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Poster child for brea*tfeeding!!

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He is adorable!


My first-born hit 24 lbs at 5 months...we were so shocked! Everyone had told me that the baby seat for the car would last almost a year...we were so broke then, and had to go out and buy a bigger "convertable" car seat, it was a big deal.


All my baby's were close to 10bls at birth, 'cept my last who was over 10lbs, I never had baby's who wore newborn diapers or clothes...when I hold a normal baby, they seem so small to me...


my first had so many rolls, I had to baby-powder her during the summer...she was totally breast-fed, too.:001_smile:

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He was over 9 lbs. Both of her girls were nearly 10 (he was a little earlier than the girls - planned c-section). Her babies just gain weight so FAST!! I mean, my breastfed babies did too, but they all started out between 6.5 and 7.5 pounds so it wasn't quite like this.


This one and her last one have just looked like they gained a pound every day! Honestly, at first, he was gaining over a pound every week, some weeks 2! He has been weighing in at 21 for about a month.


I just love her babies though - they are all such fluffy little cuddle bunnies! I really enjoy spending time with them. Her girls are beautiful things and this one, OOHHH I could just EAT him!!

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My great nephew. 5 months, 21 lbs, thighs that would make a woman cry!! ADORABLE!!!






Side view of the chins (my handsome ds kissing him):



His precious face! He has a little runny eye from a blocked tear duct, but isn't he GORGEOUS??? Gosh I miss my babies!



Oh, I just want to squeeze him!

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