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What subjects do you do less than 5x per week in high school?

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We do not schedule.

The only subject we do five days a week is math with DS; DD worked in longer spurts on fewer days a week.

DD took many college courses with large workload and worked in larger chunks on those subjects.

Some subjects get short changed during the school year and finished in blocks over the summer.


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Similar to regentrude's last 3 sentences for us; but we did need a rough schedule, which tended to shake out like this for us:


4-5 days/week




Foreign Language


2-3 days/week (as longer blocks of time -- 1.5 to 2 hours)



some Electives

Fine Arts


1 day/week (0.5 credit courses, spread out over 1 year -- as one longer block of time, about 90 min.)



some Electives


And definitely:

- some things were finished in the summers

- a few electives were accumulated over several years or several summers

- dual enrollment meant longer blocks of time on class days, but also scheduling time on the non-class days for at-home work

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I agree with Lori and Regentrude. It kind of shakes out naturally around here. Ds has 4 online classes, so some work is based on due dates.


Math is done daily.

Chem (an online class) is done daily b/c it has a pretty high workload.


Foreign Language--he Skypes 2x a week and does homework 2x a week. The fifth day is sometimes Duolingo.


Lit is on Weds. and he works on in it Mon-Tues.

Writing is due Friday/Sat. so he works on it Thurs. evening-Sat.


History Group is Thursday, he does it all Weds.


Computer Science is a loose schedule--"due" on Fridays. He works Thurs.-Friday/Sat.


For history and Computer Science, reading lit and working on papers, big blocks are nice so you don't have to transition all the time. Math heavy work and foreign languages, imho, are nicer in smaller doses (and for many students makes them easier to learn).

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5-6 'hours' per week




3-4 'hours' per week







2 'hours' per week








1 'hour' per week


Psychology / Civics / Ethics

Catechism / Comparative Religions



'hour' might be 40-50 minutes

only math might be full clock hours

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We now do a block schedule, we alternate subjects each day (this is based upon what the local school does -- more time for focused study, days are a bit more balanced, we also plan 6 days a week, so we have days off when we need them for swim meets, fundraisers, or field trips).  We have "A" Days and "B" days, one week may be ABABA - weekend Monday would start with BABAB - weekend work; Classes are 90 minute blocks, a long one hour lunch, plus chores, and 5-10 minute breaks between subjects.  Some days, a lesson might not take the full allotted time, it's up to them if they want to work ahead, move on to another subject (and finish early), or have some down time.  This is a sample of next year's schedule:


"A" Day

(Bible is every day, but probably 15-30 minutes/day)

AP Calculus

AP English 

Digital Photography



"B" Day

AP Physics

AP Art History

Western Civilization

Robotics 2


Saturday Work: 

AP Calculus or AP Physics

AP English OR Western Civilization


Sunday Work:


Digital Photography OR Robotics



Daily schedule at home looks roughly like this:


0700 -- Bible

0730 -- Class #1

0900 -- Class #2

1030 -- Class #3

1200 -- Lunch/chores

1300 -- Class #4

1430 -- LEAVE

Swim Practice from 1500-1930 (2 hours of practice, other time to study/read, dinner and downtime)

2030 -- Home, get ready for bed, read.


Daily schedule at the school will look like this:


0500 -- Swim Practice

0710 -- Bus to school

0800 -- Class #1

0930 -- Class #2

1100 -- Class #3

1200 -- Lunch

1300 -- Class #4

1430 -- Bus to Practice (2 hours of practice, down time, study/read)

2030 -- Home


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I haven't hammered out a schedule for next year yet, but I don't think there's a single subject dd will be doing 5 days a week, since we have an all-day, weekly co-op.  Even though I do intend to make a schedule of subjects, I expect that dd will need to do some tweaking for a while to figure out what works best for her.


I'm more concerned with making sure she puts in enough hours for credit than when she does so.  

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Lit is sometimes done in longer blocks less times per week.


Speech class usually was done in chunks when writing the speeches or practicing them. (Intense for 2-4 days every two weeks.)


Almost everything else is daily this year.

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There were no subjects that we didn't do daily when we were working on them. Many subjects were only done for one semester, either one or two hours per day for .5 or 1 credit. Of course there are days that a subject just doesn't happen because other things are taking priority, but I never created a schedule that planned only a couple days/week for any class.

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My kids did math 4x per week and they block scheduled the other subjects across 4 days. This just happened naturally as both of them preferred working a long time on a few subjects rather than shorter period of time on many subjects.  Although the number of hours they spent per course was about what is recommended for a credit hour, I judged completion of the course based on the material covered rather than the hours spent.


One day/week they attended an academy for 2 to 3 of their courses, but they stayed all day and took study hall when they weren't in class. Often study hall was an enjoyable social time for them.


They spent per week:


3 to 4 on math, but did it during the summer also. This was their choice.


15 to 20 on history, lit and writing combined


3 to 4 on science


3 to 4 on foreign language and about an hour a week in the summer


3 to 4 on an elective





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