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GiveMeMoney insanity


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I have been trying to sell a bunch of things to help raise money for medical costs. I have been unable to sell a lot of things on my Facebook groups, Craigs list, etc. Some of my kids toys have sold and those items that did sell, a couple of $$. My China-I know it is not worth the thousands originally paid but I couldn't even get a nibble at $350 for service for 14, with all the accessories. People don't entertain like that anymore. Cookbooks, couldn't even give them away. Anything that is priced at more than $5 is ignored. And even at $5 you usually get someone offering you $2 or less.

I have sold my jewlery for the gold to the jeweler. All I have left are a couple of sentimental pieces which I am contemplating selling.

It is easy to say "sell your stuff" but what do you do when no one wants your stuff? Or when you don't have enough stuff to sell at fire sale prices to get anywhere near your goal? Cut back, you say? Already ditched cable. Rice and beans the bulk of the diet, check. Get a job? I am my dh's caretaker, not quite feasible. Bare bones phone package. Least expensive health insurance option, check. Refinanced mortgage, check. Sometimes all that is left is a gofundme page. You (general you, not you you) never really know what is going on behind closed doors and what people are going through. Give or don't give, that is your prerogative.



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I don't really mind people asking for money. As a teenager I did fundraisers, worked, and asked people to donate for a leadership conference that I wouldn't have been able to afford on my own. That conference was amazing and I took what I learned and became a diocesan youth leader for our diocese, in which I volunteered a lot of time organizing the youth events for the diocese. Many of these events were helping feed the less fortunate, local work days where we would help someone who could fix things in their house do so, etc. Without that conference I wouldn't have gained the tools necessary to achieve many of those events. The kids whose parents just paid for it out right were the ones who only wanted it to put on college applications and never used anything they learned there. So I don't immediately disregard certain requests like that but they have to come from the child not the parent. If a kid has a passion for something helpful but not the funds I am willing to help out because people helped me out when I needed it.

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Making ends meet for survival is not a luxury or extravagance. Training programs in order to give back to the community are not a luxury that only benefits one person. To clarify, I wouldn't see either of these examples as being in poor taste. I do consider expensive extracurriculars and other optional expenses, that only benefit one person, to be something a family should skip or scale down if they can't afford. Maybe see if there is a scholarship fund they can apply for or something like that, but not public begging.


When a young person is willing to put in some time and effort to do more than have their parents ask everyone for money, that is also not what I am referring to.

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Making ends meet for a standard of living They know medical bills can be on a payment plan, and they know govt help is available. I turned down a plea for money from a family member because I knew her insurance paid for the item she claimed she needed the cash for.

Yes, some medical bills can be put on a payment plan. You know what can't? The prescription meds my dh needs that insurance won't cover that cost a thousand or more per month. Plus, all the copays for the scrips they do cover. One of the drugs they do cover still leaves me with a $110 monthly copay for it.


Government help, many people don't qualify since their monthly income is too high. Medical costs are not factors in the decision.


Friends, family, neighbors, all have their own money/family troubles.


Like I said earlier, I don't begrudge anyone asking. I can choose to give or not give. Getting my knickers in a twist over what someone else is doing is just not worth it. I need to pay attention to the plank in my own eye before dealing with the speck in my neighbors.

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IMO too many requests from too many people, asking others to help fund expensive hobbies, or high-priced options when there are more affordable options, waters down the impact  of someone who needs to ask for help with much more necessary things.  I think that is exactly why it irritates me so much.  I want it to work for people who have a real need for it, because of circumstances they didn't choose, and expenses that are not in any way optional. 



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I know a church that tried gofundme to fund vacation bible school.


I have no idea why it would be so expensive you'd need to ask the internet for money or why the church wouldn't just take in the donations themselves instead of gofundme getting part for their fee.


Except for unforseen circumstances (medical, natural disaster etc) I don't get it.

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Here is a prime example. I always think, "why should I pay for your kid's expensive sport?"


Club basketball is <daughter>'s vehicle to fulfill her dreams. As her team travels to tournaments the cost becomes large and very hard to budget. As a father that wants the best for all my children I ask for a bit of help do I can allow <daughter> to compete in the National tournament. Club fees, travel expenses and hotel are steep. Thank you for anything you can give to send my hard working and determined daughter to nationals.

:smilielol5:  :smilielol5:  :smilielol5:

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I know. It's like spam that way. People keep sending email spam so I guess it must work, but I wonder who responds to those as well.


I keep wondering about the spam on here.  What does posting it gain the person?  I don't think anybody on here is actually following the links and some of them don't even seem to have links, it's just a bunch of gibberish.  What can that possible be getting them?


DD's college dance team has a Gofundme for their nationals.  They seem to mostly be sending it to family and they are also doing car washes, bake sales, restaurant nights, and a few million other fund raisers as well.  


I don't really see this too much around here except for medical expenses or after a death.

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There are alternatives to full pay for some meds. I encourage you to look in to them. Some of my neighbors use the manufacturer's program, some purchase in other coun tries. Others moved to lower cost areas so their money went for meds rather than taxes or housing. Some rent out rooms.

What makes you think I have not looked into these things?

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I've got a sort-of friend on Facebook who posts nearly daily asking for donations for her dd's schooling, which is a special school for talented youth that costs a mint and is nowhere near their home. It's becoming embarrassing, especially as she posts messages that are supposedly written by the dd but likely aren't. The whole tone is one of how special and amazing her dd is. I've sent a private email offering to take dd out on the weekend if she's homesick, as we are now nearby her dd's school, and would be willing to have the mom stay with us to visit her dd, but haven't heard back -- I think she just wants the attention on FB for dd and her situation, as well as cold hard cash. I also happen to know a bit of backstory on the family and am v cynical.


It's too bad because I would be happy to donate for medical causes or to help people having a rough time -- I'd consider it a blessing to be allowed to help someone in need. Expensive schooling for special snowflakes? I've got my own kids' school fees to pay first.

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What one person sees as a necessities, others see as a luxury. In my community, the voters see courses not required for the high school diploma as a luxury, and refuse to fund those that arent mandated.. Non free lunch families must pay out of pocket for a DE version, or send their child to study hall if they cant pay up. Nonremedial, unable to pay students have only the 3 required classes senior year, unless there is room in art, childcare, or nutrition classes...and there are no jobs for that many 16 or 17 year olds to walk to instead of sit in study hall or play games in the senior lounge. There aren t even enough struggling students for them to pass the time tutoring. These people dont see middle school sports as a need either, but the cost is so small that tne rest of the community fund raised and restored the sports program.


Making ends meet for a standard of living higher than the person who the hat has been passed to usually doesnt work well. They know medical bills can be on a payment plan, and they know govt help is available. I turned down a plea for money from a family member because I knew her insurance paid for the item she claimed she needed the cash for. I turned down a plea from my neighbor who does not want to work (and never has)and is going around telling everyone how evil the bank is to tell her to move out, now that the person who was supporting her died.....she has both extended family and options that will fit her pocketbook and allow her to continue to do nothing.


Are you in the US? I've never heard of a public school like that.

So sorry your community doesn't value education!


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There are alternatives to full pay for some meds. I encourage you to look in to them. Some of my neighbors use the manufacturer's program, some purchase in other coun tries. Others moved to lower cost areas so their money went for meds rather than taxes or housing. Some rent out rooms.

Kewb, I know you are doing all possible and may have already pursued this, but in case you haven't, do look directly to the drugs' manufacturers. They do often have assistance programs. Your need for assistance, like MedicMom's, is a genuine one.


ETA I just saw your reply to Heigh Ho. I only mentioned it because people are often unaware that such programs exist.

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