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Any other INFPs here?


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I am but am pretty close to even between F/T and J/P. The biggest struggle I have is implementation and following through on my ideas and goals. Dreaming doesn't accomplish anything if it isn't followed by action. I don't do as much afterschooling as I'd like for this reason.

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Ditto what Word Nerd said. I waver between INFP vs INFJ, leaning more towards the J.


My ideals are high and my implementation is often lacking. My perfectionism helps us reach for the stars, but also means that some things didn't get done because my goals were too lofty. For example, when dd wanted to start a blog, I envisioned an online magazine. I overwhelmed her pretty badly. I should have let her just post what she wanted.

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Oh dear..... that is dh.... and I did every single bit of 17 years of homeschooling.... I will ramble and maybe something will help... He would say "have you thought about teaching...." several years after we had done it...  He seems to want to know what to do and follow it, rather than come up with it himself, so maybe find people here, or on a blog, or book (WTM ;) ), that show where you wish to end up in your schooling, then follow a lot of their recommendations. Definitely take into account your kids temperaments, mine are both NFJs (one ambivert, one I). INFP can be quite idealistic and, for us, a detached/distracted temperament, but I feel it can be very beautiful and deep as well. Causes, humanitarian, creative and such, and motives (but don't get carried away) can be very motivating in learning. If your kids are creative, it would be a great gift to have your creativeness in your schooling. I am ISFP, the fear of ruining my dc kept a fire under me to do what I felt was needed. I used state/college requirements as classes needed goals (before high school it was to prepare to be able to take those classes), added things that were important to me to pass on to them, also it was important for them to have "breathing" room while they were learning, room to accept new information, think about it, apply it, etc. rather than always cramming facts, in other words, time to process. So *how* we schooled was important to me. HTH and best wishes.

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The first year of homeschooling , the twins were in 4th grade.  DS did K12, so no planning to speak of for me.  DD (special needs) worked on relevant skills at her level, based of her ABA and functional skills testing.  

After that, I discovered The Well Trained Mind.  When I get lost in my ideas of all the different things that we could do, I refer back to the WTM and pick a quality something that will actually get done.  I find that is extremely important, especially now that I have more kids homeschooling.  I have to remind myself often that getting something done is better than the lofty, homegrown program that I have designed in my head....  I find that I'm great with ideas, but the followthrough, not so much.  I often wish I could hire an assistant or something to make my ideas into reality.  How cool would that be?

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I am but am pretty close to even between F/T and J/P. The biggest struggle I have is implementation and following through on my ideas and goals. Dreaming doesn't accomplish anything if it isn't followed by action. I don't do as much afterschooling as I'd like for this reason.


Ditto on the Myers Briggs letters. I always feel funny telling people I'm anything... depends on the test if I come out INFP, INFJ, INTP or INTJ...


I find that my INFP side comes out more in my personal endeavors... my writing, my art, my relationships... For homeschooling, I find I have to tap into my T and J sides a lot more. So that's probably not a lot of help. But in general in my life I've become more T and J over time (as a teen and young adult I was much more solidly INFP) and it's helped me in the arenas where I need to put vision aside and just get stuff done.

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INFP here. Yes, I get very caught up in my ideals, and then never live up to them. But I'm also able to embrace the fun, messy side of homeschooling. But I have a hard time following through with all my plans. Trying so hard to keep up our momentum here in January. It's the worst.

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Oh my, YES! That is so me. I can never live up to my ideals and I have a perfectionism that is crippling. I am so good at coming up with tons of awesome ideas, but I never seem to follow through on them. I don't really have a problem relating to the people in my life (people who run in the same circles) but sometimes when I find myself in a radically different group, I do feel like an alien or something. I haven't read about the personality things for many, many years- I do remember that I am an INFP, but I don't really remember what all that means. If someone has tips on following through on all the awesome ideas, I would LOVE to hear them!

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INFP, on every single test I take every time since I was in my twenties.


Like Harriet Vane, I don't always accomplish my goals because I've got such great visions, but implementing is more of a challenge. By now, at near fifty, I have learned enough coping skills to plan my ideal school/family life/project/etc. then take a good look at what's realistic for the real people I have to teach. One way that I've learned to cope is by prioritizing peace and harmony in my family so that when the real people I live with conflict with my ideal picture, I can remember that peace and harmony are *supposed* to be my guiding ideals. :P


T'smom, you CAN'T follow through on ALL the awesome ideas. :) More's the pity, right??? Life is so amazing, wouldn't it be cool to do everything and go everywhere and read everything????? Pick a few awesome ideas. When I stopped trying to do every cool thing that came along, and focused on choosing wisely and focusing intently on that choice, things went a lot more smoothly.


I do not usually have a hard time relating to other people. I worked on learning to "small talk" and on learning to figure out how and when to take conversations a little deeper. I developed friendships through work and volunteering so that our relationships are based on common activities, and we've usually got things to plan and to talk about as friendships develop. Or don't, as I don't always connect with everyone but I can chat and enjoy their company anyway. Peace and harmony and all of that. I've made some wonderful friend of all different personality types. :)

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I am INFP, thru and thru. Sometimes I have a hint of J, but not often.


I wandered curriculum choices for years until I started Memoria Press. I found my home with them.


Yes, I often struggle to fit in and don't. I think INFP is rare...


Yes, I often over project what can be realistically accomplished.



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