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An Experiment

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Did you know that you can be "banned" from a website and never know it?

It's called it stealth banning.

When it happens you can't log in because you get a note saying, "Server Busy."

Or it takes forever for a page to download.


I wonder if it goes on here? I wonder if this will get deleted?

I wonder if the next time I log in I will get that message for telling you?

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Even if this were true, (and even if this were true HERE),


I get 'server busy" all the time, and I have never posted anything inflammatory, anything rude, anything that might upset anyone at any time.


So you can't assume that if you get a server busy notice, you have been stealth banned.

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Even if this were true, (and even if this were true HERE),


I get 'server busy" all the time, and I have never posted anything inflammatory, anything rude, anything that might upset anyone at any time.


So you can't assume that if you get a server busy notice, you have been stealth banned.


You are correct.

However, I happen to have friends that this has happened to.....and they haven't been able to log on in for WEEKS. They can download pages to read, they just can't say anything.

Has this ever happened to you for weeks?

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Even if this were true, (and even if this were true HERE),


I get 'server busy" all the time, and I have never posted anything inflammatory, anything rude, anything that might upset anyone at any time.


So you can't assume that if you get a server busy notice, you have been stealth banned.


I get server busy notices all the time, i probably have said some infammatory things but I seriously doubt that the server busy notice is anything more then, well, a busy server.

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I know a couple people who have gotten either a white screen or server busy for weeks now. They can't even got on to e-mail and find out why. Plus another poster was banned yesterday, Sammy. I went through all her posts and could not figure out what she said that was so awful. Another post in the last thread she was in was especially ugly, and that poster was not banned. Just seems like there is something fishy about.

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It maybe have been for having multiple accounts. It may have been negatively repping based on politics. It may have been for email exchanges with the administrator who was VERY clear in her "PLEASE READ THIS" post about how banning was an option for various offenses that would not necessarily show up in posts. So there are numerous explanations, but one thing is clear to me. We don't get and we don't need to get public discussions of why each person was banned.


I don't understand what you meant by "it seems fishy." If you think the administrator is somehow underhanded or fishy, and you are willing to say so publically, I really think you should find another place to hang out because she PAYS for you to be here and post here. If that's not what you meant, please clarify.

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It maybe have been for having multiple accounts. It may have been negatively repping based on politics. It may have been for email exchanges with the administrator who was VERY clear in her "PLEASE READ THIS" post about how banning was an option for various offenses that would not necessarily show up in posts. So there are numerous explanations, but one thing is clear to me. We don't get and we don't need to get public discussions of why each person was banned.


I don't understand what you meant by "it seems fishy." If you think the administrator is somehow underhanded or fishy, and you are willing to say so publically, I really think you should find another place to hang out because she PAYS for you to be here and post here. If that's not what you meant, please clarify.


Are you talking to me? I don't have multi accts. I have not rec'd a white screen or server busy, but a couple other people have contacted me saying they have. I have no idea if they have had issues with the mods or emails. I'm just saying it seems like there is a certain selection of posters having issues. I'm not one of them. I know this site is paid for, as most BB are. I think if posters you liked were getting banned, you would be speaking out too.

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Are you talking to me? I don't have multi accts. I have not rec'd a white screen or server busy, but a couple other people have contacted me saying they have. I have no idea if they have had issues with the mods or emails. I'm just saying it seems like there is a certain selection of posters having issues. I'm not one of them. I know this site is paid for, as most BB are. I think if posters you liked were getting banned, you would be speaking out too.


NO, I wasn't saying that you have multiple accounts. I was saying that maybe the posters that have been banned did. Or there might be other reasons. I've gotten "server busy" notices and had other issues, and I know that's not a banning issue.


And no. If a poster I liked were banned and I wanted to know why, I would email her. The moderator has been clear that she doesn't ban without warnings and explanation - but explanations to the banned person - not to the community as a while.


I wouldn't complain about our hostesses on her own forum. If I were wanting to complain, I honestly would just excuse myself for a while or permanently. I just don't think it's right to go somewhere as a guest and then complain. I understand there are other points of view on this, but that's mine.

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I wouldn't complain about our hostesses on her own forum. If I were wanting to complain, I honestly would just excuse myself for a while or permanently. I just don't think it's right to go somewhere as a guest and then complain. I understand there are other points of view on this, but that's mine.


Danestress is right. We need to remember that first and foremost the moderators of this forum are running a business. If they were a birck and mortar store, they could probably be compared to Barnes & Noble. They are hospitable enough to provide a comfortable place for their customers to sit, have a cup of coffee, and relax and socialize.


As with any store, they can not allow their customers to become disruptive, to disturb other customers and/or loudly protest the way they run their business. If any of us had a situation like this we have the right to ask that customer to leave our establishment. I respect the moderators' right to ask their own combative customers to leave through any means they deem necessary.

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Well I've been ninja banned. I know some other who have too. Interestingly we all have similar viewpoints. Who knows if that plays a part.

Here's what happened. I couldn't get on the board for at least a week. You get sever busy errors?? Ha! Nothing like this. For days and days and days. There were other errors too, wish I could remember exactly what they said.

Well I decided to get a new IP address. As soon as I did that, I'm on. I'm all over the board moving around with No Problem.

I log in to my account...uh oh. Can't move again. Server's busy all of the sudden.

As long as I use the new IP address, I'm in and moving.

As soon as I log in to my account, I can't move anywhere.



(Oh, and I've never had more then this account.)


I got the webmaster email address. I'm not going to tell you how that went, I feel that would be disrespectful. But apparently I persuaded them to let me back on, because all of a sudden my account was unfrozen.


So please don't tell me this doesn't happen just because it hasn't happened to you. Server busy errors when the server is busy is one thing. Server busy errors that last for days is another.

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As with any store, they can not allow their customers to become disruptive, to disturb other customers and/or loudly protest the way they run their business. If any of us had a situation like this we have the right to ask that customer to leave our establishment. I respect the moderators' right to ask their own combative customers to leave through any means they deem necessary.


But is it okay for a store owner to specifically not allow certain people in their store just because of their political views? Not for being any more or less combative, but because they didn't agree with their point of view? Would it be okay if a store owner answered a call, and because of the accent of the person on the other end decided to say that, no, in fact they weren't open that day, even though they were? If we're talking about a brick and mortar store, there are laws that prevent this kind of discrimination. So it's really not an appropriate analogy.


I've had server busy errors plenty. But you really have no idea what the other is like until you've experienced it. It's completely different.

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When you visit someone else's "house," you obey their rules, no matter what they are. If you can't or won't, for whatever reason, you just don't visit them anymore. :)


This isn't anyone's house, houses are a lot less public, people just don't wander in and out at your house. I'll go with store though.

And if a store had the rules posted on the outside, denying certain people the privilege of making purchases there...thats one thing. Though it is still discrimination. :)

But, if the store professes to welcome all, then goes and throws out people every now and then, based on their own particular whim, then I'd say there might be some hypocrasy involved, some underhandedness involved. Just sayin.

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This isn't anyone's house, houses are a lot less public, people just don't wander in and out at your house. I'll go with store though.

And if a store had the rules posted on the outside, denying certain people the privilege of making purchases there...thats one thing. Though it is still discrimination. :)

But, if the store professes to welcome all, then goes and throws out people every now and then, based on their own particular whim, then I'd say there might be some hypocrasy involved, some underhandedness involved. Just sayin.


Well, maybe it isn't exactly like a house. But a friend and I have our own board, and since it is ours, and we pay for it, we reserve the right to throw out anybody we want for any reason we want. Might not be considered "fair," but then, as many of us tell our kids, life isn't fair.:)

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But is it okay for a store owner to specifically not allow certain people in their store just because of their political views? Not for being any more or less combative, but because they didn't agree with their point of view? Would it be okay if a store owner answered a call, and because of the accent of the person on the other end decided to say that, no, in fact they weren't open that day, even though they were? If we're talking about a brick and mortar store, there are laws that prevent this kind of discrimination. So it's really not an appropriate analogy.


I've had server busy errors plenty. But you really have no idea what the other is like until you've experienced it. It's completely different.


I can debunk the political view thing right now. I was unable to post for weeks and only received a server busy page. I eventually was able to email the site and was able to get back on. I just figured that certain IPs had glitches in them or that they were rotating IPs to let on because of how busy this board is.


I would never dream of jumping to conclusions about it without facts.

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Well, maybe it isn't exactly like a house. But a friend and I have our own board, and since it is ours, and we pay for it, we reserve the right to throw out anybody we want for any reason we want. Might not be considered "fair," but then, as many of us tell our kids, life isn't fair.:)

Do you throw them out without telling them why? Do you not even admit that you are throwing them out in the first place? Do you make it look like a mistake? Genuinely curious how other mods/admin handle this.

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I can debunk the political view thing right now. I was unable to post for weeks and only received a server busy page. I eventually was able to email the site and was able to get back on. I just figured that certain IPs had glitches in them or that they were rotating IPs to let on because of how busy this board is.


I would never dream of jumping to conclusions about it without facts.


If the only thing you received was a server busy page, then no, that isn't the same thing. Everyone gets that. Here's what happens with the vBulletin hack that's been around for years.


1. Slow response (time delay) on every page (20 to 60 seconds default).

2. A chance they will get the "server busy" message (50% by default).

3. A chance that no search facilities will be available (75% by default).

4. A chance they will get redirected to another preset page (25% & homepage by default).

5. A chance they will simply get a blank page (25% by default).

6. Post flood limit increased by a defined factor (10 times by default).

7. If they get past all this okay, then they will be served up their proper page.

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Very interesting thought. I don't see this as a house either. I see it as a wonderful community that supports each other, and a place to go to discuss things dear to our hearts. I do see some views being more tolerated than others though. I have no idea how much time it takes to delete all those thread with dissenting opinions, but it must take quite a lot of time, and it must be terribly draining to hear the same things over and over and over again, and have to delete them over and over and over again.

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Do you throw them out without telling them why? Do you not even admit that you are throwing them out in the first place? Do you make it look like a mistake? Genuinely curious how other mods/admin handle this.


No, we don't do any of that, but neither do I believe anyone here is doing that, as many posters before me have so eloquently stated.

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I can debunk the political view thing right now. I was unable to post for weeks and only received a server busy page. I eventually was able to email the site and was able to get back on. I just figured that certain IPs had glitches in them or that they were rotating IPs to let on because of how busy this board is.


I would never dream of jumping to conclusions about it without facts.


I'm not sure how political views play a part, I know there are a lot of people with similar views as mine that haven't been banned. But there does seem to be a recurrent theme with those that I know of that have been banned.


Another thing that's gotten people ninja banned is speaking out about anonymous negative rep.

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No, we don't do any of that, but neither do I believe anyone here is doing that, as many posters before me have so eloquently stated.


It hasn't happened to you, or any of the people saying it hasn't been done. I don't know if I'd believe it or not, if it hadn't happened to me.

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Wow. Lots of speculation on the part of our forum GUESTS. Sometimes the server is busy for no reason.


Please go back to discussing home education.


The rest of this message is for Genie, Karen SN and Parabola. I have just personally checked all of your accounts. There is nothing wrong, blocked, or flagged on any of them. Many posters have difficulties due to the popularity of the boards. We are trying to upgrade the server.


Genie, after rockermom emailed to tell us that you were having difficulty, we worked to resolve it and you were able to join the boards again.


Please do not spread false reports on the boards.



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