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Mock Mass Shooting

Violet Crown

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Tomorrow I need to get Great Girl to campus for a final exam, about which she's already pretty anxious. This will be made more challenging by the group of lunatics who have decided to stage a Mock Mass Shooting next to the college campus--in fact, along the very road I need to be driving on. Finals Week was deliberately chosen, and in fact this tasteful display was originally planned to be performed right on the campus, in the midst of already-stressed students (until the University said they'd be arrested for criminal trespass).


Both the pro- and anti- sides of our current local concealed carry debate think this is an awful idea and have appealed to them not to stage this. They are undeterred.


I lack words for any of this.

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No. Just no.


/gun owner and CC-er.

The gun rights groups that are actually from here have denounced this idiocy and asked them not to do it. Like zoobie said, these are Disturbing Freaks. To whom the well-being of lots of children, many of them living away from home for the first time and taking their first college finals, is beneath concern.


Oooooh I'm angry.

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Dh just drove her in; said there wasn't any sign of trouble. Either the drizzle drove them off or the PD explained to them the charges that would follow should they step a toe across the legal line.


Very relieved.

So glad. Hubby had to go in to give 2 finals today (at another Texas uni) and we can't even imagine that scenario:(


Maybe the nuts were driven off by the offer of tha LARPers offering to meet them with Nerf swords, pool noodles, and confetti bombs....

What is wrong with people?!

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Dh just drove her in; said there wasn't any sign of trouble. Either the drizzle drove them off or the PD explained to them the charges that would follow should they step a toe across the legal line.


Very relieved.


Oh good! I'm relieved to hear students weren't having to run a gauntlet or hears "shots" fired during an exam.

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Last update. When Great Girl finished her exam she wandered over to the planned location (!!!!! foolish teenagers...) to see what was up. She reports lots of police ostentatiously present on the scene and nothing else: no demonstrators or counter-demonstrators. Nothing to see here, folks.


Thank you friends, who have been supportive as the world goes mad around us all.



Here's what we apparently missed: http://www.statesman.com/news/news/local-education/gun-rights-marchers-protest-near-ut-mock-shooting-/nphwD/

Edited by Violet Crown
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I wondered if they were actually going through with their demonstration. You know what would have made it worse is that these lunatics originally were planning for their demonstration to occur on West Mall - just where Whitman shot several people coming out of the six pack almost 50 years ago.


Very glad Great Girl's final went well.

Edited by brehon
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