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quick..give me a writing prompt idea


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ask the student what he would be interested in. That gets the best results.

Is it supposed to be argumentation, or descriptive, or narration? One paragraph is so little that it barely merits a "prompt".


What should one pay attention to when selecting a martial arts studio?

Write about the impressions at your last tournament.

Argue why or why not to vote for (insert candidate name)

Describe your plans for upcoming trip

Write a letter to your grandmother

who is your favorite author and why

Edited by regentrude
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Summarize your favorite story/movie from the viewpoint of a minor character.


In five/ten/twenty years, what do you think will be happening in space/technology/field of interest? Why?


Should the current voting (or driving or drinking) age be raised? Why or why not? Teens sometimes respond well to issues like this that affect them or will affect them. Other similar issues: Teen curfews, military draft, rated R movies, etc.

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I like to word these activities as 'writing challenges'. For some reason, using the word 'challenge' is a good hook for my daughter.


Some of our writing challenges have included:


- Write a scene that includes a long-held secret and someone on their deathbed


- Write a poem that includes these words: peril, foul, closure


- Describe a storm at sea and include all 5 senses. 


I just make these up and have them as Word documents for my daughter (10) to come and go from at the computer.


She's definitely a better writer when she types. She's a perfectionist, so it's nice for her to easily erase an error or make a change without making a page look messy. 

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I asked my 13 year olds to write a five paragraph essay on the qualities Mark Whatney drew on to survive being left on Mars (the Martian). They LOVE the book and have read it a billion times so they were into the subject.


Overall, though, they hate writing! (Pulling five paragraphs out of them was like pulling teeth.)



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