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SAT II tests for Middle School


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This recently came up in a conversation with another mom locally, so it is on my mind.


I know when a middle schooler covers some subjects prior to high school, the higher level course on the transcript assumes the earlier class has been done. Good so far.


Our best dual credit option is a medium sized university close to our house. They are happy to work with homeschoolers, but really, really like test scores.


We're going to have two classes that I think I'll probably want/ need test scores for: geometry (as a stand alone course, and chemistry, because I would like for her to take an advanced class at the college.


We will probably do a first high school chem class in 8th grade at home (our sequence looks to be physical science, biology, algebra based physics, chemistry, advanced biology then....hopefully chemistry at the college in early high school.)


AP Tests for homeschoolers don't really happen where we live (so many colleges offer dual credit within 60 miles or so of us, so they aren't really necessary). I'm looking at the SAT subject tests as an option, which is just sign up and show up.


Any suggestions for this type scenario? Are there better tests to show mastery? I'm sure we'll have the regular SAT done by then.

Edited by elladarcy
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We're planning to use SAT subject tests and CLEP tests (the latter are even more "sign up and show up") for that purpose as well. AP tests are difficult to access here.


I will also say that just the plain SAT opened doors here. Paradoxically, it seems like the subtest that everyone dislikes (writing) is the one that ended up being DD's best asset. Apparently writing is a weak spot for a lot of college students.

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In my case, I don't expect tests to replace placement tests regardless. It's more a "get your foot in the door" thing. Out of several options here, one took the SAT with writing without problems, another will only take the ACT, and the third hasn't gotten back with me at all yet (and they're the school that I think would be the best fit-it's a fairly small private Catholic school with a strong engineering school and a good reputation for STEM that basically is thr advanced class provider for the Catholic high schools, so has a good number of younger students attending. Perhaps most important, one of their bio professors did her dissertation on vipers :) ).

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We don't really plan to replace placement tests, either. I just was thinking of something at the end of a high school course she did at home to verify it was done.



Not quite your situation here, but I am planning to try a similar approach here late this spring for my 8th grader.  We are finishing up US History and I will have her take the SAT subject test.  If she scores adequately, I will give her high school credit for the course, ie., I will use the SAT test to demonstrate high school level mastery (which is sufficient for credit in our state.)  FWIW.



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I wish there was a AP vs SAT subject test comparison to help with decisions like these. DS is taking French AP test next year but I've no idea if it makes any sense to add the SAT subject test to it at this point...

If you google it, threads on college confidential come up discussing sat French exam. It's much easier because it's multiple choice I think and listening portion is optional.

Are you having him take an AP class or just prepping on your own?

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If you google it, threads on college confidential come up discussing sat French exam. It's much easier because it's multiple choice I think and listening portion is optional.

Are you having him take an AP class or just prepping on your own?

He will take the AP class at Potter school (because it's the only one I can find) and continue with his tutor and his regular stuff he does. I hope the class will tell me if he is ready. I think he is now, but I don't know the AP test very well. I found a college kid to correct his french writing too, I hope to continue that. Next year will be crazy. Edited by madteaparty
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I wish there was a AP vs SAT subject test comparison to help with decisions like these. DS is taking French AP test next year but I've no idea if it makes any sense to add the SAT subject test to it at this point...

It depends on the college. For example the engineering schools want the sat math 2 scores even if the child has AP Calc scores.


For a fun AP vs SAT scores minimum cutoff comparison, the UC a-g requirements have those. They also want the tests that include listening for LOTE (language other than english)


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It depends on the college. For example the engineering schools want the sat math 2 scores even if the child has AP Calc scores.


For a fun AP vs SAT scores minimum cutoff comparison, the UC a-g requirements have those. They also want the tests that include listening for LOTE (language other than english)


He'll probably do his undergrad in Europe, in which case only APs matter and they need to be 5s. maybe we add the sat later on, maybe we get it done with.

Sorry OP for derailing thread, I'm awful about that

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Depending on your travel distance the SAT Subject exams have one huge advantage because you can do three exams in one day for a small additional fee ($12 Per additional exam I think). Dd has added extra subjects to make 3 each time and been pleasantly surprised with her extra exams. Because of the distance and nature of traffic for morning exams we have to stay at a hotel so additional expense so 3 done is great, even better when ds tests too. ;)


We have recently done some CLEP exams and really like the fact they can be scheduled later in the day so no hotel stay needed. Also no real waiting period. I recently discovered that a transcript of your exams taken can be ordered showing your exact score not just pass/fail like I had thought. My ds especially enjoys these exams because it is an easy way (he likes tests) to demonstrate that he has mastered a subject (especially something he dislikes). Because of the transcript grades are easy to back up,

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Not quite your situation here, but I am planning to try a similar approach here late this spring for my 8th grader.  We are finishing up US History and I will have her take the SAT subject test.  If she scores adequately, I will give her high school credit for the course, ie., I will use the SAT test to demonstrate high school level mastery (which is sufficient for credit in our state.)  FWIW.




This is a good idea. I would much rather cover US History in 8th before starting over with Ancient History Freshman year instead of Junior or Senior year when we already are doing government and want to dig into higher level classes (A year of US History in high school is required in our state).

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I would much rather cover US History in 8th before starting over with Ancient History Freshman year instead of Junior or Senior year when we already are doing government and want to dig into higher level classes

My kids want to test out of US history and world history. We are supposed to have those two if they were in public school. If they go back to B&M high school, they could sit out history. If we continue homeschooling, they can have time for other electives.


None of my boys are interested in anything that needs history so an average SAT score for history in middle school isn't going to hurt them. Besides it won't affect high school GPA.



My kids want to be small business owners. I'm thinking econs, finance, accounting, business law would make fun electives.

Edited by Arcadia
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