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Do your kids earn money?


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Here is a quick google although I have read multiple studies which show the same. Keep in mind, however, there are multiple reasons teens start using chemicals, only one of which is a teen job.




To me, it probably has to do with not only having money to buy stuff, but also who the teen is now spending time with. People in lower paying jobs are more likely to smoke, for example. Then, it could be that the teen is spending more time away from momma. Perhaps, even that teen is doing "adult" work, so why can't teen engage in "adult" activities, is the thought process. Who knows, but definitely a correlation between teen jobs and some risky behaviors.

Edited by Minniewannabe
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My 16 year old ds works 15 or so hours a week for my DH. He organizes, files, and shreds. (I guess. I've never asked.) He's gone for part of the summer, but we wanted him to work, so he's at the law office for the summer. It's a little cushy, but still work experience. He does some other activities that keep him on call, so a regular job wouldn't have worked. The other activities have paid a little in the past. Not much, but he's made a little spending money.

My two younger ones don't work yet.

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My ds10 sells free range/organic/non gmo soy and corn free feed eggs to locals.  He has about 60 chickens and has been getting a steady income for the last two years. 


Ds10, dd8 and ds5 had a farmer's market stand last summer and will do that again this year.


My dd8 decided to start violin competitions this year.  She did three competitions this year and has earned almost $1,000.  She is BANKING, lol!!  She asked me to find every competition in our city for this coming school year because she wants to win more money.  I never have to ask the child to practice.  She knows it pays to practice!  :)


My kids want to form a string quartet and start playing for weddings and other special events. 




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From outsiders, no, not yet.  My kids are 9.


At home, they are becoming little entrepreneurs.  They do the laundry and want paid for it.  :P  I was thinking of paying my kid for cutting my hair last week.  Seems fair.  :)  Eventually I am sure they will go get a "paid job" as soon as they can find one.

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Here is a quick google although I have read multiple studies which show the same. Keep in mind, however, there are multiple reasons teens start using chemicals, only one of which is a teen job.




To me, it probably has to do with not only having money to buy stuff, but also who the teen is now spending time with. People in lower paying jobs are more likely to smoke, for example. Then, it could be that the teen is spending more time away from momma. Perhaps, even that teen is doing "adult" work, so why can't teen engage in "adult" activities, is the thought process. Who knows, but definitely a correlation between teen jobs and some risky behaviors.


Huh.  I gotta say though that is a very strange study.  They had thousands to survey who didn't work, only a 1000ish who worked part time and under 100 who worked full time. 

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My ds10 sells free range/organic/non gmo soy and corn free feed eggs to locals.  He has about 60 chickens and has been getting a steady income for the last two years. 


Ds10, dd8 and ds5 had a farmer's market stand last summer and will do that again this year.


My dd8 decided to start violin competitions this year.  She did three competitions this year and has earned almost $1,000.  She is BANKING, lol!!  She asked me to find every competition in our city for this coming school year because she wants to win more money.  I never have to ask the child to practice.  She knows it pays to practice!  :)


My kids want to form a string quartet and start playing for weddings and other special events. 


Wow I never knew that you could win money for music competitions.  I didn't grow up playing anything.  Did you teach your kids to play?

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On a side note, my two boys helped their grandpa clean his garage yesterday.  They spent the weekend at my ILs house with that intention (well, part of it - DH and I were working an event yesterday and we knew we'd be late, so the kids would stay the night last night... we added Friday night because Grandpa called wanting the boys to help him clean the garage! :lol: ) - they did know that they would be cleaning on Saturday morning/afternoon.


Anyway, funny story:


My two were there in the morning and did cleaning in the morning and afternoon - 5 hours or so.  My nephew arrived a little later and was just there for the latter half, 3 hours or so.  

So my FIL looks at the cash he has on hand and decides to pay them $1/hour (I know it's not much, but they didn't expect anything, and they're happy to get anything, so it was no biggie).  

Nephew is in taking a shower and FIL pays my two boys $5 each.  He goes into his office and does some work.  Soon nephew knocks on the door and comes in and says, 'Where's my money?'  :lol:  So FIL gives him $3.  Nephew is like 'Whaaaat?!  They got $5!' (picture this not bratty, more good-natured type stuff) and FIL goes on to say that they worked longer than him so they got more money.  FIL was like, 'So does that make sense?' and Nephew goes 'Nope!' so then FIL writes it all out - Link - $1/hour x 5 hours = $5; Astro - $1/hour x 5 hours = $5; Nephew $1/hour x 3 hours = $3.   Nephew goes, 'Well dang it.  That does make sense.'


It was just funny.  :)

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Wow I never knew that you could win money for music competitions.  I didn't grow up playing anything.  Did you teach your kids to play?



There are several symphonies and a few professional chamber music groups in our area that host concerto/young musician competitions.  Some range from $40 to $1,000 for the grand prize, plus an opportunity to perform with the symphony.  They usually have age divisions to make it fair for the competitors.  My dd decided to try one for this year, and won 1st place for her division.  After she received her check, she asked when could she compete again.  I found another one for her in a neighboring town, and she won her division for that one.  Then she won another that the youth symphony hosted.  We let her take a portion of her earnings to buy an American Girl doll, so now all she wants to do is compete so she can win enough money to buy more dolls, lol.  :) 


Competitions are definitely not for everyone.  My ds10 has no desire to compete, and that is completely fine with me.  I hated competitions as a child, and chose not to do any.  I just enjoyed playing, as does he.  My dd8, however, wants to be a concert violinist, and takes any chance to perform for other people.  If there is money involved, she'll really put on a show.  :)  She has 5 competitions lined up for next year, and she has been asked to solo with a local orchestra, which is a paying gig. 


Once they form a string quartet, my ds10 may be interested in doing a chamber music competition.  My dd's friends just competed in a local chamber competition and won the grand prize, $800.00.  If you are in a good city, and your kids like to perform, there's $$ in music competitions.

I don't teach my kids their string instruments (dd8 violin, ds10 cello), but I do teach them piano. 

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There are several symphonies and a few professional chamber music groups in our area that host concerto/young musician competitions.  Some range from $40 to $1,000 for the grand prize, plus an opportunity to perform with the symphony.  They usually have age divisions to make it fair for the competitors.  My dd decided to try one for this year, and won 1st place for her division.  After she received her check, she asked when could she compete again.  I found another one for her in a neighboring town, and she won her division for that one.  Then she won another that the youth symphony hosted.  We let her take a portion of her earnings to buy an American Girl doll, so now all she wants to do is compete so she can win enough money to buy more dolls, lol.  :)


Competitions are definitely not for everyone.  My ds10 has no desire to compete, and that is completely fine with me.  I hated competitions as a child, and chose not to do any.  I just enjoyed playing, as does he.  My dd8, however, wants to be a concert violinist, and takes any chance to perform for other people.  If there is money involved, she'll really put on a show.  :)  She has 5 competitions lined up for next year, and she has been asked to solo with a local orchestra, which is a paying gig. 


Once they form a string quartet, my ds10 may be interested in doing a chamber music competition.  My dd's friends just competed in a local chamber competition and won the grand prize, $800.00.  If you are in a good city, and your kids like to perform, there's $$ in music competitions.

I don't teach my kids their string instruments (dd8 violin, ds10 cello), but I do teach them piano. 



So neat.  I would have never even thought that was a way of earning money as a kid.  All great ideas.  This is one of the things I wanted to focus on teaching and motivating my kids to do this summer.  I am going to give them all these ideas and see what they want to try.

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