIF. Meaning...hadn't seen it marketed to private schools . doesn't mean it's not marketed that way in some regions.


Either way...MIF is good for introducing kids to the Singapore way, or for the child thst needs extra helps in that way, struggling learners, it LC . mine are LC but I still use regular Singapore.


I'm sure thsts not exactly the point you were trying to make.


I'm simply sharing with op my very extensive research and my husband's as well.


You never know who ir the background someone has on these boards. We don't exactly advertise or expound the verbal resume, nor DO I have interest in that. ...or...a math fight.


I was sharing with op what me and my husband know of the entire Singapore products, who and what they were made for, who and what they are intended for , who and what they are marketed too.


And yes. I know, I ended phrases in prepositions. I don't feel the need to go into that...either.


This is what I know, so I shared. If I didn't know, I stay quiet.


The MIF instructors guide is in fact 'called' the teachers manual.so, to your "interesting" issue. There ya go .

MIF in and of itself was written to the home/small group setting.



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Can someone please tell me about Math in Focus? I was planning on using Singapore Standards 1a/1b for my younger two this year, but now I am considering Math in Focus. How do these two programs compare? Is Math in Focus easier to teach? Are the lessons taught from the teachers manual similarly to Singapore's Home Instructor Guide? Or, are most of the instructions on the worksheets themselves? What do I need to purchase for Math in Focus to successfully teach the lessons?

I saw MIF at the used book store and I thought it looked wonderful! I wanted to buy it. But, I am a math curricula addict, so, I called my sponsor and then did not purchase it, LOL. No seriously, it looks great.


But I am not switching because of this...


I teach Singapore Math US edition without a TM. I have no trouble teaching it. I have been teaching it for years and was even just offered a job back to teach it part-time at a private school. Yay! In the beginning, SM did not have the HIGs. Other people love the HIGs. Perhaps it is a crutch? Maybe they just like more activities with the books? But since I taught SM from the first level up, I am very comfy. Maybe if you jump in the series in the middle, it would be difficult. I taught at a similar private school in the past, using the same series, except they were using Primary Edition and were switching over to US edition when I started. At first, I thought it seemed-just wrong. But once I followed it, I got used to it and I love it. 


The MIF I saw was hardback. I saw it at "Half Priced Books." I do not know if you can get a workbook with it. For me, I teach from the textbook and do everything in the textbook together and then my child does the workbook alone.

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Just to clarify--I do believe MIF is marketed to schools. The reason I say this is that Houghton Mifflin dropped their homeschool sales reps entirely, no longer come to convention, and they only sell through Rainbow, CBD, etc. now.  Also many of the games are written for multiple children. That is why I got the impression that it was used in schools. As for which schools use it, no idea.


I happen to have a couple of Calvert manuals for MIF that came with books I bought used. I vastly prefer the actual MIF teacher's guide. There is a lot more in the teacher's guide. FYI.


I have barely used my teacher's guide so I find it so interesting that some prior posters have found such great stuff in there. I literally did not look after year one. I feel bad now.  =)


By the way, OP--you can "sample" all the MIF products here:  http://samples.hmhco.com/math_in_focus/index.php  You just need to register once, and then you can go back in anytime (save the link!) and look at the teacher's manuals, workbooks, student books, etc.  It really is a nice feature they have.  

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Oh, I see. It's the Calvert manual for MiF that's the equivalent of the Singapore HIG. That's very new. Calvert only switched to MIF pretty recently.


Ok, that makes sense. 


I bought MIF grade 4, the two student text and the teacher's guide, for very little off of Amazon. The instructor's guide is HUGE, but it is made for a public school teacher. It isn't particularly useful for homeschooling.  I can imagine I would want it, if I were using MIF, which I am not, because it has some good schedules in it, some ideas for presenting ideas, etc. But for the most part it is a typical public school teacher's book, lots of lots of things that aren't useful to the homeschooler. I suspect lots and lots in it isn't particularly useful to a public school teacher either, lol.  It was a lot of filler.



I have SM and find the HIG to be very useful. 

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Baha! A crutch. Ok.

No. It's called....milking curriculums fir all they are worth.


Know why Singapore insists on manuals?


They were being implented wrong or, not the way Singapore does and their name is on it.


It's the teachers who do that.

Because one may have a teaching degree...makes them a master not.


And yes farrar...Calvert published the MIf.....

There was a split and merge and split again between the publishers.


I forget all the flip flop back and forth off the top of my head right now. But...thats why it's Calvert.


They bought out the original publishers.


I'm still laughing at...crutch. Baha


Those who cannot have a civil conversation ...choose to insult.


Much like those who use foul language lack vocabulary... Ya know...kinda the same thing ;)

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Again I say....those who expouse their verbal resume.... Well.


Those who do not expouse their verbal resumes are often times the ones I will plant myself in front of. Those are the ones who do not feel the need to ...'tout a verbal resume thst may or may not be true'



I've said it before. Not looking for s math fight.

Looking to promote America to the ....well...more than the bottom if the barrel globally in math.


I realize the teachers in ps are simply the ones...told what to do, told what to teach, told how to do it. The administrators and politicians and lobbyist...those a t a higher level will dictate this.


Teachers are at the entry level in the education world.

The worker bees.


Does not mean...teachers must drink the kool aide too.


I want more for our nation. More for our children and grandchildren .


As I said before. You never know who you are talking to on these boards. Those who come from places of...mmm...well.

Who come from backgrounds and educational thst put those at a level to trulyake the change...aren't the ones...routing a 'verbal resume'.


Those are the humble and not insulting those who....

Think they are all thst and a bag of chips as they say :)


That is really all I have to say in the matter .


I ask those who think they don't need the manual...to please look at how we can best elevate our numbers in America and bettering our kids...than trying to possibly prove to everyone else....they know more than Singapore :)


But more importantly ...those who really earnestly ask the question ...take a look, ponder and pray,...what is laid out before us. AMD give our kids the best possible teaching we can.


Which means, puttin aside , fir some, pride and inflated ego, but most aren't thst way, most are parents truly wanting to do the best fir their kids.


Please. Look at the hig and think about....where Singapore is in comparison to us and without haughtiness....employ the knowledge Singapore shares with us.


Swb herself says...use the hig.

I would think most here would not think they know more than swb :)

She's incredibly knowledge able and has the american kids best interest at heart :)


One we should be aspiring to be like :)


That's the kind of person I want to emmulate. :)

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MiF is not published by Calvert. It's now published by Houghton Mifflin, I think because Marshall Cavendish divested a lot of their school market stuff, though I'm not sure about that. Calvert switched from their own math to MIF a couple of years ago... maybe three or four? It was a process. I know at some point you could get either or that different grades had different maths as they moved MIF up grade by grade.


Janeway was referring to the SM HIG's when she said she felt like it was a crutch. Honestly, different people use different materials in different ways. I've never seen Calvert's MIF guides, but I've certainly seen the HIG's. I do think a lot of people miss out on the best part of a program by not using the TM's in general. However, some people have a natural ability to figure out how to teach from a text and enrich it themselves. I hardly think it was an attack.

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Thanks for that clarification farrar...mine was still clavert.


The back and forth and split and reflgroup of the few that have partnered..unpartnerrd lol...


Ok. So...one of them that have done the switcharroo lol.


Mine says Calvert. That must have been in one of the times when it was all...back n forth and every which way with the 3 stakeholders

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No no. I know Janeway what Janeway was referring too.


She and I have had this go about on threads before.


History if you will.


She felt the need to say outright the very first thread many months ago that she and I were on together ....called me an out and out liar...BC she said I said noone could teach without the hig.


That was not what I said it's there for all to see. And no edit on my post.

I said...its beneficial.

Idk if it's...what...but...once one calls me a liar...and I continue to be nice to that said person....then...that said person comes at me again...yea.

I'm comin back ;)

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I'm nice to everyone. Even if they've been unkind to me.....still...after I've said kind words on that person's other threads....they cime for me...like I said..I'm comin back.

I have my limits.


And it was a veiled insult.


Reg SM ir MIf...it's the Sam...she knows I teach SM and the convos we've had in past on threads....I am always come at...when...I only care to do the beat we all can.


To throw out what Singapore teachers themselves even use...well...I'm jus sayin....:/

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Kat, is this the guide you're talking about? http://samples.hmhco.com/math_in_focus/index.php I can't find much that's all that innovative for 2nd grade, but maybe it's a different volume? Or maybe there are gems that I didn't see looking through quickly. I found the HIG helpful in teaching Standards 1B this summer, a lot of good ideas. We didn't use most of them, but it did really help me understand the method in a way I wouldn't have without it, and it gave good ideas for us to use when there were areas I felt DD needed extra reinforcement. Calling it a crutch is a bit of an insult...For those of us not fluent in Asian math, I don't see how you could teach it correctly without studying the method.

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Wait, this sounds awfully familiar...I think we had this "argument" about a month ago, with the same three players saying basically the same things, lol.

Hahaha....nature girl, I love you ;)


Yes! It is familiar lol :)


Thanks girl. It was on your thread in fact that I was called a liar lol. :)

I didn't care tho. I don't hold a grudge. I let by gones be by gones :)


I jus know who my friends are :)


Hahahab. You made me laugh. Thank you. Especially BC I got bad news about my grandbaby yesterday .


:( :( thanks a bunch girl...really means alot :)


I'm gonna check out the link

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Oh...I thought at first maybe I t was my slow phone. It says I need to update my flash player.


My phone is old and slow and full lol. It won't let me update anything.

Sigh. Guess I'm gonna have to break down an get a new phone :/


Thanks again nature girl :)


You're so awesome :)

Chuckled again lol. You rock girl :) tanx

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Kat w, I have a very hard time following your posts, but it seems you are unclear about who publishes what and for which market.


Marshall Cavendish was the original publisher of Math in Focus. Then they partnered wth HMH/Saxon Homeschool. Only the label changed; the product stayed the same. I have seen people say that MIF is a new Saxon - nope, it is just published under that company. I have books with MC on the spine, with HMH on the spine, they are all the same series.


MIF is primarily made for schools. Quite a few schools use it - just google "Math in Focus" and you will find a ton of links to school districts. The teacher's guides (the big spiral ones sold on Rainbow Resource) are really not necessary for the program if you are not needing to handled a bunch of different kids at different levels. I'm sure there are tidbits of useful information, but the textbooks do explain the concepts very well and there is nothing "missing" if you don't use the TMs.


Calvert published their own math for years, but started offering Math in Focus as an option. They wrote their own guide to go with it, and THAT one is geared towards Calvert homeschoolers. It is not a "switcharoo." It is a different product with a different purpose.


MIF now has a "Homeschool Answer Key." It is a softcover book about the size of a workbook, and has the answers to the student edition and workbook. It is published by Marshall Cavendish and Harcourt School Supply, and it shows that they are serious about marketing to homeschoolers.

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I didn't read passed the first few sentences .


I suppose you have a hard time following my posts is partly because there's back history thst mots here don't know of...back history with the conflict...

And.....I have nerve damage in my hands. And type on a small phone.


I was trying to...speak to the one that ibwas talking to and she knew it and knew what I was saying.


It's crytal clear to her.


I know they had back and forth on ownership etc. I said that...twic.


I own a Calvert MIF.


The one that I was speaking to and she knows it and knows what I use and you're coming in late like....ontjs late.


I do not want to go into it...I don't care to argue. I made my point to her.


The publishers have changed ownership bought n sold and merged. I know this. I forget exactly who did what when...but I don't ...care.

That is not the point. The point it. .about using one. And I made my point.


The publishers here was just a side note. Maybe she took out the thinks she said idk and IDC.


I answered a question..and defended my position... You don't know that back history with she and I...but ahe does. So..

I'm don talkin bout it.

...publishers...so...a side note

It's called...deflection cuz they were called out on something that happen months ago and apparently... She won't let it go.


Not..important and I don't care it read anymore.

This was all...code speak. She and I knew exactly what it meant. So..have a good day . I'm out

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Ondreeh....I just went back and looked....she totally changed ..edited out the part nature girl and I were speaking of....


Yea...when she edits her insults and I leave what I said alone. I see where it wouldn't seem like it follows.

Oh man.that's rich. Takes it down after a direct slam. Lol.


Well, it doesn't make sence...BC hers was changed.


Long going issue.

It's OK. Smh.

:)...next time I'll quote it so it will make sense. And all to see. :)

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