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Who's going to tackle Monday with Me?

Jean in Newcastle

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I managed to ignore my alarm. Which is attached to my wrist in a fitbit :eek:



--Arabic for dd; gym training session for me

--lecture on China-US relations (all three of us; dd has China for MUN this year)


--daily and Monday things

--school stuff

--payment in mail

--email/fb high school team

--PSAT practice


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Good morning!


I went to TN to help with my nephew. He aspirated when throwing up during a seizure and went in the hospital to be treated for pneumonia. He is doing much better, and I'm back home. 


I have so much to do this week because we go to Ohio this weekend for the first part of dh's fall break and pick up dd next week to come home for her fall break. 



fed cats

1st cup of coffee


To Do:

more coffee


school: science, literature, math, Fix-It, Bible



make a list of everything to get done before leaving town


bible study homework


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I'm having a lot of knee swelling and pain, so no exercise for me this morning. :-(


School - 

Turkey breast in crockpot - done

Write - 

Attend YNAB webinars - 

Read - 

Put away laundry and fold any clothing that is left in baskets - 

Make appt for 4yo dd - 

Join weight watchers?? - 

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Good morning

- tidy house- round 1 done

- laundry- load in washer and dryer

- school work- psych quiz done, initial posts for A&P and psych done, statistics notes

- start bathroom clean out (painting it this weekend)

- get dd1 off bus- done

- help dd1 with any school work she has- done

- soccer practice- done

- dinner- in crockpot- done

- dishes- going

- baths- not needed

- bedtime routine- 1 down 1 to go

- anything else I happen to get done- took out all trash so dh can take it to the road tonight, declutter my school work area, got a few things from Walmart

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Good morning all! It is a lovely day here after a week of no sun and intermittent rain, so being outside is part of the plan today.





To do:


Animal shelter to see about a dog!  

Possibly a pet store run for a crate, bowls and treats if this works out. I have a leash and bedding and toys.

Call a couple orthodontists for consult appt. for Dd.

Call Dh's  benefits people to add dental coverage back into our elections.



dinner - lettuce wraps and potstickers (need cabbage!)



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Good morning! College talk is in high gear here. Two great programs, two good offers. The pros and cons list was started yesterday. Everyone else is doing school, except the dog who is running around playing like a crazed puppy.


To do:

School for all

Chores for all

Clean study

Make some notes for projects

Get a load ready for good will

PM practice (waiting on news about the bubble)

Figure out dinner

Grocery store during practice maybe



Have a great day!

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Hi!  I'm coming off quite a busy weekend, so hopefully my brain is well-rested for work.  :)  One thing we did was a hike in the nearby national park, which was so nice.  I hope to do some more of these before the weather gets too nasty.


Anyhoo, I think today will be a fairly normal Monday.  I am not alone in the house today, so I won't be as free to do household things, but we'll see what I can get done.

  • Kids up & out to school.  [done]
  • Clean kitchen, bathrooms, and some clutter.  [mostly done]
  • Yoga.  [done]
  • Work.
  • Practice TKD form.
  • Laundry.
  • Kids' work.
  • Kids to swim.
  • Dinner and memory work on the fly.
  • Kids to gymnastics.
  • Kids to bed.
  • Work.
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