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Nothing New/Mindful Spending Week 48


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The "rules" of this challenge are self-defined. Anyone can join in at any time. The aim of the challenge (for me) is to combat consumerism, wastefulness, mindless buying, and overspending. It is meant to nurture creative problem solving, ecology, frugality, intentionalism, and resourcefulness. To support these goals, I seek to buy nothing new. I aim to use existing resources, borrow, hand-craft, and buy existing second-hand materials to the greatest extent possible. However, I recognize that life is unpredictable, and family life increases this factor exponentially, so I will buy new in the following cases, when a non-buying option does not present:


Food, health, and necessary household goods excluded.

Requirements for school, work, or health and well-being which cannot be obtained used.

Gifts, when a creative non-commercial option will not suffice.

Anything animal or gardening related that cannot be obtained used.

Fuel/energy sources.


Posts will appear each Saturday, referring to the week that is ending. Post your successes, creative solutions, relapses and weak moments. It doesn't matter if you have a weak moment! Just keep swimming!

So, this week, I had more Christmas shopping, plus youngest DS's birthday. A few gifts for him, an ice cream cake, a box of donuts. :) We also gave him DH's old iPad. (He knows it's the old one; we did not pass it off as new.) i don't know what kind of games he might even be able to get on it, it is so old. But I'll do a little research this week. At minimum, I think I can install Kindle app on it and he could read any books we have already. I also think he can watch movies on it, but only when we have access to good WiFi (i.e., not at our house.)


We had a great turnout for our co-op craft day, so I can reimburse myself for buying so many craft supplies these last few weeks.


I ordered our Christmas cards from Shutterfly; they arrived yesterday. So there will be postage for sending those out this coming week.


I can't think if there was any other spending. It doesn't seem like it, but this is a spendy time of year. :)

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This week was a doozie. Kids and I went out for the day and did some shopping. Nothing extravagant but after being so frugal for so long it felt weird. 


Then today was our annual family trip to Chicago's Christkindlmarket.  German ornaments to add to our collection, German sweets, traditional boot mugs with hot chocolate, chocolate dipped fruit, parking fee (Which in Chicago is hefty- $16 for two hours). 

Then we stopped on the way home at two ethnic grocers because our dd loves Japanese food and Mitsuwa is an awesome place to get everything from groceries to baked goods to cosmetics. Ds likes Polish/Russian food so we stopped at a Polish market so he could stock up on things he needs to cook.  Then we had pizza and pasta - the first dinner out we've had as a family in MONTHS.   


Yes, it was spendy. But time together is worth it. And it's the ONE trip the kids have always loved. 


I'll be glad when Christmas season is done. We have four kids, four grandkids, parents, siblings, etc. It's just....more than I want to do. 

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I feel like I spent quite a lot, but it was already earmarked for the items.  Purchased a good quality used couch and loveseat since we've been using camping chairs since we moved.  Ordered 2 bookcase for hubby's books.  Ordered a floor lamp and a door mat. All needed items.   And one Christmas gift for my little girl.  I used Amazon gift cards which I saved up from doing Swagbucks and so a few items were "free."   

We're also trying to be more mindful of electricity use, and have turned down the heat to 65 during the day. 

I am putting off a major grocery shop since we still had food.  Trying to make $300 last for 5 weeks instead of a month.  A random lady on the street today gave me 6 pints of fresh blueberries.  That helps stretch it a bit more and what a nice treat. :-) 

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bought dd1 a laptop for Christmas, a few Monster High things for the child we picked off the Giving Tree at dd1's school, and dh's birthday gifts (some tools he needs total was less than $50) otherwise nothing out of the ordinary. Next week starts Christmas shopping in earnest and I need to go to campus 2 days to take exams. I hope to find out around the 15th if I have a seat for the nursing program starting January 11th. If I do then I will also be buying stuff for that (and those things will also be on my Christmas list).

Edited by MomtoCandJ
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I did my final Christmas "shopping" this week. We paid for my son's car repairs. (His car broke down when he was on his way home for Thanksgiving.) It was a spendy gift, but I am so very thankful we can help our kids.


Quill, I want to thank you for starting this back in January, as it definitely has made me think before purchases. Not just at how much I'm spending, because sometimes a large purchase is necessary or good, but to ask "why" and to think about whether or not an item is even worth bringing into my home. I have also eliminated some waste, fewer coffees out in disposable cups, way fewer paper towels used (I cut up a couple old towels and we use those for kitchen spills. I only allow paper towel use for pet puke clean up. :) ), and much less plastic wrap use. This coming year I want to try to reduce the amount of trash we go through and learn about composting.


And now I have mindfully decided to take a little internet break. I will miss this weekly thread as I have really looked forward to it. You have been a delightful hostess, Quill. :)


Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all!

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Add me to the list of spenders.  Most of my Christmas shopping is done, I think.  There are a few gift cards to be purchased for grand nephews and some stocking stuffers for my son, but other than that I think the spendy part is over.  I try annually to contribute to my local economy through small business and locally made purchases.  To that end, we went to a craft/vintage sale at an art center yesterday where I found the one last "big" thing I needed to buy.  Locally made from recycled materials!


This morning on our walk, my husband and I were discussing vacation possibilities for 2016.  We made an over the top trip this year to the Sea of Cortes and would like to do something similar next year--maybe two extravagant trips.  Sometimes sweating the small stuff can lead to a larger payout. 


Oh Annie, I love Mitsuwa!  I went there the last time I was in Chicago.  Neat place to buy small gifts.

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I bought a few Christmas presents this week---clothes for the girls and an awesome scarf for dh :)


I also bought a few items for my elementary Science Olympiad team, but those are reimbursable should I wish (I'll treat that $10 as a donation).


I did buy two on-sale Kindle books for a total of $2.98 :D Mindful spending in that I waited for them to be on sale, right? ;)


I'd like to finish the Christmas shopping this week. We're giving The Boy a Costco membership and an IKEA gift card (he lives on the opposite coast now :() but I want to pick up some kitchen items for his stocking. The Girlfriend gave us good intel after visiting him for Thanksgiving!

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Ug, my carefully-budgeted plan for the holidays has fallen apart in the last couple of weeks. First a tire went out on our car and had to be replaced. Then my sewing machine died, putting me way behind on the gifts I was making. (I've now borrowed a machine to finish them on, but it's slow going learning the new machine). And now dh is getting me a sewing machine for Christmas, which will be more than twice what was budgeted for me.


Then I realized I had to buy a dress to attend a wedding in next week. Though, thanks to some ladies' suggestions on here, I looked and found a dress at Goodwill and a sweater to remake into a shrug to wear with it. All told, the dress, sweater, shoes, tights, and notions for remaking the sweater came to ~$40.


Then I realized than my dd1 is about to finish her current math level, and I made her a promise months ago that I would buy her Beast Academy when she finished this level. (I thought it would be next semester). So there's another expense. And, we finished our Christmas shopping for the kids, and we overspent what I had set aside for purchased gifts by about $45.

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I did my final Christmas "shopping" this week. We paid for my son's car repairs. (His car broke down when he was on his way home for Thanksgiving.) It was a spendy gift, but I am so very thankful we can help our kids.


Quill, I want to thank you for starting this back in January, as it definitely has made me think before purchases. Not just at how much I'm spending, because sometimes a large purchase is necessary or good, but to ask "why" and to think about whether or not an item is even worth bringing into my home. I have also eliminated some waste, fewer coffees out in disposable cups, way fewer paper towels used (I cut up a couple old towels and we use those for kitchen spills. I only allow paper towel use for pet puke clean up. :) ), and much less plastic wrap use. This coming year I want to try to reduce the amount of trash we go through and learn about composting.


And now I have mindfully decided to take a little internet break. I will miss this weekly thread as I have really looked forward to it. You have been a delightful hostess, Quill. :)


Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all!

Thank you so much for your kind words! Hosting this thread all year has really helped me be mindful and knowing that I "have" to confess on here has had a big net benefit. Enjoy your board break. I often think I should take one of them...

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Wellllll....  I was weak last night and went online to look for some Harry Potter wands for my kids for Christmas.  (Remember I said Christmas was supposed to be done already, except for gift cards and a few Walmart junk things for the outlaws.)  I found the wands pretty cheap.  BUT.  Then I thought of some other things to look up.  One big oops was that I ordered some winter riding gloves for my kids from the UK.  It was the middle of the night and I didn't realize it was GBP and international shipping until after I pushed the button.  Oh well, live and learn.  Then I went on Amazon and I thought I'd look at some fun packaging for gift cards, for those who aren't getting anything else from me.  I found this cheap item but it was under the $35 free shipping threshold.  So I thought some more.  No, nothing else I really need ... well, maybe there are some new books out there that my kids might like.  Next thing I knew I had an order over $200.  :p  Oh well, I hope we get good use out of those books and riding gloves.


I bought some fish filters and found some liquid that is supposed to address some health issues.  Our betta Mufasa has been acting almost dead for a while, so I thought, let's give this a try.  I bought two products and tried the first one last night.  So far so good.


Not much else to report.  Despite my online spending sprees, I might end up spending less this year than last year.  Assuming I don't have another night like last night.  :p  I need to be strong!


I plan on making my annual donations pretty soon.  I did miss "giving Tuesday," but that won't really make a difference.

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Ug, my carefully-budgeted plan for the holidays has fallen apart in the last couple of weeks. First a tire went out on our car and had to be replaced. Then my sewing machine died, putting me way behind on the gifts I was making. (I've now borrowed a machine to finish them on, but it's slow going learning the new machine). And now dh is getting me a sewing machine for Christmas, which will be more than twice what was budgeted for me.


Then I realized I had to buy a dress to attend a wedding in next week. Though, thanks to some ladies' suggestions on here, I looked and found a dress at Goodwill and a sweater to remake into a shrug to wear with it. All told, the dress, sweater, shoes, tights, and notions for remaking the sweater came to ~$40.


Then I realized than my dd1 is about to finish her current math level, and I made her a promise months ago that I would buy her Beast Academy when she finished this level. (I thought it would be next semester). So there's another expense. And, we finished our Christmas shopping for the kids, and we overspent what I had set aside for purchased gifts by about $45.

Wow. Tough week for you!

I like your dress victory, though!

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We dropped $38k on a house. It's OURS free and clear. That's pretty amazing. 


We are spending on incidentals now. Light switches, power outlets, small tools.  tomorrow I get to sign up for water and trash service. Paint is next on my list. 


We are doing a lot of stuff on the cheap. I think I'm going to put an unused filing cabinet in the kitchen where there are no cabinets. I'll buy a $15 shelf for a pantry, and some $12 stacking baskets. I'm looking for a used stove. We are doing all of the work ourselves, except for the roof. The only furniture we will buy is a bunk bed and one mattress. I am going to paint the 1972 linoleum. 

Tomorrow is Sagg's birthday. We are also celebrating Gemini's because we were in flux in June and never got around to it. We have a few gifts for Gem, but nothing for Sagg. We haven't even given it much thought. 


We have started buying a few gifts for Christmas as we come to them. I bought a tea set for Gem $5, and play food 50% off, $2.50. A few small cars, a chocolate tool set, and goldfish crackers (they are on his list!), $1 each, for Taurus. A stocking stuffer for Aries. Crystal growing kit for 50 cents, I think. Little by little 



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Do any of you have kids who hardly ever ask for anything, and then when they do, it feels so rotten to say no?


Well, that happened to me yesterday.  I was strong and she got really mad.  Thankfully she got over herself once we left the store.


Then I looked online to see if I could find something similar for cheaper.  :P  (I didn't.)


I'm such a sucker.

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Do any of you have kids who hardly ever ask for anything, and then when they do, it feels so rotten to say no?


Well, that happened to me yesterday.  I was strong and she got really mad.  Thankfully she got over herself once we left the store.


Then I looked online to see if I could find something similar for cheaper.  :p  (I didn't.)


I'm such a sucker.


Yeah, when the kids were little we'd occasionally have that happen. That's one reason we started the policy that we don't buy things for ourselves between Nov. 1 and Christmas. Partly it's to avoid ruining a gift someone has bought and part is because at this time of year even kids who usually don't ask for anything start asking for things.   So we didn't let any of us buy for ourselves nor did we buy any toys/clothes/stuff for kids 'just because'.  


But TBH lots of times we'd add those requests to the gift pile...which meant a trip BACK to buy the gift we'd refused just a day before. g   But they're all grown now and pretty well adjusted adults so I think we did ok. 

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I ordered our Christmas cards tonight. Costco has the best price even taking into account other sites' 40% off sales and other specials. 69 cents per card, 3 pictures, front and back, printed on nice cardstock, with personalized envelopes. Plus I can go into our store and pick them up next weekend!

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