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So what do people really think of Strayer University?


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I ask because I know an international student who attends there.  I kinda suspect she got snookered because foreign countries probably don't realize that it is a different type of school from other schools in the USA.  Is her degree going to be worth anything?  Any success stories?  Maybe it started off with a bad rep but has reformed itself since then?  When I was growing up it was where people went to learn bookkeeping and shorthand (dating myself here!).  My father in law took some accounting classes there and wound up opening his own little tax services business.  This was years ago.


Anyway, just wanted to get people's thoughts and opinions.  Thanks!



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I know where I live (Metro Atlanta), it's consider a university for adult learners, entrepreneurs, a stepping stone to a graduate degree, or necessary for a job promotion. Recruiters and HR folks don't look favorably on it, I know several in the industry of hiring that say they don't even look at resumes with Strayer on it, unless they have graduate degrees from someone where else. They say this is because its a for-profit school. This might just be my area...



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Thanks, all.  This is someone who wants to go into IT.  I am wondering if that's an ok field to go to Strayer for???


I'm an IT/CSC professor at a 2-year that feeds into several nationally-ranked state 4-year schools.


Here? Not unless you're already working in the field and need a credential. In my area, jobs for someone with no experience are really, really tight, no matter where they go to school. Being from Strayer is yet another strike.


If they do stay at Strayer, it is VERY important that they get some experience, perhaps even taking a semester off for a co-op job. 


Even at the state, name brand schools, that's the advice the students are getting.


An IT degree doesn't mean an automatic job. Quite a few of my former students have struggled even after getting their 4-year degree at the state schools.


Employment varies in different parts of the country, but around here, a degree from Strayer without already working in the industry wouldn't be good. There's too much competition from other schools that have a better reputation.

Edited by G5052
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There are a lot of "Schools" in the USA that cater to students from overseas.  Some of them are reputable, well respected schools, who want/need the money they bring in. Others are in the category of "diploma mill".  The one you asked about may be in the 2nd category.  I hope she will take your advice and go to a 2 year CC and then a Public university,  but they probably have a lot of slick advertising claims she has bought into already.  

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I Recruiters and HR folks don't look favorably on it, I know several in the industry of hiring that say they don't even look at resumes with Strayer on it, unless they have graduate degrees from someone where else. They say this is because its a for-profit school. This might just be my area...


My last employer had the same policy towards for-profit schools (the exception was for positions where a degree was optional, in which case they treated the applicant the same as someone without a degree).

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I am trying to talk her into switching to a 2 year CC and then transferring to a 4 year public university.  I think it would be cheaper even for an international student and much more worth the investment.


I've taught quite a few international students who left Strayer, did CC and then a 4-year. Less money and more power to the degree.


Strayer isn't a diploma mill, but it isn't well-thought of.

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