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For those interested in homeschooling in the media...

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"But even if, statistically, home-schoolers are better test-takers, critics say they sometimes lag behind on a lesson not in any textbook: how to interact with other kids.


"Well, I think the piece that they're missing is the socialization that a traditional high school absolutely provides to all students who attend that school," Birney said."


Yeah, that is what keeps me up at night, that my kids won't be socialized by public high school!:smilielol5:


I agree, the article was fairly well balanced.


Thanks for pointing it out!:)

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hey that was a pretty good article.

my only minor issues


are that the college admissions guy seemed to want hs-ers to get teacher creditials for his own convienence, not so much because the student was lacking.


the question of what socialization is worth having was not addressed. many hs-ers start hs-ing because of the socialization that schools offer


the possible implication that one must eventually send their kids to a school so that they can grow and make their own choices.

it's not clear to me if the mother felt that way or if the writer felt that way or if it was simply poorly written to imply that

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Yeah, that is what keeps me up at night, that my kids won't be socialized by public high school!:smilielol5:




Oh come on now!


While not common to all public high schools, yes there are some very good ones, you are really telling me that you do not want your children introduced to the drug culture by some 18 year old pusher, learn that gangs can be perfect substitutes for families, learn that it is "cool" not to respect authority, learn that pants really should be worn somewhere below the buttocks, learn about binge drinking, learn that education has limited value and.... well the list goes on and on.





You really would deny your children these valuable lessons? I am flabbergasted!


You do realize that this makes you a......

















good parent.

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hey that was a pretty good article.

my only minor issues


are that the college admissions guy seemed to want hs-ers to get teacher credentials for his own convienence, not so much because the student was lacking.


the question of what socialization is worth having was not addressed. many hs-ers start hs-ing because of the socialization that schools offer


the possible implication that one must eventually send their kids to a school so that they can grow and make their own choices.

it's not clear to me if the mother felt that way or if the writer felt that way or if it was simply poorly written to imply that



:iagree:, I also wanted to seriously correct grammar and spelling errors, but I just kept telling myself, "She can't help it, she went to public school" :D

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Thanks for posting this!


I still see a lot of bias in this article although it certainly tries. It just seems that this reporter has gone into the research with a clear definition of "socialization" which is institutionalized socialization limited to one's immediate peer group. By that definition, home schooled kids probably aren't getting enough socialization.


She also won't concede that home educated kids typically have knowledge above their grade level. They're just better test takers.


And then the moral of the article is that sending your kids back to conventional school shows growth and a willingness on the part of the parent to finally let go.

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She also won't concede that home educated kids typically have knowledge above their grade level. They're just better test takers.



This part of the article actually made me laugh. A lot of criticisms of schools today is that so many teachers (and schools) spend time teaching to the test. Yet it is homeschoolers who aren't being taught to the test that are testing better. Anyone else catch the irony :D

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Oh come on now!


While not common to all public high schools, yes there are some very good ones, you are really telling me that you do not want your children introduced to the drug culture by some 18 year old pusher, learn that gangs can be perfect substitutes for families, learn that it is "cool" not to respect authority, learn that pants really should be worn somewhere below the buttocks, learn about binge drinking, learn that education has limited value and.... well the list goes on and on.





You really would deny your children these valuable lessons? I am flabbergasted!


You do realize that this makes you a......

















good parent.


Sounds like you are talking about Middle School!

(I thought I would put a smiley face to show I was being facetious, but then I thought - it is really true!:sad:)

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