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Sometimes the twin thing is hard.

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My twin girls just got their ACT scores back.  I have one dd that has her heart set on getting a high score (she's kind of a perfectionist) and has some scholarship goals that she wants a high score for.  


The other dd doesn't really have any plans, and was pretty ok with whatever score that she got.  


Well, the perfectionist dd only raised her score by one point from her last test, and didn't get the score she thought she would.  (She said she felt pretty confident after the test was over that she had done well)  She did well, but not as well as she had hoped.


The one that didn't care got a very good score, several points above her sister.  


It is pretty much impossible to keep their scores from one another, and they told each other anyway.  My little perfectionist has been very upset with herself this evening.  It is so hard to be very happy with one twin and sympathize with the other twin's disappointment.  She will take it again, and has several opportunities to improve her score before graduation.  Just for tonight she's a sad 15 year old that I think is feeling a little jealous of her sister.  (Both girls have been very gracious with one another, I have to say.)


Anyway...just feeling a little torn tonight.  




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My twin girls just got their ACT scores back.  I have one dd that has her heart set on getting a high score (she's kind of a perfectionist) and has some scholarship goals that she wants a high score for.  


The other dd doesn't really have any plans, and was pretty ok with whatever score that she got.  


Well, the perfectionist dd only raised her score by one point from her last test, and didn't get the score she thought she would.  (She said she felt pretty confident after the test was over that she had done well)  She did well, but not as well as she had hoped.


The one that didn't care got a very good score, several points above her sister.  


It is pretty much impossible to keep their scores from one another, and they told each other anyway.  My little perfectionist has been very upset with herself this evening.  It is so hard to be very happy with one twin and sympathize with the other twin's disappointment.  She will take it again, and has several opportunities to improve her score before graduation.  Just for tonight she's a sad 15 year old that I think is feeling a little jealous of her sister.  (Both girls have been very gracious with one another, I have to say.)


Anyway...just feeling a little torn tonight.  

That is a tough one! Hugs to you and your girls. I'm grateful that my oldest took only the ACT and her younger sister (by two years) will likely only take the SAT (our state switched to the SAT as the required test for all HS juniors), so there can be no direct comparison of scores. I can't imagine having to deal with the mixed bag of emotions that twin standardized testing must create; i never even thought of that!

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I'm sorry. I have a similar situation with my two girls except they are a little over two years apart. The older one is a late bloomer developmentally and is chronologically closing in on 17, but developmentally and emotionally closer to 15. The younger one is 14 but acts closer to 16. She has always been wise for her years. Also very focused and motivated with excellent executive function skills. It's tough because the younger is pulling ahead of the older. I am having them both prep for the sat because the older is a 10th grader this year and the younger one is 9th (their birthdays help with this). The older one is doing better on the practice tests :( I'm having a tough time handling it. What do you say??

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It can be really hard with twins. We have tried not to foster competition between our two but sometimes it happens. We still have them do different math just so they can't compete with each other. Sorry that it was a hard day.

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:grouphug: I completely understand, and it is hard some days. One of my twins got his ACT scores yesterday and had a fairly good score. His twin sister, who hasn't taken the test yet, immediately started worrying about whether she would get a good score or not. I had to gently remind her to be proud of her brother for now and not worry about herself. They usually are not competitive but these tests seem to bring it out in them. 

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I sympathize.  It's been tough with my twins, too. For us it takes a different form.  My older twin is much, much more focused and driven than her sister, so she's thus more advanced in almost anything.  Which means that when younger twin accomplishs something, it's hard to make sure she gets appropriate kudos, rather than just being greeted with some version of "well, yeah, but your twin did that last year..."

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