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Who's going to tackle Monday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Ugh...where to even begin.


I had a bad dream last night about not being ready for our trip on Saturday (easiest dang trip ever, one night, hour flight each way...).  So, I started.


-- emails regarding where we're staying, check-in for flights, get all paperwork and passports together for trip.

-- make sure all all laundry needed for trip is sorted and washed as priority.  

-- make sure all swim gear for the meet is together in my room.


Regular day stuff:

Laundry -- fold load, wash and hang two.


Clean entry hall area and living room.

Get stairs washed/dried.

Get things ready for meetings tonight (Boy Scouts)

Get dinners together to take for kids after swimming.

Call Orthodontist because I was wrong about school dates and need to reschedule :p


Boy Scouts & Committee meeting


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Good morning- I have school but dd1 doesn't

- get up and ready- done

- school- done

- buy salt for porch and driveway- done

- school work- did a little

- dinner- done

- baths- not needed

- bedtime routine- one down one to go

- anything else I get done- haha

Edited by MomtoCandJ
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I come and go from these threads.. but if you all don't mind I need some extra accountability this week (and through the end of our year but we will take it one week at a time lol)



School- History, Math, English, Spelling, Writing, Reading (IR and RA)

Pick up house


Call my aunt

1-2 loads of laundry

Litter box

Run Vacuum

Walk dog (play outside if everything gets done?) with kids

Kids will probably needs baths

One on one "school" time with ds


Dh is on seconds this week.. which is good for me getting things done.


*Adding about 2 more loads of laundry. Little one had an accident this morning.




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Good Morning! 


Recover the house from the weekend  :eek: --vacuum, dust and mop main floor and Mt. Laundry


Cook and stay on plan with meals




Bible reading


School--he does 95% on his own now...I'm just here for the paperwork  :)


Have a great day!

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  • Sign school papers.  [done]

Kids up & off to school.  [done]

Work.  Many deadlines.

Pay bills.

Fill out camp form - didn't get to it yesterday.

Some exercise.

Some reading.

Some housework.

Kids' work.

Kids to swim; walk while they swim.

Dinner on the fly.

Kids to gym; work while they play.

Kids to bed.


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--daily and Monday things


--the school stuff dd and I do together

--college researching (trying to increase her list of schools after last week's visits)

--register dd for summer drivers ed (don't know if she'll be in the country but we don't have to pay the $25 until early June so...)

--make sure she applies to the Plan B summer program (app is supposed to be up today) not up yet :(

--make double or triple batch of refried beans


I think that's it.


:lol: I totally forgot exercise---training session at the gym plus either walking there (it's warm today but gray right now) or some cardio at the gym.

Edited by Luckymama
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Good morning! We had a silly sort of weekend. Saturday: swim meet, lunch, looked at house, ironed out details to make offer. Sunday: took girls to practice (90 minute drive), made offer, drove home in snow storm (3 hour drive), found out coming home that other offer was above list price....just no. List price was already too high. Was sad and frustrated for the rest of the night.


Today: it is supposed to keep snowing through tomorrow, but almost no snow here.


To do:

School for all

Take ds2 for permit test

Pay some bills

Boys to shovel the wimpy amount of snow we received

Clean kitchen and general pickup

PM practice/aikido


Hey it started snowing again!


Have a great day!

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I haven't felt like doing a to-do list for a few days. I had a couple of whirlwind days after nephew left getting ready and going to co-op. I teach two classes. I've just been tired and trying to relax. 


Back to the old grindstone, though!



slept in


lesson plan for today



To Do:

finish school work


dentist appointment for me

take the van to get window fixed (it just started sliding down on it's own this weekend)



tidy house

bible study work for class tomorrow




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Ds to work - he just called to say that he's going to work an 8 hour shift today.  I guess school will be put aside for him.

Dh to work

Thyroid pill done - still have to do the others and fill the pill boxes

Breakfast done

Called doctor's office to find out their vial test hours today and fortunately my original timing will work out. 

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Ds2 got his permit. Thank goodness he has to hold it for a year. I can't imagine what my insurance would look like with 3 teen drivers today. It will still be bad next year, but I have a long time to come to terms with it.


Still snowing, but nothing is cancelled. So gearing up for crappy driving in a few hours.

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School is done.

Spaghetti sauce is made.

Cookies are baking. I used unsalted butter and cheap choc chips and they do not taste quite right. :(

Library books are reserved.

Pantry shelves organized.


To do:

finish dinner

fold and put away laundry

reorganize craft cabinet - took forever to find the metallic paint for Ds' cardboard scabbard this afternoon.

work on science


Dd and I will have a quiet evening while Dh and Ds go to basketball practice. :)

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I come and go from these threads.. but if you all don't mind I need some extra accountability this week (and through the end of our year but we will take it one week at a time lol)



School- History, Math, English, Spelling, Writing, Reading (IR and RA)

Pick up house


Call my aunt

1-2 loads of laundry

Litter box

Run Vacuum

Walk dog (play outside if everything gets done?) with kids

Kids will probably needs baths

One on one "school" time with ds


Dh is on seconds this week.. which is good for me getting things done.


*Adding about 2 more loads of laundry. Little one had an accident this morning.


Done... exhausted... and heading up to put the kids to bed. House is clean.. kids are clean.. school is done... beds have fresh sheets and blankets.


It doesn't happen often but man does it feel good!

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