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I'm wearing the colander. They won't hear me thinking now.

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Oh no!!!! It's too late for me, but save yourselves, run for the hills!!!!! Even so, just in case there's a slight chance I am going to remove myself from the computer right now. Maybe I can distract myself by teaching history and grammar and spelling and math. Maybe if we fill our heads with all kinds of facts we can trick them, yeah, maybe so....


Your siggy line indicates you are one of them. We'll just have to watch our backs when your little green light is on.


Stop tracking our vibes, please! We need time to regroup and review our counterattack plans.

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Your siggy line indicates you are one of them. We'll just have to watch our backs when your little green light is on.


Stop tracking our vibes, please! We need time to regroup and review our counterattack plans.


Ahhhhh, but my little green light is NEVER on!!!!

You'd better watch your back all the time, I'm just sayin' whatwhat.gif



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Yes I have seen the price...crazy.

And have your seen the PRICE of FOIL lately???? I was in total shock when I bought a new roll two weeks ago. So, don't go with foil...it appears to be part of the conspiracy too.


E...Say it isn't so.I've just bought all this foil...

This whole conversation is moot. A foil hat won't save you, a tin roof won't save you. It's all on computer these days, don't ya know. ;) You've seen it when they video a computer monitor how it rolls. That is how they get you. It's going into your brain via the internet. There is subliminal messages behind the rolling screen that your eyes can't see, but your brain can.


Ironically while typing this message my internet has gone wonky, my blue circle has disappeared.


The only way to be safe is to not get on the internet. :001_huh: Sadly for a lot of us here it is too late to reverse the damage already done. :lol:

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Guest wilnrandasmom

because things just seem to not be what they really are sometimes.


Our government is very guilty of doing the very things it accuses other governments of doing. I have a good friend who came back from Iraq last year, where he was an Army chaplain. He told me not to believe what I saw about the war, in the media, because they only tell you what THEY want to, or are allowed to by the government.


When gas started to rise so sharply, a few years ago, I stepped back and took a hard look at the possible reasons why. All I could figure is that the boys at "big oil" knew something we didn't, and were trying to line their pockets while they could. Now, the hybrids, biofuel and hydrogen cars are becoming more and more popular...which leaves big oil going the way of the dinosaur. My husband thought I was crazy until he went to a class on how to do rescue extrications from the new hybrid cars (dh is a volunteer firefighter). He said the guy teaching the class had all kinds of research that backed up what I said. I was stunned, not so much because the instructor proved my point, but because my husband actually said "Honey, you are right."

:lol: (Oh, and by the way, be careful of your hybrid in an accident. If the impact doesn't hurt you, the resulting electrocution you get from your wrecked vehicle might.)


Now, enough of my soapbox rants about oil and cars than can literally light up your life, and governmental conspiracies. (Uh oh...there are strange men watching my house now! LOL) I think I'm going to go exchange my plastic colander for aluminum foil. Theres just too much static in the plastic colander, and goodness knows I dont need anymore frizz in these wild curls. :tongue_smilie:


Love from the outer fringes of sanity,


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I love a good conspiracy theory!


Unfortunately, in my past life, and DH's current one, we worked for "them". Sadly, our gov't is much too disorganized to ever pull off a conspiracy theory of much magnitude.So I am forever unable to really get too worked up about those conspiracy theories, as much enjoyment as I'd get out of it!


And you can trust me on that, because I'm from the government, and here to help.:D

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I love a good conspiracy theory!


Unfortunately, in my past life, and DH's current one, we worked for "them". Sadly, our gov't is much too disorganized to ever pull off a conspiracy theory of much magnitude.So I am forever unable to really get too worked up about those conspiracy theories, as much enjoyment as I'd get out of it!


And you can trust me on that, because I'm from the government, and here to help.:D


But truly it isn't the government. A small group of people are the puppet masters pulling all the strings. Most of the government is clueless and thinks the ones putting all the pieces together are loony.

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But why? WHY do we want to be Mexusda? Is there a benefit to this? Can we all have second homes in what used to be Canada, and enjoy the Mexican Riviera in winter? What does the former US stand to gain from adding Canada and Mexico to the mix? Hmmmmmmm, I'm going to have to go dig out my colander so I can think about this more in the tub..... Does that thing work in the tub????

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Hmmmmmmm, I'm going to have to go dig out my colander so I can think about this more in the tub..... Does that thing work in the tub????


I hate to tell you this, but there's something in the water. And it can enter your body through osmosis. Just be careful who you talk to, 'kay?








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In all seriousness :lol::lol::lol:


DH & I use to watch X-Files. They had that small group of men that ran the world. Dh & I now talk about them. Alot. When things happen that just go against the grain. Like the last election. WHO made Gore back down? And the primaries. When Huckabee won with such a resounding vote in Iowa and then suddenly got nothing else? Why?? Do you really think your vote counts? :001_huh:

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WHO made Gore back down? And the primaries. When Huckabee won with such a resounding vote in Iowa and then suddenly got nothing else? Why?? Do you really think your vote counts? :001_huh:


With each passing election and each passing year I'm starting to doubt that my vote really matters for much at all. :glare:

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In all seriousness :lol::lol::lol:


DH & I use to watch X-Files. They had that small group of men that ran the world. Dh & I now talk about them. Alot. When things happen that just go against the grain. Like the last election. WHO made Gore back down? And the primaries. When Huckabee won with such a resounding vote in Iowa and then suddenly got nothing else? Why?? Do you really think your vote counts? :001_huh:


Perhaps Alan Greenspan has more power than we know. Who is it now? Bernanke? Maybe he took over so Greenspan could head up "the company"?

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Conspiracy theories appeal to people who need a sense of order and security. They offer explanations, without regard for plausibility, for happenings that may be difficult for people to deal with on their own. Even though the theories often feature wicked plots masterminded by evildoers, they provide a sense that the negative happenings of universe are not random or beyond anyone's control.


For instance, the national and world economies are complex with many interrelated and independent components. No one person has a significant effect on the economy (well ... with a few exceptions ... like maybe the Hunt brothers' silver deal) yet each and every person is affected deeply and daily by state of economies.

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