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Who's going to tackle Friday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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I have the early rotation tomorrow - Friday - from 0800 - 1630. Not a morning person. This says it all.

Just trying to get through the day.

Hopefully walk doggie when I get home and get something edible on the table.

Thankfully, this is not my regular work time.

On the "blessed" side: this is the first job in 15 years where my commute is less than 30 minutes because I have not worked and lived in the same town.


Edited by Liz CA
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Woke too early.  Don't know why.  Couldn't be caffeine!


Take 17 yo to math tutor

Hang out and read at Panera

p/u 17 yo

Philosophy with 14 and 17 yo




Maybe do some academics before dinner

Relax (except laundry might be a good idea!)

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I have a lot to do today... but I have RED BULL :hurray:


As much school as we can fit in w/todays events

Take trash out


1 on 1 w/Ds (He got "school stuff" last night at the store and he's excited)

Library again (3rd time in two days)

Take dd to get ears pierced for her birthday

Get dog tags

Give dog a bath & wash her blankie


Begin cleaning whole house for dds party tomorrow

Have dd call aunts to invite them for cake



I know I am forgetting things.. hm.

Edited by Mrs. Hound
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Make sure piano and math happen

Drop kids at tutorial

Dog park.

Enjoy two hours at home by myself!

Pick up kids and have lunch with friends from tutorial


oil change for my van?

meal planning

help kids with Valentine things


dinner - salmon cakes, corn and whatever veggies we have

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Good morning

- volunteer at dd1's school 11-1:30

(I think dd1 gets to come home with me as well)- done

- school work- All EAQS done, working on pharmacology outline so I do better on the exam on Monday

- have dd1 clean her room- done for today

- tidy house- round one done

- laundry- load in dryer

- fold laundry- haha

- dishes- in dishwasher

- dinner- done

- baths- done

- bedtime routine- done

- more school work- nope going to bed

- anything else I get done- took out trash

Edited by MomtoCandJ
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Good morning! Another regular day here. Dmil gets home tomorrow, so a general pickup will be in order. I have to find my box marked "summer clothes" because it should be nice in for the meet next week in AZ. I am planning to pay the boys to find the box...


To do :

School for all

Kitchen cleanup/general pickup

Costco run

Jen things

List for meet

PM practice/aikido

Bank?/post office?


Have a great day!

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Good Morning....


Puttering around the house getting things done for the weekend.


Need to cook something yummy for dinner...pizza night...so I'll make a huge salad and lavash pizzas on plan.


Laundry is humming...


Hope to read a little bit and check out movies for the weekend.


Have a great day everyone! 

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That broken friendships thread from yesterday really messed me up. I guess my wound is still too fresh. Well I ended up doing basically nothing aside from feeding the kids and hanging out with them. I'm feeling better today but today is our day out of the house so nothing at home will get done.


- pay bills

- grocery store

- kung fu for kids

- pick up pet sitting key

- workout DVD

- manage to get some sort of cleaning done

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Jean, glad you don't know what else to add to your list.  Enjoy your quiet day :-)


Ok this is my crazy 48 hours:


little bit of school this morning

early lunch

theater class(they have to bring a shirt to tear up today????)

pack for overnight scout event with DD.  For one night we need an awful lot of stuff!!!  Not a lot of time to do this.

DD and I head off for our night.  DH and DS fend for themselves.  Pizza and video games on the docket


Will be at the scout thing until afternoon. 

Head home to shower/clean up

fix something for dinner?

theater in the evening



I woke up with a gummy eye.  I am either stressed a little, or about to get really sick.  too early to call which one.  Going on the campout anyway.  Fully prepared to go hide in a corner away from others.  Kinda hope I get to!


Have a good weekend everyone!

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The boys found the box. I am a little annoyed, that yes, I will probably still be living here and need summer clothes.


We didn't get the house. So we are now 0-2 in offers. There is one house I think has a ton of potential, but it is greatly disliked by the rest of the family. So here we sit, nothing new on the market that is remotely suitable either in price, location, or size.


And really, we are not that picky. In our target city (which includes 3 zip codes), there are 219 properties for sale. More than half are under contract, but not closed.

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Having a slog of a day.


Human care done

Pet care done

Medical care done.  I think I might be reacting to one or two of my new meds so I pulled those two meds this morning.  Hopefully my symptoms will settle down and I can try one at a time to see if I can figure this out.  In the meantime, I don't feel as well today.

Dishwasher is chugging along. 

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I'm feeling kinda ... what's the word ... like I'm not pulling my weight today.  Once again I took a nice long nap after sending the kids off to school.  Then I checked my facebook and talked to my sister on the phone (the one with the heart thing).  Now I'm on WTM.  Other than checking emails, I haven't done any "work" yet and it's 2:45.  I just hope I get some things done before the weekend officially arrives.


Today I found out that my dad checked into the hospital for what is hopefully a minor issue.  He is expecting to be in there a couple days.


Tonight the kids have a "lock-in" for scouts.  I have to attend too, since my kids are in the younger group.  I need to bring some food.  The girls are supposed to do some badge work to bring with them (hopefully we get it done this afternoon).  I will bring my laptop and probably work most of the night after the chickies sleep (I hope there is a comfy chair to sit on).  I wonder if I am the only mom who snores?  :P


Today's list as of now:

  • Get kids up & out to school bus.  [done]
  • Really clean the kitchen.  [done]
  • Critter care.  [done]
  • Nap.  [done]
  • Phone call with sister; solve all the world's problems.  [done]
  • Work.
  • Call Dad.
  • Pay bills.
  • A little exercise.
  • Kids' showers.
  • Kids' badge work.
  • Dinner at home.
  • Maybe some reading aloud.
  • Let the bird fly a bit.
  • Buy and prep food for the lock-in.
  • Scout lock-in.
  • Work.
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Got too tired.


Michael's and JoAnn's fabrics done for materials for a glow in the dark paracord dog collar. 

15 min of yardwork done (actually a bit more since my timer got bumped and stopped for a bit until I realized it).

15 min. of work in the Schoolroom of Doom

Helped dd make pasta salad to go along with the saucy crockpot drumsticks

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