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(TMI) dumb question about ovulation test kit


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So, as everyone knows, we're trying :)


And although I never needed any help before, at 40 I decided i don't have time to waste so I bought the Clearblue Easy Advanced OPK test kit, the kind that tests for both estrogen and LH. So when it detects the estrogen you are at "high" fertility and get a blinky face. Then, anywhere from 2-who knows how many days later you get a peak reading, with a solid smiley face. Well, today is only cycle day 8 and I got a high reading. So....I probably still have a ways to go until I actually ovulate. But I'm gearing up. So...what do I do now, lol??? Do we try to make TeA every night now? So we don't miss it? Or every other night until we get a peak reading? Or? Like I said, only day 8, not expecting to ovulate until day 14 or 15 at least. Last month was day 16 I think. 


If we try for every day are we going to damage things and use up all the good swimmers, lol? (I told you, dumb questions!) Or??

Oh, and we had a quick cup of TeA last night too! 


I don't know why I'm all of a sudden overthinking this, other than well, we've never tried before! (1st was a birth control pill baby, 2nd was me sort of keeping track of CM and DH getting lazy about condoms, 3rd was an NFP oops)


Cevix moved to a high position yesterday,a nd is even higher today. Can barely reach it. Medium texture. Not sure about openness...i think I'm 1cm all the darn time now, it always seems open. Creamy CM yesterday, but then used monistat one day treatment last night (after the TeA) due to feeling like I was getting a yeast infection, so with that all down there there is no way to know right now. 


I'm 40 years old and have three kids. You'd think I'd have a clue of how to get pregnant!

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My OBGYN said to do every other day with the blinky face, every day with the solid face, and the day after too, just in case.



Edited because I meant the, not they.

ok, that makes sense. Of course, we did it yesterday, so do we do it today? or tomorrow, lol? Today would be easier though.he works late tomorrow. So that's probably what will happen.

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FWIW, I think the advice to do it every other day is sort of assuming that telling you to do it everyday for a week or more is "asking too much". If it's *not* asking too much, you might want to just go with every day. From my understanding, sperm counts (and testosterone levels) are best with daily ejaculation. And daily intercourse has the highest conception rate. But, every other day is *almost* as effective as daily intercourse for conception. 


So, if you both *want* to do it daily, jump on in. But, if missing every other day (or even just occasional days) makes things lower stress and more fun, then that is fine, too. 



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I believe in doing the deed every other day to allow sperm count to build up.


I credit this cough syrup for helping me conceive my 4th at 40.


There is no way to tell for sure, but I really felt like it helped.




Thank you for the reminder,I have muxinex (same ingredient) in the house. And haven't had much CM lately, although that was probably from the hormones in the IUD. But wouldn't hurt, and mucinex doesn't have any side effects for me. 

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And now I have Eggwhite CM. (hey, I labeled the post as TMI, you were warned!). Still some residual ointment from the yeast treatment, but not much. No idea if that will kill sperm. But to be fertile on day 8? Of course, it's my first full cycle after getting the Mirena out,so maybe my hormones are wacky. Or this is perimenopause. or something. 

Edited by ktgrok
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I can't help you with the OPK questions, but I just turned 39 and this is our first month TTC #4.  I'm also feeling like there is no time to waste so I'll be using the OPKs next month if we weren't successfull our first go round.  I never charted and did all that stuff when we were ttc the first three, but I think I'm going to have to this time since time is of the essence!  

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So, read the directions again, and it says you can have unexpected "high" results if you don't use first morning's urine. I did, but...I was up during the night and used the bathroom at some point, not sure how close it was to when I tested. So we will see what it says tomorrow. 

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One of my books says sometimes it's better to have TeA every other night because of sperm count.


TMI my chart this month was fertile on day 8. Not everyone has dry or obviously infertile periods directly after menstruation. Since I'm not trying to conceive my chart is really annoying lol

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High again this morning, and it was definitely first morning urine. CM feels at least somewhat fertile. And yes, DH was up working late and I was asleep when he came to bed. Ugh! Tried for a quickie this morning but there wasn't time. He's SOOOO tired (added a part time teaching job at night on top of his regular job, and is working on creating new content for the class on the nights he isn't actually teaching. He couldn't get the lab portion working right and I have no idea what time he came to bed, well after midnight. And was up at 7am. And tonight he won't be home until probably around 11pm...maybe a tiny bit earlier, possibly significantly later. He's just so pathetically tired, but he's going to have to pull it together tonight, lol. 

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I had a high reading this morning, but a peak reading around noon today! I'm cycle day 13 today, so that puts me ovulating on day 14, perfectly textbook :)  That alone makes me happy, knowing that my body seems to be doing what it is supposed to do. DH and I have been brewing TeA for several nights now, and will again tonight and tomorrow, just to be sure. Crossing my fingers (but not my legs, lol!)

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