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Who's going to tackle Monday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Too much to do!




I feel ya!


This morning, so far I have:

-folded 3 loads of laundry, hung out two loads of laundry, running a 3rd.

-cleaned up the kitchen (dh was up later than me, and left me quite a few dishes from his cooking).

-tidied up my room (dog is blowing her coat...ugh)

-made my breakfast, and breakfast for the kids

-got the kids started on their chores/work for the day

-donated to a homeless project (our internet has been spotty, so I finally got to this.)

-fed and walked the dog

-took in the trash can; collected other trash


Still to do:

Menu planning/shopping list building

Week's schedule/general plan/check meeting times with counselors/therapists

Fundraising Forms for upcoming events complete

Homeschool Meetings organized and booked (now done)

More laundry

Sweep floors

School organization stuff


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Good morning

- go back to sleep- done

- have chicken pox titer done and ask about flu shot- doing this tomorrow since TB test is in the afternoon

- call about where to go for drug test- hurray I can do it after my TB test tomorrow since I can do it at my local hospital lab

- dishes- not enough for a load yet

- laundry- in dryer

- tidy house- round 1 done

- call to put dd1 on BB gun club list- done and did online application so dh only has to do the club specific stuff

- get dd1 off bus- done

- help her with any school work- worked on her spelling some, though now she's complaining her stomach hurts

- dinner- done

- baths- done

- bedtime routine- one down one to go

- anything else I get done- notta thing

Edited by MomtoCandJ
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We ended up having an impromptu dinner party last night with The Girlfriend and two of ds's friends joining us, so I didn't get everything done that I had planned.



--training at gym 12:30

--dd ballet 7:30-9


--daily and Monday things

--finish planning meals and finalize grocery list

--box up books

--find Nigeria article in The Economist

--put old home movies in date-order

--emails, so many emails

--go shopping with dd20 for the things she needs for Greece (study abroad)

--last dinner with ds before he leaves :(

Edited by Luckymama
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Today is going to be a bit crazy daisy. DH is off

DD's birthday is today but we celebrated yesterday.


Get dressed

Take Liz into town

JoAnn's for paper and a project

Pick up a load of wood for DH's co-worker




More laundry

Run to the bank

Parents meeting for Trail Life



Thank goodness the college kiddos are off for another 1-2 weeks.  We're trying to get the basement walls all mudded, textured, and painted before they go back.


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Good morning! Last day of Christmas swim schedule, tomorrow is back to early mornings and late nights. We are moving the furniture out of the house tomorrow (the kids and I will be doing it), so school doesn't start for us until Wednesday.


To do:

Phone calls

Return packages

Figure out schedule for this afternoon/evening (dmil is hosting her book club, so we are making ourselves scarce)

PM practice/aikido

Dinner out and errands


Have a great day!

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We're home, DS is sick, his birthday party is Saturday, and I'm definitely in over my head.


Laundry - almost done.

Cleaning -  vacuumed living room; must do fridge.

School - did couch time, much to kitty's delight; wanted to use videos for Spanish & math, but technical difficulties will require DH to help.

Errands - bank: done; will make my shopping list and go to the store.

Dinner - perfect night to use the gift card I got.

Edited by whitehawk
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This day has gone by quick!  I guess it doesn't help I slept in some (I was tired)  and let dss sleep in really late.  Dss are fighting colds and they were sleeping good so I left them alone.


We have done

Some school

Taken trash out

Figured out meals today


Geez that is all and I am ready for bed. 

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Let's see. . .


kitchen clean - check


dd and I did math and she earned a frozen yogurt this afternoon (upon 10% mastery gain in Khan). 


dd did writing amid much weeping and gnashing of teeth (ok - just a touch of tears and lots of teeth gnashing)


lunch done with  good choices - salad with babybell cheese, raisins.  Had extra cheese and raisins so I feel "bad" but I'm not sure if I really blew it or not.  The way to really tell is to log my food to see the calories but that isn't going to happen.  Nope.


folded and put away 3 loads of laundry.


one load in washer and dryer - this was ds's thing


one load in washer.  I need to switch laundry around and do more. 


planned dinner. 


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got school done, but it was sloooow! not too bad for a first day back, though.


did not undecorate. tomorrow is another day...

laundry, half folded

dinner changed to BLTs


still pondering the beginning of that Circe video, no journaling yet


Dd is watching Secretariat, again. ;)

Dh and Ds are at bball practice.

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I'm not going to get to undecorating either. I feel better knowing that I'm in good company!

Besides, it is still Christmas until Wednesday when Epiphany begins. :)


All I have left to do is take down the tree and box everything up. Dh will put the boxes in the attic and take the tree to the recycle lot. Most of my decs are in heaps upon my sofa! Still need to frams this year's pic of my kids.

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