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Budget tracking tips


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We bought a (new-to-us :) ) van--Yay!


Unfortunately it comes with a car payment, which means my budget is tighter than it has been in awhile. I used to be really good about budgeting, but as life has gotten more complicated and we had more flex in our budget I've become worse and worse. Need to tighten back up.


So, what are your best budget tracking tips for someone whose time and mental resources are already stretched very thin? I've come up with a proposed budget for the month of August using my bank's budgeting tool, I figure I need to track everything this month and then re-evaluate and adjust if necessary. Groceries is one area I really hope to cut back on.

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I was going to type a rambly post on grocery savings, but this gal is great, on the spot, and has videos!




The one thing she doesn't mention is a price book to keep track of prices of things (household or food) over time and by store.  It makes a huge difference since this is a long term change.


Congratulations on the new van!  

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Quicken helped here and I had the bank download current expenditures into the program every week.  I could track everything with just a couple of clicks, could project out where we might be really tight, track savings, track loans, track specifically budgeted items, see where we had already been spending and where cut basks would need to be made, etc.  I don't use it anymore so I don't know what the latest version is like but it was awesome when I used it.


And congrats on the van!  :)

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Back when I tracked, I did it the hard way. I created a form with columns that let me record every purchase we made. Through trial and effort, we figured out how much to budget each category. We started with the static bills like mortgage, car, and utilities. Then I had forms for things like groceries, household (non grocery items like paper towels and hair products), gasoline, and clothing. I can't remember all the ones I had. But I was faithful to record each purchase. It sounds like a lot of work but it only took a few minutes to sit down each night and record the day's receipts. It's not like we were buying stuff all day so we didn't have many receipts on a daily basis. We tracked for over a year and felt we had a handle on our budget so we stopped. At this point, it might be prudent to go back to it now that we're spending a lot more on having two in college. I'd love to know where our money goes.

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I also do it "the hard way" with a spreadsheet (Excel or the Google equivalent), although I have tried various apps and found them difficult to adapt to our specific needs.


The single biggest help has been to pretty much giving up on cash and rely on our debit card (note NOT credit card as our debit card charges show instantly and credit card charges can take a few days to show). This makes tracking spending much, much easier. I usually fill things in on the spreadsheet a few times a week.


Also, when dh spends cash he will text me the amount he spent.

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You can't overspend, there's no overdraft, and your record is all kept right there as you shove your receipt in and see how much money is left.  It is seriously the easiest budgeting tool out there and has pretty guaranteed success.  Dh and I are supporting two different households right now and this keeps us on track better than any other method we've tried.

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