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Naming your homeschool?

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8 long years and I still haven't settled on a name for our homeschool.

nothing just seems to "ring" or "fit" just right, kwim?


I want it to express our Catholic faith in some way.

I do not want it to use the word "school" or our last name.


Dh says to just go with Ridgemont or Rydell High:p


We have a family motto of sorts. Family takes care of family.


Any ideas?

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I named our school Chapel Hill Academy because at the time the road we lived on was called Chapel Hill. I really never need to use the name for anything, but, even though we've since moved, I still think of our homeschool as Chapel Hill Academy, mostly because we move too often to change the school name with every move, and because I think it has a nice ring to it.


Maybe, to reflect your Catholic faith, you could call it Trinity Academy, All Saints Academy, or something like that.

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8 long years and I still haven't settled on a name for our homeschool.

nothing just seems to "ring" or "fit" just right, kwim?


I want it to express our Catholic faith in some way.

I do not want it to use the word "school" or our last name.


Dh says to just go with Ridgemont or Rydell High:p


We have a family motto of sorts. Family takes care of family.


Any ideas?

Want to share your school name?


This is just about how I feel...all these cool names and I just cannot come up with one! I keep thinking of latin phraes and adding Academy after it....but so far, nothing rings true! Sorry I cannot be more help, but you are not alone!

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8 long years and I still haven't settled on a name for our homeschool.

nothing just seems to "ring" or "fit" just right, kwim?


I want it to express our Catholic faith in some way.

I do not want it to use the word "school" or our last name.


Dh says to just go with Ridgemont or Rydell High:p


We have a family motto of sorts. Family takes care of family.


Any ideas?

Want to share your school name?


Incitatus Academy. Because it was the name of Caligula's horse that he made a senator (...it basically means swiftness), and I'm bent that way.

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  • 2 weeks later...

We finally settled on a name for our homeschool!

Well we HOPE we have anyways.

Guess time will tell whether it's a "keeper" or not.;)


Actually I was making my own homeschool membership "id" cards (awesome easy cheap to design and print online with pretty decent results, imho!) and wanted to put an "name" on it.


I asked dh who said, "What's the saint for today? The Apostle St. Matthew? That'll work. Use it!" and in an unusual show of stubborn insistance on something he normally wouldn't have cared a fig for or even remembered discussing with me, he refused to discuss any other names with me.




We are now St. Matthew Academy!

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