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Holiday gifts for 10-year-old boys?

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So, my husband and I went to lunch today while our son was in a dance rehearsal, and we got to talking about holiday gifts for the kids. We have a few ideas for each of them, but nothing that really "grabs" me just yet.


I know some kind of gaming system would be at the top of most kids' lists, but that's not going to happen here.


He already has an MP3 player.


We have ideas for small stuff: CDs, books, etc. What we're searching for is the "WOW" gift.


So, what are other 10 year olds getting this year?

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We're going to start giving our boys special memories or activities rather than toys at this point. My boys are a newly-turned 9 and an almost-12.


We're talking about taking the boys to a low-hill snow skiing resort here in IL, and letting one or both take skiing lessons or snow boarding lessons. I might even take a turn or two. The sedentary DH and his mom, and me the rest of the time can do some slow paced shopping or sightseeing.


A homemade gift certificate for one pizza party for the boys and their friends, or a camping trip, or a family outing to a go-kart place -- that's way too expensive for us normally!


Maybe next year the 11 yo will get contact lenses.

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My 10 year old boy is getting:


1) Flip Video


2) $65 Bag of grey Legos (he doesn't realize you can get specific color and bricks)


3) Lego Indiana Jones and Lego Batman Wii games


In his stocking he's getting:

A few Mad Libs

Cranium Page-a-Day Calendar

Lego Creator Mini Trains

Phineas and Ferb dvd

Magnet set



Kris, whose goal is to be DONE by Halloween

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My 10 year old boy is getting:


1) Flip Video


2) $65 Bag of grey Legos (he doesn't realize you can get specific color and bricks)


3) Lego Indiana Jones and Lego Batman Wii games


In his stocking he's getting:

A few Mad Libs

Cranium Page-a-Day Calendar

Lego Creator Mini Trains

Phineas and Ferb dvd

Magnet set



Kris, whose goal is to be DONE by Halloween


I'm so impressed that you have this all figured out already! :thumbup:

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I'm so impressed that you have this all figured out already! :thumbup:




I hate HATE hate HATE crowds of people!!!!!


So, I've found that if I get it (shopping) done early... I can kick back and actually ENJOY November and December. Yes, I still have shopping I'll have to do.... but they'll be here and there and I can try to do when everyone else is at work!!



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Both of my 10 year old twin boys would like an air soft gun, which probably isn't going to happen. I hate when they really want something that isn't going to happen, and maybe we will change our minds, but I doubt it.


Other than that, the tennis player wants a really good tennis bag, a new racquet, and tennis clothes.


The swimmer needs and wants similar swim related items. They are both sort of obessive about their sports.

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A chef's knife! lol... Okay, maybe that's unusual, but ds *loves* cooking, and has recently recognized that we don't have a decent chef's knife. He has learned to use one well, so I feel pretty good about it as a gift.


I'm afraid that may not be a "wow" gift though... ;)

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What's he "into"? That would help others come up with more ideas.


Gee, no wonder I'm having trouble.



  • He's already got a toolbox and tools and his pick of any scrap wood he likes.

  • We have a microscope.

  • He has a sleeping bag and an assortment of flashlights and laterns. (The two of us got camping gear as our joint gift last year.)

  • He got a Caroom/nok hockey board last year. It currently lives in the box in his room because he has no one to play with.

  • We happily buy books on a regular basis, and there is nothing he specifically wants right now that isn't already on order.

  • He regularly fills his MP3 player with soundtracks from our CD collection.

  • He still has space on the last bookshelf we added to his room, as well as several cute reading lights.

  • We got rid of the last bike he outgrew when we moved into this house, because he never rode it.

  • We don't allow toy weapons.

  • My husband is supersitious and doesn't believe in giving knives as gifts.

He's into dance (takes ballet and tap) and music (sings with choir and just started playing the organ) and theatre and robotics and model rocketry (belongs to a local club with his dad, got rocket supplies for Christmas last year). He loves to read, especially fantasy/adventure stuff.


At this point, we have the following on our tentative list:



  • Collector's editions of the Harry Potter series (He started reading them late and has most of them in mis-matched paperback editions.)

  • A nice, hardcover set of Lord of the Rings

  • CDs of a vocal group he's recently discovered


They're all nice, and he'll like them. But we're still looking for the "wow."


Keep those ideas coming!

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Hm... a musical instrument? Either a newer / nicer version of one he already plays, or something that he's been wanting to learn? It could be something more mainstream, or something a little quirkier that he'd have to work to master on his own... (Like an accordion or a didgeridoo!) I'm just thinking with his interest in musical theater, any new skill one can add to a resume is a great boon!


The ds who is getting a chef's knife for Christmas (I had no idea there *was* a superstition against giving knives as gifts, lol), would also be thrilled with a Vita-Mix blender. ;) He won't be getting one (and since he learned that my new food processor will do some of the things his friend's mom's Vita-Mix will do, he's less interested than he was), but still... lol... Of course, dh gave this same child a nice 4-slot toaster when he turned 8. I thought it was a simply *awful* gift, but ds loves it. :)


Have you seen the Isle of Lewis chess sets? You can buy sets reproduced from the artifacts, and they're just beautiful and have this wonderful heft in your hands. You can get them in traditional "stone" colors, or you can get them in a deep red and ivory... A set like that (red/ivory Isle of Lewis set) was featured in one of the Harry Potter movies (the first, I think) when Ron and Harry are playing. (It's not the same as the "wizard's chess" set that's also seen sometimes.) Anyway, if he happens to love history / art / chess, this is a lovely, lovely gift.


Another ancient strategy game he might enjoy is the Chinese game Go. There are very beautiful wood and stone sets available. (Nothing as stunning as the Lewis chess though, I don't think!)


Ds' present for his birthday this year was tickets to see Wicked! :) We'll be going in a couple of weeks... Whee!


My ds dances (ballet mostly, but a little jazz as well -- no tap yet) and does Lego robotics too... But I can't think of anything that would be a "gift" around those things. He has the basics he needs for both...


Oh, and to go along with the Harry Potter collector's editions, have you seen the beautiful individually-crafted wooden wands at Alivan's? These are wonderfully made and come in a beautiful velvet drawstring bag... Both art and pretend-play item in one...

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hmm well since our son will be moving onto boyscouts this next year we are looking at getting him some stuff that will be useful for that.. of course we have basic camping supplies already.. but were looking at

-a good walking stick and putting the ranks he has earned on it.

-a mess kit

-good camping backpack

-hiking shoes

-scout books

-pocket knife


various other gifts we are looking at

- rip stick



- books

- cds of music



Last year we got a Wii as a family gift.. and Santa brought a really nice Telescope for him.

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Oh, and I just realized I hadn't seen a digital camera or camcorder mentioned... A decent (not super-expensive, but one where real photography skills can be learned) camera and a couple of books on the art and technique of photography might go over well. Again, given his love of performance, learning how to "see" with a camera might be something he loves and useful over time as well.


Or a camcorder that he could use to make his own small movies (on his own with Legos and other items for stop-motion animation, or live-action things with some of his young theater and dance friends)...


While one *could* spend a tremendous amount of money on either of these items, the prices overall have come down so far, you could find decent "student" type equipment at a fairly reasonable price.

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If he enjoys playing chess, he might like this Phantom chess set -- it is electronic and the pieces of the opponent (computer) move by themselves and the game sets itself up.


If you are interested, read the reviews first.




Also, do you have a telescope?


You can search Edmund Scientifics by age group and price range, and they have a lot of neat things, including robots:



Edited by RoughCollie
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What about something signed from a favorite production? A Broadway show poster or Playbill? One of my favorite things (as a former dancer and performer as a kid) was a Playbill from Don Q signed by Nureyev along with orchestra seat tickets to the show at the Kennedy Center.

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So I don't know how useful I'll be, but I'm considering getting DS a bunch of rock climbing stuff -- harness, shoes, chalk bag, etc. -- so he can stop using the Parks & Rec loaners.


And I think we're going to finally upgrade his old GameBoy Color to a GameBoy Advanced (still not the latest, but our local store isn't going to be carrying used GBC games anymore... they still carry GBA games).

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