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Young Mothers - make a recommendation

Liz CA

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My niece is pregnant and I'd like to send her a little something. Is there a book or some other resource you would recommend for expectant (first time) mothers? The world has changed 180 degrees since I was there...at least in terms of resources.

Edited by Liz CA
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If she plans on nursing, my favorite book is the one by Dr. Sears. (I know, not everyone is a fan of Dr. Sears. But this was by far my favorite book for the "how to" of nursing.) A nursing pillow was a huge help for me. It is not an exaggeration to say that I would have quit nursing at a few weeks with our oldest had it not been for the Boppy pillow. It worked so much better than regular pillows. And knowing that I had a comfortable, supportive pillow was the one bright spot in our nursing sessions.

If she's interested in unmedicated birth, Natural Childbirth the Bradley Way by Susan McCutcheon is my favorite. (It's the only one I bothered reading when expecting kids 2 and 3. And, when things progressed vary strangely/quickly with the 3rd, it was a paragraph from that book that kept me from flipping out.)

I second the suggestion for a carrier (I'd go with a Moby wrap or mei tai. My preference is a mei tai.) 

ETA: fixed a typo so a sentence would actually make sense

Edited by barnwife
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Well, it's been over 20 years ago since I was pregnant for the first time, but back then I was mesmerized by the Lennart Nilsson book, "A Child Is Born" because it showed actual pictures of fetal development and I could look at the pictures and know what was going on inside me. The pictures were stunning. Of course, that was before that type of photo information was readily available online.




My mother had a copy of this when I was growing up, and I remember being fascinated.  I bought it for my DH when we were pregnant with our first, and I am just as fascinated!


For the OP, I don't love parenting books bc they are so personal/possibly preachy, but I have recommended John Medina's Brain Rules for Babies to several people.


Otherwise, I second the suggestion for some great swaddles.  I'm a fan of ones with velcro, because my brain just. does. not. swaddle at 3 am, but there plenty of varieties to choose from!

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