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Public school for the first time in 11th grade

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My son entered private school midway through 10th and left midway through 11th.  That was fun to explain to colleges!  ( But I somehow managed to, and he was accepted to his first choice school.)


Will the school let your son enroll part time?  If so, maybe he could continue to take his coop classes and be graduated under your homeschool, and you wouldn't have to worry about his homeschool coursework transferring.

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OP there are other threads on WTM about this. I believe you should talk with a Guidance Counselor at the public school. My impression is that it is unlikely they will give your DS credit for courses he has taken for 9th and 10th grade. That will depend upon the state you live in and the local school. GL to your DS!

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Just FYI - the school has to take him if you live in district. 


Boys this age are hard. I recall  my son at 16 - ugh - it took many things until he was truly happy. He did not thrive on people so he did not want to just stuff, just to be around people if he did not like the activity.  He was also a bit more mature than other 16 year old boys so did not really like to 'hang-out.' 


Can you try dual enrollment at a local college? My son loved the freedom of being able to drive to classes and go to lunch etc.. he also tutored a lot and taught a weekly chess class. He enjoyed feeling grown up. He did not make friends there that he would hang out with, but he joined some casual things and had fun.

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Breaking into the cliques etc in 11th grade PS will be tough.  

Does he do sports, band, chess or theater?  Outside stuff is where you usually make friends in HS.


If they don't give you the credits don't bother it won't be worth it!


Maybe just find a non school club of some kind such as Robotics or maybe a singing group.

Edited by MarkT
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My dd20 went to public school for 11th grade. We were lucky because the school accepted all of our credits. She made a couple of friends during the year but hated the entire experience. She came back home for 12th grade. Kids this age are hard. I get a lot of stubborn from my boys (and girls.) If your ds wants to try going to PS I would let him. If he's not interested then I would keep him home and try a class at the cc. Maybe he will find something there that interests him. I hope you can find a solution for him that will ease your mind.

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