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I'm at a crazy place in life and need some serious help.

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Here goes...the kids really don't need me to much these days. Ds is doing A Beka DVD school and doing great. Dd is working through her issues and finishing up her schooling on her own. I don't have anything to do all day. This is the first time in 13 years this has happened. I still need to be at home..but what the heck am I suppose to do all day? You can only clean so much, do so many loads of laundry and ponder so many things. What would you do with all of this new free time?

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Well, I'm there too, and where do you see me a lot of the day???


No, really it's easy for me because I always have the horses right out the back door, all needing attention. It's time for you to get a new hobby, learn a new skill or maybe even a part time job from home? Maybe you can become a gourmet cook, a knitter extrodinaire, or teach English?

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for coffee....tea....anything, LOL!


I don't know your dh's schedule....but you can always go out to dinner with friends......


Since I spend time out of the home a good bit now....I do appreciate my time in the home :)



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Fun game! In fact, having nothing to do would be better for me than winning money! So here's what I'd do if I just had more time! No particular order--but maybe you'll find something you'd like, too.


1. Really learn an instrument. I've goofed off with piano for my whole life and never got out of the beginners level. So, I'd get really serious and practice for 2 hours a day. Or dust off my classical guitar. Or work on playing the mountain dulcimer and/or Native American flute I bought several years ago. Or early music on recorder.


2. Read. Inexhaustible for me. If only I could read as fast as I buy books. Probably could go for years on the stack near my bed.


3. Add another language--high on my list are Portuguese, Italian, Spanish. Get out of the dabbling and phrase book mode and really learn.


4. Make the effort to read longer works in the one other language I actually spent time learning (French). I wish I were up on modern lit in French.


5. Spend more time outdoors with field guides, colored pencils and my nature journal.


6. Do a directed reading--I bought the Teaching Company lectures on fantasy and science fiction and would love to read the works/listen to the lectures. I've gotten through 2 lectures and 2 books in six months. Just great stuff--no time.


7. Volunteer. Right now I'd probably work on environmental issues or education. When dd flys the coop, I think I'll tutor.


8. Write. I have so many books I want to write (fiction and non-fiction). There is never going to be enough time in my life to do this. But I'd even like to get to the non-paying kinds of writing--poetry, op ed.


9. Meditate and do yoga; take walks in unfamiliar neighborhoods. My exercise right now consists of hauling the dog around the same blocks. I'd love exercise to also include some spiritual practice.


10. Really learn what I'm doing in gardening. I'd like to replace our whole yard with native plants. But for a long time I was interested in herbs and herbal remedies and I'd love to get back into that.


So that's my list. I worry a lot about how much I will miss dd when she goes off to college. Knowing I have a lot that I don't get to now somehow comforts me. Gives me something to look forward to, I guess.


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Don't do what I did..discover these boards and spend way too much time reading about you all! ;)


4 years ago when my two youngest headed off to school, it was the first time in 27 years that I didn't have a child at home with me! I do have lots of hobbies..crochet, scrapbooking, sewing, reading, each of which I can get totally lost in for days. It took me a while, but I now enjoy my free time without guilt.


Find a hobby..something you used to love to do but never had the time.


Another friend of mine starting tutoring other homeschooled kids in Math when her own kids still needed her at home, but she had more free time than she liked.

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I'd pick up my unused knitting needles and crochet hooks, pick up my scrapbooking where I left off eight years ago, teach myself to sew, and teach myself to play the piano. I'd also read more and reteach myself to draw since I gave that up eleven years ago. I'd invite friends over for a special lunch and movie occasionally. Of course, this is all after I get and keep my house clean.

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Fun game! In fact, having nothing to do would be better for me than winning money! So here's what I'd do if I just had more time! No particular order--but maybe you'll find something you'd like, too.


1. Really learn an instrument. I've goofed off with piano for my whole life and never got out of the beginners level. So, I'd get really serious and practice for 2 hours a day. Or dust off my classical guitar. Or work on playing the mountain dulcimer and/or Native American flute I bought several years ago. Or early music on recorder.


2. Read. Inexhaustible for me. If only I could read as fast as I buy books. Probably could go for years on the stack near my bed.


3. Add another language--high on my list are Portuguese, Italian, Spanish. Get out of the dabbling and phrase book mode and really learn.


4. Make the effort to read longer works in the one other language I actually spent time learning (French). I wish I were up on modern lit in French.


5. Spend more time outdoors with field guides, colored pencils and my nature journal.


6. Do a directed reading--I bought the Teaching Company lectures on fantasy and science fiction and would love to read the works/listen to the lectures. I've gotten through 2 lectures and 2 books in six months. Just great stuff--no time.


7. Volunteer. Right now I'd probably work on environmental issues or education. When dd flys the coop, I think I'll tutor.


8. Write. I have so many books I want to write (fiction and non-fiction). There is never going to be enough time in my life to do this. But I'd even like to get to the non-paying kinds of writing--poetry, op ed.


9. Meditate and do yoga; take walks in unfamiliar neighborhoods. My exercise right now consists of hauling the dog around the same blocks. I'd love exercise to also include some spiritual practice.


10. Really learn what I'm doing in gardening. I'd like to replace our whole yard with native plants. But for a long time I was interested in herbs and herbal remedies and I'd love to get back into that.


So that's my list. I worry a lot about how much I will miss dd when she goes off to college. Knowing I have a lot that I don't get to now somehow comforts me. Gives me something to look forward to, I guess.



Excellent post!


I was also going to suggest learning something crafty and maybe sell it on ebay. When you get tired of that particular item, you're not committed to it and can find something else and sell that!


Learn to sew. Sewing, for me, is soothing.

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I've got no helpful advice other than to commiserate and let you know I'm right there with you.


It is really impossible to go anywhere because you still need to be right there for the questions and to give help if and when they need it. And, if you are pursuing your own interests (at least in this house) the dc tend to watch or get involved in what you are doing instead of what they should be doing.....Oh, and you still have to be available to drive them to classes and lessons, which are scattered all throughout the day/week. It's a conundrum.


I am doing a lot of board surfing and meditation, lol, and trying to stay 'available' to dd. At least you know you are not alone. I keep consoling myself that I'll be able to actually 'do' something when this last one is done with school (she's 11th grade right now).


:grouphug: Misery loves company, eh?

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When we were stationed in Germany, I became part of the German Women's Group (Frauen). Anyway, mostly German women, with a couple of Army wives. They would get together in an old bakehouse from the 1200's (but remodeled to include electric ovens) and bake cookies at Christmas time. I learned how to make their recipes. At Thanksgiving, we made our traditional feast and they joined in the prepartions. I learned about the different grapes and wines in the area, we put up a community Christmas tree, I helped with their Christmas Market, etc.


It was a wonderful way to reach out and learn about the area I lived. It was way different from anything I've ever done. I decided that I could catch up on my reading and crafts when I came back to the states. And I have ---- sorta :001_smile:

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