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I think this is hilarious so I'm sharing but if it's not...

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Originally Posted by beansprouts viewpost.gif

Okay... I confess...

It was me.





No, of course not! I would sign my name :D


Seriously, though, I admire parents who can be flexible enough to meet the needs of each of their children when it means making different choices for each of them. They are all unique and special individuals, and there is no "one size fits all" approach to parenting.


My dd did not attend preschool, but my 4yo did. It was what he needed, and he grew a great deal through the experience. I don't know yet what we will choose for 2yo ds, but I plan to stay flexible with him as well.



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No, of course not! I would sign my name :D


Seriously, though, I admire parents who can be flexible enough to meet the needs of each of their children when it means making different choices for each of them. They are all unique and special individuals, and there is no "one size fits all" approach to parenting.


My dd did not attend preschool, but my 4yo did. It was what he needed, and he grew a great deal through the experience. I don't know yet what we will choose for 2yo ds, but I plan to stay flexible with him as well.




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I know *I* wouldn't be able to sleep knowing that a complete stranger thought I was an unfit parent! :tongue_smilie:


I have home schooled forEVER!! Out of my 4 kiddos, one (oldest) went to ps for first grade, and only because my 1st dh had left me, I had given birth (alone-well, with no hubby) to my son, and lost my father, all in a few month span. I really didn't think I could pull off hsing that year, though, looking back I realize that I should've kept her with me. Of course, she NEVER gave me any trouble about going to ps. (she is now in her 3rd semester of college)


#2 dd has never gone to any type of school at ALL (she'll go next summer though, when she starts beauty college)


#3 dd went to preschool for a few hours/day a few days/week. At the time, I was a single mom keeping kids for money. I had a 7 year old, 5 year old, was keeping another 5 year old, a 4 year old, keeping another 4 year old, a 2 year old, keeping another 2 year old. SO, I had 7 kids 7 and under all day. My 4yo and the 4yo I kept (good friends' child) went to the preschool/playgroup. It was one mile from my house, and it probably SAVED MY LIFE!! That dd was home schooled for TEN years and just this year has gone off to ps for the last 3 years of HS.


#4 - no school ever - he may go for hs, but I'm hoping he'll stay with me a few more years!


All this rambling is to say that EACH CHILD IS DIFFERENT!! I know that I never thought I'd send a child to ps, and I will admit to even being judgmental of friends on occasion when they made that choice. I really regret that now that I realize there is a season for everything. There are also some kids who thrive on the school environment. My 10th grade dd is one of those. She is THRILLED in school, and she has been miserable for the last 2-3 years at home. I'm just glad I finally opened my eyes and realized that it didn't have to be all or nothing (or everyone or no one).


Okay, sorry for all that - don't know why I needed to go there, but apparently I did!

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All this rambling is to say that EACH CHILD IS DIFFERENT!! I know that I never thought I'd send a child to ps, and I will admit to even being judgmental of friends on occasion when they made that choice. I really regret that now that I realize there is a season for everything. There are also some kids who thrive on the school environment. My 10th grade dd is one of those. She is THRILLED in school, and she has been miserable for the last 2-3 years at home. I'm just glad I finally opened my eyes and realized that it didn't have to be all or nothing (or everyone or no one).


I was one who used to be very judgemental as well. Then my best friend (a homeschooler for ten years) decided it was time to put her five children into public school. I gained a whole new perspective on the issue. I have learned to trust that any thoughtful parent knows better than I do what is right for their own children ;)

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Sounds to me like your anonymous respondent is more committed to what is best for the promotion of their homeschooling ideology than what is best for the individual children.


I thought that the whole idea was that we homeschool because that is what meets the needs of our child/ren best not because homeschooling is the be all and end all.

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:lol::lol::lol: Don't tell, my ds went to preschool too.


So did my oldest. For two years, mind you.

When he was three years old he attended something a lot like a homeschool preschool, except it wasn't at our home. My friend Lisa and I hired a third friend to teach both of our boys three days a week at Lisa's home. She taught them a lot, but at the end of the year we decided to send them both to a regular preschool.


The regular preschool helped me to see that I needed to homeschool. He learned next to nothing at that preschool, most of the teachers really didn't seem to care about him as a person, we spent a ton of money, I could go on. Oh, and he was just on the cusp of reading when he went there, but completely lost all of that during the year.


But yeah, my ds went to preschool and he's fine now. There is simply no shortage of annoying people in the world. :glare:

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