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An update on middle son's suits (pics)


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As promised from this thread:




I'm posting middle son's suit pics.


This is the suit dad likes the best - complete with accessory therapy cat (Bug):




And these are the two mom likes, although I admit I might like them better if they'd also come with an accessory therapy cat.






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He already looks like a doctor. Does he still have to go to med school?


Are we supposed to decide which suit looks better? I think I like the second suit but if he holds therapy cat long enough some cat hair may be stuck to the suit and that would guarantee admission to med school.

Edited by Liz CA
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He already looks like a doctor. Does he still have to go to med school?


Are we supposed to decide which suit looks better? I think I like the second suit but if he holds therapy cat long enough some cat hair may be stuck to the suit and that would guarantee admission to med school.


I'll admit to liking the black suit the best...


And it'd be less costly and take less time if he could skip med school, but our homeschooling was rather shallow and didn't cover those topics beyond anatomy and microbio (the latter done at cc) so...


Med school would likely be less costly than a malpractice suit.


We have told him we get dibs on free consultations for the rest of our lives.  Ironically he tells me all parents of his peers have said the same thing.  :lol:

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The suits look great. The cat is adorable. And I love all that beautiful wood on and around your front door. Love it!


We were told it's chestnut - the advantages of having an older, not rehabbed, house if what we were told was correct.  It's all over our downstairs - every door and window frame.  Under the carpet is hardwood too.  We keep saying we're going to pull up the carpet now that we no longer have dogs and our kids are grown...


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He already looks like a doctor. Does he still have to go to med school?


Are we supposed to decide which suit looks better? I think I like the second suit but if he holds therapy cat long enough some cat hair may be stuck to the suit and that would guarantee admission to med school.


how's his handwriting?  is it legible?  then he still needs to go so no one can read it.

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Those are great pics! I am looking forward to your posts about his med school journey. :)


At the moment he's pretty serious about trying for MSTP (MD/PhD) at some tippy top schools.  I wish him well.  He's done everything he's needed to do except take the MCAT and GRE.  Those will happen this spring.  I seriously doubt he'll have problems with either.  His practice MCAT scores are already well within range and that's without studying.  If he gets this, then he won't have to pay for med school and will get the typical PhD stipend to assist with living costs.  It'd be great, but it's so competitive, it certainly can't be counted on as all of his competitors will have similar stats, references, and ECs, etc.


Plan B at the moment is just med school.  What a Plan B, eh?  But I no longer worry that he will get in (somewhere, perhaps not tippy top).  He's done so well...


Plan C is to continue with research.  This plan has been encouraged by those he worked with (researching) at Stanford this past summer and those he works with at URoc, so it seems pretty solid as a backup plan.  He's just hoping to combine his two loves together...  Can't blame him.


We spent what we did on his suits and "suit training" to outsource that part of education (and not hinder his plans).  Neither hubby nor I are qualified to have taught that part of his homeschooling... but I like what emerged... esp therapy cat.  (He inherited our love of humor!)


Very, very seriously and without parent bias (ok, maybe with, but nonetheless true), regardless of what specialty the lad picks, he's going to be very loved as a doctor.  Somehow genetics combined perfectly for what he wants to do.  


When I look back on my little boy with severe speech and reading issues up until 2nd grade, then see what he's done since, I'm awed.  For his first few years we were thinking we'd have to change our plans for our boy and come up with something non-academic for him.  His testing gifted at age 4 (for everything except speech) didn't really change that thought, 'cause after all, he can't say much and couldn't read 'was' (and more) even if it was on the same page three times in first grade.  But wow, once it clicked... coupled with his natural drive and love of his plans...


I feel fortunate to have been his parent, but most of his capability is due to his genetics and opportunity.


FWIW  We love our other two the same and support their plans equally as much.  Youngest is doing super well with his plans/goals too.  We're fully supporting his trip to Greece and his desire to head into the ministry.  Oldest is married and working (business) at a job he loves.  They might not have the academic tippy top-ness (nor drive for that), but they're doing very, very well in their lives.  I'm proud of them.

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