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I just need to vent...


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Until she tries to thank you, or more likely has a question or complaint about the "item". I bet she calls you to say she doesn't think she wants it after all. Don't answer!


I must admit, I am holding my breath for this to happen.   :ph34r:


Oh and I've already decided that if she emails or calls and says it isn't on her porch then I'm going to tell her to check with her neighbors.  It is close to impossible when none of the trailers or mail boxes were marked.  We just had to use logical deduction.  I am personally not going to go hunting for it for her.

Edited by Attolia
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Oh dear goodness.


I'm just laughing, wondering what will happen if you actually dropped it off at the wrong place. I would lose my mind if I opened my front door to find mystery barrels on my porch.


And you hailed around 200 POUNDS of stuff, more than once, for a flake? Oh gosh... You deserve a medal.

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Oh dear goodness.


I'm just laughing, wondering what will happen if you actually dropped it off at the wrong place. I would lose my mind if I opened my front door to find mystery barrels on my porch.


And you hailed around 200 POUNDS of stuff, more than once, for a flake? Oh gosh... You deserve a medal.


or a psych eval . . . . .

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It boggles my mind that you put up with this crazy for three years. This is simply ridiculous.

Do not attempt to deliver.

Give her a one week notice and then donate. And next time do that after the second failed pickup/delivery attempt.


ETA: As for refund: write her an itemized bill that refunds her money but charges her for the delivery attempts and storage, and make sure the total comes out to a neat zero.

I think this will just tick the crazy lady off even more.

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Do NOT interact with her anymore if she contacts you again. Do not respond to an email or answer her calls.   That's the root of them problem here-not knowing how to enforce a boundary. You're done now.  If she continues it's critical to your emotional and mental well being that you not engage in any way with her ever again.

For future reference, people don't send money ahead of time and pick up the goods later.  You accept payment when they arrive to pick it up.  If they don't show with the money when you agreed you simply sell it to someone else or donate it.  No fretting over refunds or being strung along by wackjobs. Problem solved.

When it comes to people who have asked you to keep something for them (young adult children, your sister who downscaled her lifestyle and is in transition to a new home) you set a reasonable pick up date before you agree to keep it.  If they don't pick it up then you set one more date in very near future (by the end of the nearest weekend) and explain that if it's not picked up by then it will be donated. Then you donate it the next the day.

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For future reference, people don't send money ahead of time and pick up the goods later.  You accept payment when they arrive to pick it up.  If they don't show with the money when you agreed you simply sell it to someone else or donate it.  No fretting over refunds or being strung along by wackjobs. Problem solved.





Well, obviously I know this now  :lol:   She claimed that since there were so many people wanting it, she wanted to send a check to secure it even though she couldn't pick it up for a week.  Then she said she needed me to hold it for a few months and then......Never would I have imagined.  Seriously, I was too innocent I guess  :tongue_smilie:

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