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"He stole her heart..." (Am I the only one? Trivial but heartfelt rant.)

Janie Grace

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Now that I think about it, I love cheesey sayings on walls, but only the ones I think are important and classy!  Haha! 


Our living room looked a little bare, so I made a big chalkboard over the couch and when the mood strikes I write stuff on it.  Last month it said, "What we do now echoes in eternity (M. Aurelius)," and this month it says,


"I arise today by a mighty strength, the invocation of the Trinity,

through belief in the Threeness,

through confession of the oneness

of the Creator of creation (Patrick of Ireland)." 


See?  Big, important, inspiring cheese.  Gouda.  Brie.  :coolgleamA:  :tongue_smilie:


I'm totally stealing this idea :)

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Ahh, but better reasons to be on it are Jennifer Lawrence gifs (or maybe that's just me). ;)


That quote was based on the owner's own life motto though (or similar). Plus, based on her current life situation, it was oddly appropriate. (Plus, I think you kind of expect a quote or something if you get Joanna Gaines doing your home. lol)


(But, I agree - I didn't like the quote either.)


That quote is actually deeply meaningful to me (no joke!) I first heard it when I saw that Fixer-Upper episode back during my Broken, Ugly Burnout Phase last summer and it was... I don't know, I guess a remember, that I can approach the day as, "Still here... still sucks..." or with the thought that every day holds the promise for something good and I should approach life with the expectation of good.  Thinking about it that way helped :)


I think it needs to go on my living room wall.  Thanks, hive  :D


Also, I want to put up Choose Kindness (I asked my older daughter what words I always seem to say and she picked that.)


(Also on my walls:  Go confidently in the direction of your dreams, the "As for me and my house..." verse, and - soon!- the "Today is a good day for a good day." :)

Edited by shinyhappypeople
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Confession:  I like word art.  I do calligraphy and have always loved words--the shape of them, how they look on a page or wall.  I have word art everywhere. Ya'll can hate me.   I didn't know that people disliked it so much. 



I like word art, I just think that it's so very personal that I wouldn't have it anywhere but the bedroom. Like, sometimes I see a tee-shirt that I think is hilarious. And the person wearing it looks great! But I couldn't do it. I can't commit. When I go into someone's house and they are owning that word art and it makes them happy I don't judge. I just might disagree with the sentiment vehemently. But I try to blur my eyes and look at the overall placement on the wall. :D

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I do not have any word art and I agree that some of these are kind of creepy.


The only one I've ever been tempted to actually put up somewhere is this. "Let the wife make her husband glad to come home and let him make her sorry to see him leave." The internet attributes it to Martin Luther. I like it, despite the stereotyping of a wohd and sahm.


My grandma had a sign in her kitchen that read "no husband was ever shot while doing this dishes." I think it's hilarious for some reason.

Edited by DesertBlossom
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Those were great. I especially like the one you quoted.

Those were good, I didn't see it there, but there also is a good one with a depressed storm trooper saying, "Those were the droids I was looking for." Cracks me up every time I think about it.


I like the sarcastic ones better than the real ones!!

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They are in almost all of my friends' houses. I see them in cutesy stores, in catalogs... in my world, they are ubiquitous. 


I've never seen these... wall clings?  Like window clings, but you put them on a wall? 


Is this a regional thing?

Edited by TrixieB
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Ahh, but better reasons to be on it are Jennifer Lawrence gifs (or maybe that's just me). ;)


That quote was based on the owner's own life motto though (or similar). Plus, based on her current life situation, it was oddly appropriate. (Plus, I think you kind of expect a quote or something if you get Joanna Gaines doing your home. lol)


(But, I agree - I didn't like the quote either.)


Aww i like her.  She's sweet.  She can come and do up my house anytime.

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Okay, I'm never inviting any of you wall-word-haters over to my house. (LOL)


Well, if you took the time to decorate in any way, I can 100% promise you that your house is waaaaaaay more welcoming and beautiful than mine.  I kind of live in a pit.  I've never decorated. I have the same 5$ blinds we bought the day we moved in, I have nothing up on the walls and no decorations whatsoever.  I just don't know how to do it.


But when you walk in, you are met by a full drum kit, an upright piano and a mini-trampoline.  It's lovely. not.


Yeah, I've given up until the kids move out.  Not that I did it any differently before I had kids.......


So, if I were at your house, I would prob be so overwhelmed by how nice it all is that I wouldn't even notice the words on the walls.

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Okay, I'm never inviting any of you wall-word-haters over to my house. (LOL)

I'm not sure anyone is saying they hate words on a wall. It's the choice.... sappy, maudlin, pseudo-inspiring... of words. I have some Scripture on wooden blocks on my fireplace mantle. I also had some "wall clings" back in the day when people were selling them like Tupperware. One of my favorites was "Boys: noise with mud on it" and it was hanging in my then-toddler boys room. Edited by KrissiK
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