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If you left a 100+ lb dog to board at someone's house

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handed them a bag of dog food along with a large bottle of pepto bismal and explained that very large dogs need to eat regular meals and that she gets sick when she doesn't..


Then said dog refuses to eat any of the dog food. Any. Even when you mix something good into it, like scrambled egg, hamburg and rice, yogurt, cottage cheese, etc. So said dog is on a diet of hamburg and rice only. It is a big dog. Eats a lot.


So here's my question. I told her I would charge her $10/day, which is less than half what the good kennels around here charge, and she's in someone's home, getting lots of human attention, it's a good deal. Am I allowed to charge her extra for the food? I'm figuring it is going to be at least $20 over the 10 days she is here.


I know how people budget, and don't like surprises, but I am really going to lose out of this otherwise.

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handed them a bag of dog food along with a large bottle of pepto bismal and explained that very large dogs need to eat regular meals and that she gets sick when she doesn't..


Then said dog refuses to eat any of the dog food. Any. Even when you mix something good into it, like scrambled egg, hamburg and rice, yogurt, cottage cheese, etc. So said dog is on a diet of hamburg and rice only. It is a big dog. Eats a lot.


So here's my question. I told her I would charge her $10/day, which is less than half what the good kennels around here charge, and she's in someone's home, getting lots of human attention, it's a good deal. Am I allowed to charge her extra for the food? I'm figuring it is going to be at least $20 over the 10 days she is here.


I know how people budget, and don't like surprises, but I am really going to lose out of this otherwise.


I would definately try to call her/them. It would be really hard to come home from vacation and have an unexpected expense.


OTOH you gotta do what you gotta do. If you can't get a hold of her aboslutely you need to what is best ofr the dog. Your friend already realizes the dog has eating "issues" so she should understand, and it's her dog!


My 5 year old male chocolate lab always loses weight when we go away. he is just a nervous nelly.

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handed them a bag of dog food along with a large bottle of pepto bismal and explained that very large dogs need to eat regular meals and that she gets sick when she doesn't..


Then said dog refuses to eat any of the dog food. Any. Even when you mix something good into it, like scrambled egg, hamburg and rice, yogurt, cottage cheese, etc. So said dog is on a diet of hamburg and rice only. It is a big dog. Eats a lot.


So here's my question. I told her I would charge her $10/day, which is less than half what the good kennels around here charge, and she's in someone's home, getting lots of human attention, it's a good deal. Am I allowed to charge her extra for the food? I'm figuring it is going to be at least $20 over the 10 days she is here.


I know how people budget, and don't like surprises, but I am really going to lose out of this otherwise.


I would expect and insist that you charge me for any cost my dog incurred (including the steamer rental if the Peptol Bismol didn't work...)

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I find it odd that she gave you a bottle of pepto. She must know that her dog has stomach problems. I might feel a bit p.o.'ed that she didn't give me (you) all the necessary info about this animal. I would definately charge her for the extra food expenses. I would also call her now to provide a bit of a forewarning.


If you ever dog-sit again, ask up front if the dog has any health issues.

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I would expect and insist that you charge me for any cost my dog incurred (including the steamer rental if the Peptol Bismol didn't work...)


:iagree: If I left someone with a bottle of Pepto Bismol knowing that my dog had stomach issues I would be fully prepared to pay any additional costs upon my return. Yes, unexpected costs at the end of a holiday are no fun, but a dog wouldn't be worth ruining a friendship over, imo. Also, $20 isn't much for her to pay compared to what she saved by not putting the dog in a kennel. If it were going to be hundreds of dollars I would try to contact her first but since it isn't I'd say, keep track of the extra money you are spending on the dog and let her know how much it came to in the end.

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How long did the dog not eat the dog food? There's a bit of adjustment time when we go away, too.


I would try the dog food again. Really, if the dog is hungry, she'll eat.


Otherwise, give the owner a call and find out if this is the *normal* dog food. Surely she didn't change!


BTW, we are boarding 2 large dogs now and they didn't eat a thing the first 2-3 days they were here.



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If it were my dog, and you told me about the extra cost you incurred, I would pay it with no questions asked.


I'd figure I'm responsible for my dog's behavior and I would not expect you to starve the dog in order to force him to eat dog food because you are not the owner. I would figure my dog missed our family and that caused his behavior, or that my dog was manipulating you so he'd get some people food.


No matter what, it would be my responsibility to reimburse you.



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They went to Disney World, actually didn't even leave me a number, so I can't call and ask questions. She is very nervous, and is finally calming down a bit, but she went 36 hours w/o food and I was warned that she got very ill when she didn't eat, so I wasn't willing to wait any longer.


I can't believe a bag of rice cost $7 at the grocery store!

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If it were my dog, and you told me about the extra cost you incurred, I would pay it with no questions asked.


I'd figure I'm responsible for my dog's behavior and I would not expect you to starve the dog in order to force him to eat dog food because you are not the owner. I would figure my dog missed our family and that caused his behavior, or that my dog was manipulating you so he'd get some people food.


No matter what, it would be my responsibility to reimburse you.




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Given that she gave you a bottle of pepto I'm guessing the dog has stomach issues. Did she say feeding the alternate foods would be okay? I just know I've had dogs where any alternate diet would be disastrous.


My dogs regularly fast when we leave them for vacation. I know it seems hard for the caretaker to see these fasting mutts but I think they'll eat eventually.


Good luck with the dog sitting -- as a regular user of dog sitters (usually family members) I know how much dogsitters are appreciated.

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What I want to know is how you can get a large dog to drink (eat?) Pepto Bismal. My dog would have to be seriously restrained by at least 4 people before he would eat that stuff.


He ate chocolate once, and I had to take him to the vet ($135) because I could not get the antidote down his gullet. The vet ended up putting some sort of drops in his eye to make him vomit because she and her helpers could not get the dog to take whatever her antidote was.


I had to feed it to my cat once. She refused to swallow it and had pink froth coming out of her mouth. She looked like she had the girlie version of rabies.

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