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Anyone use commercial style doormats?


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Between the kids and the dog so much dirt get dragged in that I'm afraid we are eroding our property.  I've been thinking of getting one of those black walk up mats like they have in stores.  I've looked on Amazon and there seems to be many types: little rubber nubs, an open weave of strips, something that looks like a black scothbrite pad, etc.


Anyway, I was just wondering if anyone had these and how do you feel it works? Is there one style that works better?  A particular brand that you can recommend?



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We love our Costco one.  Easy to clean, affordable and traps all of our red clay dirt (and everything else the dog drags in).  It's only decent to have at an entrance but ours is more "at home" in the mudroom - where only family sees it.  It's too casual for the front foyer.

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We love the LLBean Water Hog mats. They have "pretty" leaf patterns. You can hose them off if they get gross. I think Costco has/had a knockoff that got good reviews too, but LLBean has a variety of colors, patterns, and sizes. We have them at each door and under the dog water bowls.

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When I moved into our current house 21 years ago, there was a used red and black one in our entrance.  It's still going quite strong although it's starting to look a bit ragged.  It has endured 5 kids and their friends, dogs, renovations and lots and lots of mud and snow.  


It's still ugly, and I'd like to put it at the basement door instead of the main door, but I can't bear to replace it with anything of lesser quality.  And yes, this is a commercial quality mat.

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Wow! People really like the waterhog mat!   The Costco one seems to have fans, too (unfortunately, no Costco near me).


So help me plan this out.  The entrance that we use more often is into the back enclosed porch, then about 1' of wall and an immediate left into the sunroom door.  So, what size should I get?  The doors are 32" wide.  So that's probably 32"w by 4'L rectangle to cover the walking area.  Should I get a larger one, since we often come in as several people (and dog) at a time?  Should I get one for each side of the inside door (that is one on the porch and one in the sunroom)?

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I prefer the largest possible inside the most used door. Outside, a small one for catching the initial mud, stomping snow, etc. Inside, as big as you can. Ours is big but it's still tough when we all come in at once and need to take our coats and shoes off in the same tiny space. We have a pretty spacious front entry, though. I think that will partially dictate what you'll want.

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